谢娜出生日期 摘 要:在马山(喀斯特地区)试种小叶粉葛并探讨其栽培管理技术。小叶粉葛在马山种植表现良好,蔓育苗西南坡向比东北坡向萌芽时间略早3 d左右,且西南坡向比东北坡向萌发率高。西南坡向种植的葛根产量显著高于东北坡向,但其葛薯的水分、灰分及纤维素含量均显著低于东北坡向。本文还总结了小叶粉葛在喀斯特地区种植的关键技术,为推广种植提供技术支持。
可怜的校花陈若雪(H) 关键词:小叶粉葛 喀斯特 生长表现 栽培技术
Abstract:We planted Pueraria thomsonii in Mashan county (karst area) and studied its cultivation and management technology. P. thomsonii grew well in Mashan county. Compared with that in the northeast slope, the cutting seedlings of P. thomsonii in the southwest slope germinated about three days earlier, and its germination rate and yield was significantly higher, but its moisture, starch and cellulose content were apparently lower. This article Summarizes the key planting techniques, providing technical support for extensive cultivation of P. thomsonii.