专题七    非谓语动词
1. _________ and guilty, Maggie put the book back on the shelf she had secretly  placed in her schoolbag.(2009•合肥高三第二次教学质量检测)
A. Frightened                  B. Frightening
C. Being frightened              D. To be frightening
2. When I got off the bus, I found my pocket _________ and the money gone.
A. picked        B. stolen        C. missing          D. lost
3. John is the only one of the students in the class that never ________ a mistake even when it is pointed to him. (2008—2009学年南昌高三第一次模拟
A. admit making              B. admits making
C. admit to make              D. admits to make
俏江南张兰4. My grandma still treats me like a child. She can’t imagine me _________.(2009届江西十所重点中学联考第一次模拟)
A. grow up            B. grown up     
梁爱琪个人资料胸罩C. growing up              D. to grow up
5. ________ little of each other’s language, so they have to express themselves with the aid of all interpreters. (2009届江西十所重点中学联考第一次模拟)
A. Knowing                  B. Having known
C. That they know            D. They know
6. _________ what would happen, none of them could find a way out. (江西八校09届高三4月联考) 
A. Having left wondering                B. Leaving to wonder
C. Having left to wonder                D. Left wondering
7.I was calling because of a problem that needed __________.(山东威海09届高三上教学调研)
A.solve      B.solved      C.to solve      D.to be solved
8. Dinosaurs have completely died out on the earth,never _________ again.
A. to be seen                    B. being seen
C. seen                          D. having been seen
9. We must take all possible measures ___________ to improve working conditions.
A.tend          B.tending        C.tended        D.being tended
10. I feel upset,for there are so many troublesome problems __________.(浙江嘉兴一中09届高三一模)
A. remaining to settle                B. remained to settle
C. remaining to be settled            D. remained to be settled
11. As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate  from you now and then __________ me how everyone is getting along.
A. hearing; tell                      B. to hear; tell
C. hearing;telling                  D. to hear; to tell
12. An offer of a reward has caused many students in our school _________ actively in the competition. (济南09届高三四月月考)
A. participate                          B. participated
C. participating                        D. to participate
13. With two children _________ middle school in the nearby town now, the parents are working hard.(2009•山东聊城高考模拟)
A.to attend                      B.attending
C.attended                      D.having attended
14. It’s said that George had a bad accident this morning on his way to school, ________ in the left leg.
A. hurting badly                      B. being injured
C. badly hurt                        D. to be damaged
15. __________ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.
A. To be tired                      B. Tired
端午节纪念谁C. Tiring                            D. Being tired
16. It’s quite strange that the man sleeps with his mouth __________ and his eyes .(2008•重庆五大名校模拟题一)
A. closed; open                    B. closing; opened
C. closing; open                  D. closing; opening
17. There is nothing more I can try _________ you to stay, so I wish you good luck.(2009届泰安高三一模考试)
A.persuading                          B. being persuaded
汪俊老婆C.to be persuaded                    D. to persuade
18. —She should not have done that sort of thing.
—Whatever she did was reasonable, _________ to what you had done. Besides,
It’s none of your business. Get down to __________ your lessons. (2010•重庆五大名校高考模拟题二)
A. compared; doing                B. comparing; doing
C. compared; do                    D. comparing; do
19. _________ him before, I didn好的猎头公司有哪些 t recognize him.(2010•重庆五大名校高考模拟题三)
A. Having never seen                B. Never seeing
C. Not seeing                        D. Having not seen
20. There’s a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means __________ trouble.(2010•重庆五大名校高考模拟题五)
A. making                B. to make
C. to have made            D. having made
21. Doctor, I’m a lady of 48 _________ 80 kg. Can I lose weight by breathing exercise?(2010•福建省泉州市普通高中毕业班质量检查)