at once 近义词
"at once" 的一些近义词包括:
immediately: 立即,马上
立即的近义词I need that report immediately.(我需要那份报告,立即。)
promptly: 迅速地,敏捷地
Please respond to the email promptly.(请迅速回复邮件。)
instantly: 立即,即刻
The machine responds instantly to commands.(机器对指令的反应是立即的。)
forthwith: 立刻,立即
The decision was implemented forthwith.(该决定立即执行。)
straightaway: 立即,直接
Go straightaway to the manager's office.(立即去经理办公室。)
right away: 立即,马上
I'll do it right away.(我会马上做。)