The University’s strategy is founded on the metaphor of a triple helix; three interwoven strands that shape and reinforce one another. The final strand – engagement – encompasses interaction between the University and the wider society. It includes knowledge partnerships, public programs, interactions with alumni, advancement activities and international programs.
Knowledge partnerships are interactions between the University and external groups or individuals and are essential to the ensuring the University’s public-spirited character. Melbourne will continue to expand the number and scope of its knowledge partnerships and ensure effective metrics to promote excellence in these activities. Public programs embrace an array of short courses, conferences, lectures and other educational opportunities for the public.
The University’s international strategy permeates every aspect of the institution’s activities.
Knowledge partnerships are interactions between the University and external groups or individuals and are essential to the ensuring the University’s public-spirited character. Melbourne will continue to expand the number and scope of its knowledge partnerships and ensure effective metrics to promote excellence in these activities. Public programs embrace an array of short courses, conferences, lectures and other educational opportunities for the public.
The University’s international strategy permeates every aspect of the institution’s activities.
The University will continue to extend and develop its international character, through partnerships with international Universities and organisations and programs such as Melbourne Global Mobility. In addition, the University will work towards having a more ‘cosmopolitan’ campus, with a view to increasing the number of high calibre international staff and research higher degree students.
The University values its relationship with alumni, and acknowledges that there are many more opportunities to be explored. The University seeks to engage alumni as advisors on course content, as mentors for current students and guides for prospective applicants. The University also hopes to pursue new engagement opportunities with its growing international alumni. In return, alumni are able to attend many public events as well as access the University’s knowledge base and infrastructure.
Advancement programs support research, provide scholarships to students from a variety of backgrounds, establish chairs in specific disciplines, expand and maintain library faciliti
The University values its relationship with alumni, and acknowledges that there are many more opportunities to be explored. The University seeks to engage alumni as advisors on course content, as mentors for current students and guides for prospective applicants. The University also hopes to pursue new engagement opportunities with its growing international alumni. In return, alumni are able to attend many public events as well as access the University’s knowledge base and infrastructure.
Advancement programs support research, provide scholarships to students from a variety of backgrounds, establish chairs in specific disciplines, expand and maintain library faciliti
饶威es and establish new infrastructure. The University will continue to expand its advancement activities with a major campaign in 2010 designed to treble the University’s annual income from donations and gifts within five years.
墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne,简称墨大)始建于1853年,是澳大利亚历史第二悠久的大学,在澳洲被归为“砂岩学府(sandstone university)之一。创校一百五十余年以来,墨大在全球各地建立了一流的学术声誉,吸引了一百多个国家的留学生前来就读。
墨大主校园位于维多利亚州首府墨尔本市近郊的帕克维尔〔Parkville〕,其古老的钟楼、方场(quadrangle)与新建的多栋教学大楼交相辉映。著名的南草坪〔South Lawn〕于20世纪70年代重新修葺,是学生社交娱乐的重要场所。坪上树木植于钢管中,坪下为停车场,其建筑设计曾在澳洲获奖肯定。
碎龙>陈柏霖 宋智孝
墨尔本大学强调学生在学术造诣与为人格修养等的综合能力,戮力为学生塑造独特的“墨尔本经验”〔Melbourne experience〕。墨大校友及教授中已有Peter Doherty及Bert Sakmann〔医学奖〕等4位诺贝尔奖得主,此外还聘请诸如James Mirrlees(1996年,经济学)等外校诺奖得主来此客座教学。其他著名校友尚包括澳洲前总理Robert Menzies等在内的多位政治家,社会活动家、女权主义者Germaine Greer,作家Helen Garner,哲学家Peter Singer〔普林斯顿大学教授〕等等。
根据The Bulletin最近专刊“最具影响力的100位澳洲人”,其中有13位与墨尔本大学有学术关系。
我们制定了一套富有很强创新性的计划,目的在于增强教与学的氛围,从而吸引了一大批高水准的澳大利亚籍和国际上的科研人员、学者来到墨尔本大学。这一计划的最初受益者是Peter Doherty AC教授(诺贝尔生理医学奖获得者),Berk Sakmann(诺贝尔奖获得者)及德国Max-Planck(医学研究所执行所长)
银行 贷款利率 墨尔本大学在对国际学生提供服务方面一直是有口皆碑的,而且获得了澳大利亚的大学教学的一个奖章(由教育、培训和青年服务部颁发)下面列出了一部分相当出的
通过大学设置职业与就业联合会(位于职业人才中心),国际学生在回国后可以到满意的工作。这个中心所提供的服务包括:与雇上相联系并安排校内见面,对于一些重要的国家在人才和劳动力 市场的信息加以更新
建筑暨都市计划学院 Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning
文学院 Faculty of Arts
经济暨商学院 Faculty of Economics and Commerce
教育学院 Faculty of Education
工学院 Faculty of Engineering
土地暨食物资源学院 Faculty of Land and Food Resources
法学院 Faculty of Law
医学院 Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
墨尔本商学院 Melbourne Business School(MBS)
音乐学院 Faculty of Music
理学院 Faculty of Science
兽医学院 Faculty of Veterinary Science
维多利亚艺术学院 Victorian College of the Arts(VCA)
企业研究所 School of Enterprise
研究生院 School of Graduate Studies〔SGS〕位于校内的1888年大楼
MBS的MBA教育品质和毕业生表现等自2005年起皆获《金融时报》列入世界MBA前100大[1]。高层管理人员工商管理硕士(Executive MBA)于2008年高居亚太区第一名。2009年7月,获世界大学网络排名评为澳大利亚第二[2]。
MBS的校总区位于墨尔本市的卡尔敦区。由于与墨尔本中央商业区(Central Business District)距离甚近,平日在城中工作的在职学生可步行前往。位于Mornington Peninsula上的Mt. Eliza市是MBS授予Executive MBA学位课程的中心;MBS于悉尼和北京皆有分校。
2004年,MBS股份有限公司与[Mt Eliza Business School](亦成立于1954年)合并,成为墨大麾下、澳大利亚内规模比较大的一所企业管理教育学院。
Katie Lahey 澳大利亚商业协会秘书长,1988年EMBA毕业生
Scott Crawley Del Inc,全球采购部协理,1992年MBA毕业生
Margaret Jackson 1982年MBA毕业生
Paul Coughlin 标准普尔公司,企业暨政府评鉴部,资深执行董事,1985年MBA毕业生
Vu Tien Vy 瑞士联合银行,财富管理部,金融商品协理,1999年MBA毕业生
Varina Nissen Manpower Inc,全球市场营销及通信部,资深副总裁,1996年MBA毕业生
Mark Laurie PriceWaterhouseCoopers合伙人,2005年EMBA毕业生
Brent Chapman Majordomo创办人,2003年MBA毕业生
Ahmed Fahour 澳大利亚国民银行执行长,1993年MBA毕业生
Bill Shorten 资深工会干部,2001年MBA毕业生
John Elliott Carlton & United Beverages)前任执行长
Paul Rizzo 澳大利亚电信(Telstra)集团执行董事,1969年MBA毕业生
Ross Oakley 澳大利亚足球协会(AFL)前任秘书长
学生能够接触到最先进的计算机实验室,并得到IT支持,当然也包括先进的图书馆设施,此建筑被认为是澳洲环境建设的典范之作。这里有学生休闲室,你可以在此举行讨论、交换信息或吃午饭。一个名为Space Cadets的活跃的学生社团会组织各种活动。
学生能够接触到最先进的计算机实验室,并得到IT支持,当然也包括先进的图书馆设施,此建筑被认为是澳洲环境建设的典范之作。这里有学生休闲室,你可以在此举行讨论、交换信息或吃午饭。一个名为Space Cadets的活跃的学生社团会组织各种活动。