1破旧的街区里一个肮脏的旅店a seedy hotel in a run-down neighborhood
2把信撕成碎片 to rip the letter to pieces
3不同思想的混合体:a fusion of ideas
4挣扎于经济崩溃的国家a country in the throes of economic collapse
5推动社会变革的内在力量:the inner dynamic that promotes social changes
Globalization can not be equated with/to Americanization or Westernization.
His ostensible purpose was charity, but his real goal was popularity.
His talk is shot though with admiration for studying abroad.
9她渴望成为一名演员。She aspires after /to becoming an actress.
The flood blasted the crops in this area.
There are many inconsistencies in your proposal.
12人挤进了新体育场。The crowd jostled into the new stadium.
Her son is resourceful enough to mix well with all kinds of people.
14文化具有很强的弹性。Cultures are resilient.
Their youngest child needs taking in hand, if you ask me.
  1. 医生建议他不要再昼夜不停地工作了。
The doctor suggested that he should desist from working at all hours of the day and night.
Now you are at a highly impressionable age.
3.我们向往无忧无虑的生活。We aspire to living a gay and unfettered life.
4. 生了小孩后,她日渐富态。After delivering the baby, she is growing stout.
5.她用锐利的目光密切的注视着他。Her sharp eyes watched him narrowly.
6.就是那个念头弄得我头昏脑胀。The very idea sets my head reeling.
7.我妹妹总是赶时髦。My sister is always in the swim.
8. 青年们积极地投入到四个现代化建设中。
The young plunged into the construction of the four modernizations.
9. 这项工程因缺乏人手而无法执行。
This program was hamstrung by lack of hands.
It is not often that one so young is such a perspicacious guy.. 
11. 天热时,出汗可以使皮肤降温。Perspiration cools the skin in hot weather.
12. 脑溢血a cerebral haemorrhage
13. 墨守成规a pedantic insistence on the rules
  14.一艘遇险的船a ship in distress
15. 许多人梦寐以求的诺贝尔奖the coveted Nobel Prize
1. 他所想的是不切实际的。What he thought is visionary.
2. 他追求不到可望而不可即的权力和财富, 受尽了折磨.
He was tantalized by visions of power and wealth.
3. 鉴于当前的经济危机,降低税率似乎不太明智。
In the context of the present economic crisis it seems unwise to lower taxes.
4. 我试着说服男友陪我逛街,但似乎是徒劳,他讨厌逛街。
I tried to persuade my boyfriend into going shopping with me, but it was like flogging a dead horse, because he hates shopping.
5. 以前我觉得父亲是个老顽固,但现在我完全能理解他了In the past, I thought my father was an old fossil, but now I understand him totally.
6. 下周同一时间请继续收看!Tune in next week at the same time!
7, 在逆境中人反而更坚强。One tends to be more strong-minded in hostile environments.
8. 他似乎不再能以自己的信念鼓舞别人。
He seemed unable to infuse others any longer with his own convictions.
9. 这份菜的原料为:西红柿、糖、酒、醋、盐、香料。
The ingredients of the dish are: tomatoes, sugar, spirit vinegar, salt, spices.
10. 泪水沿着她的面颊簌簌流下。Tears splashed down her cheeks.
He is a forthcoming, accessible and courteous man.
12. 本书声称是一部原著,其实只是一本编纂而成的集子。
The book purports to be an original work but is really a compilation.
13. 眼前的情景令我回想起了儿时的幸福时光。
The present scene is reminiscent of happy times of my childhood.
14. 诡计多端的推销员的花言巧语the plausible talk of a crafty salesperson
15. 凭直觉行事to play / follow one’s hunch
1.    Today we are in the throes ---social scientists, “globalization”.
2.    Whatever their backgrounds or agendas, ---, one big “McWorld”.
3.    But I also discovered that cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.
4.    It’s really hard to--- already exist.
5. The Cosmopolitan,--- Chinese women every month.
    In a decade scores of--- even on the multilane overpasses:
6.    The lights went out, ---on auto-rewind.
7.    They received a lot from local cultures, but they also kept their own identity.
8.    Linking humanity’s natural impulse, its common destiny
9.    They are the powerful cords of the heart.这种连接靠的是强有力的心灵的纽带