national intangible cultural heritage list.">
national intangible cultural heritage and held a lot of national exhibitions and display activities.">
在富安省人民委员会于11月举行的一个仪式 21 获得文化部, 体育与旅游的证书识别白彩 (唱歌,而打牌) 唱歌作为国家级非物质文化遗产.
the phu yen provincial people's mittee held a ceremony on november 21 to receive the ministry of culture, sports and tourism's certificate recognising bai choi (singing while playing cards) singing as a national intangible cultural heritage.
national intangible cultural heritage.">
non-material cultural protection and inheritance of the increased work, handwoven cloth manufacturing listed in the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage list, the third cultural relics census, the successful pletion of the work.
national intangible cultural heritage list, the third cultural relics census, the successful pletion of the work.">
solid results have also been achieved in the preservation and protection of endangered cultural heritage, with projects for 55 ethnic minorities accounting for 42 per cent of the national intangible cultural heritage list.
national intangible cultural heritage list.">
世界十大文化遗产 绛州鼓乐又称绛州鼓乐,泛指山西省新绛县汉族民间流行的打击乐、打击乐,是国家级非物质文化遗产。
national intangible cultural heritage in china.">
该陈温度 节恩·达克公社, 亨·哈区, 太平省的北部, 已被确认为一块国家级非物质文化遗产名录.
national intangible cultural heritage.">
national intangible cultural heritage brewing technology- u sing the old cellar of chinese food cultural heritage for ecological storage.">
in 2009,danba jiarong style plot wing abstract "china · sichuan ten famous festival," tibetan villages ranks among the world heritage tentative list, and danba stone craft already listed in the national intangible cultural heritage tentative list.
national intangible cultural heritage tentative list.">
the chinese government treasures and protects the cultural value of tcm, and endeavors to build a system for passing on the traditional culture of tcm. in total, 130 tcm elements have been incorporated into the representative list of national intangible cultural heritage, with tcm acupuncture and moxibustion being included in the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity by unesco, and the huang di nei jing (yellow emperor's inner canon) and ben cao gang mu (pendium of materia medica) are listed in the memory of the world register.
national intangible cultural heritage, with tcm acupuncture and moxibustion being included in the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity by unesco, and the huang di nei jing (yellow emperor's inner canon) and ben cao gang mu (pendium of materia medica) are listed in the memory of the world register.">
夏红民在致辞中说,乞巧文化是甘肃丰富文化资源中一朵璀璨的奇葩,是起源并流传于甘肃陇南西汉水流域的民俗文化活动,源远流长,久盛不衰,体现了中国传统女性敬畏自然、尊重劳动、展示慧巧、感恩拥有的精神内涵和中国现代女性争取平等、自立自强,追求理想、奉献社会的价值取向,是国家级非物质文化遗产。 近年来,陇南市立足丰厚的历史文化积淀、独特的民俗文化风情和良好的自然生态禀赋,按照"保护为主、抢救第一、合理利用、传承发展"的方针,加大乞巧文化保护传承力度,使乞巧这一古老的民俗文化活动焕发出了绚丽光彩。
qiqiao culture reflects chinese traditional women respect nature and work, shows wisdom and keeps thankful in mind for what they had. as a national intangible cultural heritage, it also embodies the value of fighting for equality, self-reliance, seeking after the ideal and co
ntributing to the society. recent years, according to the principle of "protecting primarily, saving firstly, exploit reasonably, and inheriting in development", longnan city strengthen the power on protection and inheritage of qiqiao culture based on the profound historical deposit and unique folk custom and fine natural environment to make it bloom splendid color.
national intangible cultural heritage, it also embodies the value of fighting for equality, self-reliance, seeking after the ideal and contributing to the society. recent years, according to the principle of "protecting primarily, saving firstly, exploit reasonably, and inheriting in development", longnan city strengthen the power on protection and inheritage of qiqiao culture based on the profound historical deposit and unique folk custom and fine natural environment to make it bloom splendid color.">
many tujia-featured cultures are gathering here, like tujia culture represented by baishou dance, tusi culture represented by tusi system in maodong area, dietary culture represented by oil-tea soup and native bacon, ancient building represented by tujia diaojiao building. in june 2000, the state council announced that tujia baishou dance and "xilankapu" are national intangible cultural heritage. besides, baifusi was named as "the town of folk culture in china" in 2000 and again in 2001 by the ministry of culture.