
1.在森林里2.在桌子上abl在房间里又累又渴 tired and饥寒交迫 hungry and cold
    6.害怕 be afraid害怕熊 be afraid of bea在她前面在房子旁 besidu0.在课桌中间 betwd在你和我中间 between you and2.一些热汤u正好 just rig太硬 too hard真软Read and translaut on your coats 穿上你们的外套
    2在厨房里dge 在冰箱里dusin 到他们的表弟
    5.Really? 真的吗?ular in Wu咖啡在西方国家流行。
    7.Tea is populaa.
    8.Hamburgers are popular in Wu汉堡在西方国家流行。
    9.Noodles are populaa. 
    Ask and anwer
    3.What’?Finally, how is Goldilocks? Why?
Read andBobby is h_____. He can h_____ some ca______. Bua_____ any ca______. Why? Because t_____ cousin eaakes now.
    1.What’s +地点问? There be 句型答
    例: What’s in your classroom?
    Ta compu区分: What’s this/ that?
    It’s a compu2.感叹句
    What a beautiful house!
    =How beautiful the house is!
    3.very 很 so 真 too 太
    very hard 很硬 so hard 真硬 too hard 太硬
    4.be afraid 害怕 
    be afraid of bears 害怕熊
    We are afraid of bears.我们害怕熊。
    under 在…下面 : undbeside 在…旁边: besidubehind 在…后面: behind在…前面:between 在…中间: betw(1)between+复数 betw(2) between…and…在…和…中间
6.There be 句型 表示某地有某物或者某人
    (2)单数is 复数are,不可数也用is。
    (1)be后加not, some变any
    (2)T’t an=TThere aren’t any =There aThere be 句型
    (1)be动词提前,some 变any,一二人称要互换,别忘记改大小写和标点。
    A问, there are 答
    (2)对数量提问:How many +复数+a+地点? 
Unit 2
    Reviewa一名新学生 a new stud2.带她参观 show her around
    3.带他们参观我们学校 show them around our school
    4.多少个图书馆 how many libra几间教室 how many cla在一楼l第二间美术教室d a第三个美术老师d Art tea这些电脑室u0.那些乒乓球室abl去看一看 go and have a l2.在操场上layground
Read and translag and dance 唱歌跳舞
    2.duice 喝些美味的果汁ave aam 吃一个好吃的冰淇淋wing 在秋千上ush me 推我ush hi
m 推他! 停下!gh 太高
    9.great fun 有趣极了
    10.In the Uground floor.在英国,这是底楼。
    12.In the Ul在美国,这是一楼。 
Ask and answer
1.How many classroom aNancy’s school?
    Where are they?
    2.How many compua?
    Where are they?
    3.Ia library?
    4.Ia tabl?
    Read and judge 
1.Bobby and Sam aa2.Sam is hawing. It’s great fuBobby is afraid. Because it’s too big.
    mu(an) aulayground, library(libraries)
    2.show sb. around 带...参观w后代词用宾格w him around带他参观w him around the house带他参观房子w them around our school带他们参观我们学校
    3.序数词前要加the,有了谁的不加loor 第一楼d lesson 第二节d student 第三位学生d compu例句:
    TlThere are two cladlaThe UK---the ground floor(底楼) The US---lwing秋千 plawing荡秋千 wing 翅膀 two wings 两个翅膀
    swim 游泳 be good at swimming 擅长游泳un 乐趣
    a lot of fun很多乐趣 great fun有趣极了
    funny 有趣的 very funny 很有趣+名词+动词
    Tdinner.=Tave dUReviewa一个动物朋友 an animal friend
    2.一个...另一个大身体 big bod没有腿和脚 have no leg有条长尾巴 have a long tail
    6.小耳朵 small ea红眼睛 red一张大嘴巴 a big mou双翅 two wings
    10.喊和跳 shout and ju说话和飞 talk and fly
    12.一只黄绿相间的鹦鹉 a yellow and green pa迈克的兔子 Mike's rabb五条鱼 fiv给他一个蛋糕 give him a cake 
Read and translaunny weather 晴朗的天气
    2e out 出arry an umbrella 带一把雨伞ard body 它的硬身体
    5.like your fingers 喜欢你的手指wo 那两个u can see pandaa.
    你能在中国看到熊猫。u can see bald eaglUS.
    你能在美国看到白头。u calar bears in Canada.
男模张亮老婆    10.You can see kangaAustralia.
    Think and say 
Nancy has…as…
    Liu Tao has …
    Su Hai has…
    Read and complNancy’ave big _____,_____and _____.
    2. Mike’s dog has big_____ and a short _____Liu Tao’s rabbit has long ___ and a short ___u Hai’s parrot has a big ___, a long ____,two legs and two _____. 
    Read and say 
Bobby and Sam have a new f_____. It has eight l_____ and two a_____. I_____ body is hard and big.
语法知识整理ave  has 表示某人某物拥有(I have,you have,复数have,as,she has,三单has)
    肯定句 表达"某人拥有..." sb. haveha否定句 表达“某人没有(1)加助动词don't 、doesn't has 还原have
    (3)don't have any=havdoesn't have any=ha一般疑问句 询问”某人有没有...?"
马云 赵薇
    (1)对物体提问,what dodoes sb. have?
qq炫舞情侣搭配    (2)对数量提问,How many +复数+dodoes sb. have?
    2一个...另一个...(注意the)和,或者 否定句中表并列“和”用习题中注意分析
    鱼肉 (不可数)
    Tlegs or arms,buave tails.
    Ta big tailanada---polar beaa ---pandaUS ---bald eaglAustralia---kangagive 给 后面代词用宾格
    give it a cagivudbgive some bud它的 区分 it's 它是
    8.Those two are not legs. They are a那两个复数步行
    two feet 双脚
    区分:leg腿 four legs 四条腿 
UReviewa弹钢琴 plaano
    2.喜欢弹钢琴 like playing the pia看电影 watch fil喜欢看电影 like watching fil读故事 read喜欢读故事 like reading都喜欢跳舞(两者) both like dancing
    8.都喜欢跳舞 (三者或以上) all like dancing
    9.也喜欢唱歌 also like singing
    10.擅长足球 be good at football擅长踢足球 be good at playing football
    12.不擅长打篮球 be not good at playing basketball双胞胎兄弟 twin b他们的爱好bb很多英语故事 a llRead and translaalk about our hobbies 谈论我们的爱好
    2.skate very well 溜冰溜得好ave an idea 有一个主意
    4.go skating 去溜冰a今天下午a在冰上溜冰
    7.a hol冰上的一个洞
    8.look out 当心ld and wet 又冷又湿
    10.like wearing yellow 喜欢穿黄ur group 在我们小组 
    Read and guess: W/he?likes readingand playing the pia2.He likes playing basketball and footballHe likes drawingHe likes playing football and tablThey both like swimming.
Read and say
First, Sam and Billy talk abou_____.
    Nexgo s_____aThen, Bill_____. 
    Finally, Billy is cold and w_____. 
    肯定句 sb. likelg否定句 sb. don'tdoesn't lg一般疑问句 DoDoes sb. lg...?
    do 问do 答   does 问does答 
    特殊疑问句 What dodoes sb. like doing?
    (1)What's your habby?My hobbg(2)What are your hobbies?MyOur ingbby 辅音 字母+y结尾,改y为i加同类:bodies,libraries,studies,stor
ies,familactories,countries,babdo sth. well (做)...好 sing well 唱歌唱得好
    5.be good at +名词
    be good at +doing (动名词)
    I'm good at EnglAre you good at reading English?Yes ,I aal也
    肯定句中用also,肯定句末用too,否定句末用lay basketball球类前不加laano乐器前要加两者都用both,,三者及以上都用all
    The twins both like watching filarents are both teaThey are all good at dancing变动名词:
    (1)直接加ing:singing,playing, eating
    (2)去不发音的e加ing:dancing,skating,writing,making,taking, having
    go and +动原
    go to+动原like+doing 看到hobby想到doing 
    go+doing 看到lesson要用doing
    what about+doing 
    be good at +doing