Oh, we've been at this all day, buddy, I get it.  我们已经讨论了一整天了 伙计 我明白了
Those other spots didn't float your boat,  没有一个地方能让你宾至如归
but wait until you see this next place.  不过 等你看到下一个地方再说吧
It screams mouse house.  那是一个能让老鼠尖叫的地方
Wait, can I say that?  等等 我能这么说吗?
Is that copyrighted?  有版权吗?
There we go.  我们走吧
Sorry about this,  对此我很抱歉
the elevator's, uh, being repaired.  电梯 正在修
I just had a vision!  我刚刚看到了一个幻象
You're chillin' in your new crib,  你在你的新居倍感清爽
but then you get claustrophobic,  但之后你会患上幽闭恐惧症
and then you get dizzy, and to   然后你就晕了 为了救你
Look at that view!  看看那景
Resplendent, ain't it, huh?  太棒了 不是吗?
It's got everything.  什么都有
Built-in stereo,  内置立体声音响
but be careful, those seats are very flammable.  但是要小心 那些座位非常易燃
I'm kidding. I'm not kidding.  我开玩笑的 我其实不是在开玩笑
Jerry, baby, I know it's no beauty,  杰瑞 宝贝 我知道这儿不太好看
but let's be honest here,  但老实说
with your budget, this is all   以你的预算 只能这种地方
You don't just Batman me.  你不能像蝙蝠侠一样啊
You haven't even seen the trunk yet.  你甚至还没看后备箱呢
Look, Dad. That blind cat's playing piano.  看 爸爸 那只瞎猫正在弹钢琴王海燕个人资料
There's a lot of weird stuff in this city.  这座城市有很多奇怪的东西
You just gotta keep walking.  走吧
I mean, he's amazing on the piano,  我是说 他钢琴弾得很棒
and blind, too!  而且还是只瞎猫
That's one cool cat.  那猫真酷
Man, that cat is out of sight!  伙计 那只猫看不见的
This is so cool.  这太酷了
Isn't he cute?  他是不是很可爱?
I thought I'd seen it all with the blind, piano-playing cat.  我想我已经看腻那只瞎猫了
Oh, man.  哦 天哪
六一儿童节快乐英文He can see!  他能看见
He's a fraud!  他是个骗子
He's a regular cat playing the piano.  他是一只普通的弹钢琴的猫
Man, I want my money back!  伙计 我要拿回我的钱
Are you okay?  你没事吧?
You gotta be careful next time.  你下次一定要小心点
You could have really hurt me.  你可能会伤到我的
Oh, my gosh.  哦 我的天哪
Suspended? Why?  停职?为什么?
For starters,  作为一个实习生
the 100 pounds of underwear strewn up 5th Avenue.  100磅的内衣散落在第五大道
Oh, come on, you can't blame me for that.  得了吧你不能为此责怪我
That was a cat-and-mouse situation,  那是遇上猫在捉老鼠
and everyone knows you just don't get involved.  大家都知道那种情况很棘手的
You can reapply in four weeks.  你可以在四周后重新申请
No. Please, sir, please,   不求求你先生求求你只是
You can't do that to me.  你你你不能这样对我
Last week, I helped a man do a pull-up for an hour.  上周我帮一个男人做了一个小时的引体向上
An hour! He achieved his fitness goals with me.  一个小时 他和我一起实现了他的健身目
Okay.  好吧
What if   这样吧
I come and be your assistant?  我来当你的助手好吗?
Ms. Forester, you started two months ago.  福雷斯特女士 你工作两个月了
It just doesn't work like that.  工作不应该是那样子的
Maybe this job never was for me.  也许这份工作从来就不适合我
- Maybe it's not. - You know what? I quit.  - 也许吧 - 好吧 我不干了
Hello.  你好
Back for another free meal?  回来再蹭一顿免费的饭吗?公司周年庆典
So, you new in town?  你是新来的吗?
Somewhat.  算是吧
You know what they say,  你知道他们怎么说的吗
it's not a trip to the Big Apple  不在纽约徒步旅行一趟
without a walking tour of the city.  就不能算是来过这座城市
Have you ever done one?  你在这旅行过吗?
They're very well-reviewed, actually, mine are.  他们的评价很好 事实上 我口碑也不错小学一年级期末试卷
It's a great deal, great offer.  是一笔不错的交易 报价也很良心
I'm not a guest.  我不是客人
Then, pray tell, why do you have a suitcase?  那么请告诉我 你为什么会有一个手提箱?
I'm here to interview for one of the temporary positions.  我是来面试一个临时职位的
Because of the wedding.  因为婚礼要招人帮忙
What wedding?  什么婚礼?
Preeta and Ben.  普里塔和本
As in, like, the Preeta and Ben?  那谁普里塔和本啊?
New York society's favorite couple.  纽约社会最受欢迎的情侣
It's going to be quite the event.  这将是一场盛大的活动
The hotel is hiring?  酒店在招人吗?
Yes, but they're very exclusive.  是的但条件要求非常苛刻
They certainly wouldn't hire you.  他们肯定不会雇用你的
And what did you say your name was again?  你说你叫什么来着?
Linda Perrybottom.  琳达·佩里巴顿
Linda Perrybottom,  琳达·佩里巴顿
unfortunately, you just failed the test.  不幸的是你刚刚没有通过测试
What?  什么?
Your interview started the minute  你的面试从你走进那扇门的时候
that you walked in the door.  就已经开始了
I didn't realize,   我没意识到我只是
Employees of the Royal Gate Hotel  皇家之门酒店的员工
must be accommodating, masterly,  必须是随和的专业的
but above all, Linda,  但最重要的是琳达
discreet.  谨慎
If they're telling a perfect stranger  如果他们告诉一个完美的陌生人
the intimate details  一些私密的细节
of the inner workings of this hotel's private events,  包括这家酒店私人活动的内部运作情况
well, that doesn't quite cut it now, does it?  嗯 这显然是不行的 不是吗?
- - May I see your resume?  - 我会... - 我可以看看你的简历吗?
Please?  请给我
Yes, of course.  好的当然
Thank you.  谢谢
Yeah, you've had a lot of really cool jobs.  是啊你做过很多很酷的工作