[摘要] 目的 探讨和平区新生儿出生体重情况及影响因素,为母婴保健工作提供指导。 方法 对沈阳市和平区2000-2009年活产3501例新生儿体重及相关因素进行统计分析。 结果 3501例新生儿中,平均出生体重为(3449.39±448.21)g有什么好看的三级片,男婴平均体重为3492.07±462.20g ,女婴平均体重为3402.69±427.68g,正常体重儿男婴出生体重明显高于女婴。②双胞胎发生率为0.31%,早产儿发生率陈荣峻1.60%,低体重出生儿发生率1.17%;巨大儿发生率12.74%
如懿传人物介绍[关键词] 出生体重; 相关因素; 新生儿
[李香凝的老公中图分类号] r272.1[汽车空调压缩机文献标识码] a[文章编号] 1005-05152011湖南有哪些大学)-01-002-02
study on effect factors of the average birth weight of newborns in shenyang heping district in 2000~2009
jiang jin-mei jin yu-mei
heping distirct women and children’s hospital in shenyang 110000
[abstract]objective to investigate the average birth weight of newborns . methods using spss 16.0 for windows to analyze the newborns’ average birth weight in shenyang heping district women and children’s hospital from 2000 to2009. results the average birth weight of newborns is (3449.39±448.21 )g , of which males was (3492.07±462.20) g and females was (3402.69±427.68) g respectively. the occurrence rate of macrosomia is 12.74 percent, with twins being 0.31 percent, premature babies 1.6 percent, low birth weight infant 1.17 percent.