I f you’re planning on traveling, there are a few simple rules about how to make life easier both before and after your journey.
First of all, always check and double-check departure (起程) time. It is amazing how few people really do this carefully. Once I arrived at the airport a few minutes after ten. My secretary had got the ticket for me and I thought she had said that the plane left at 10:50. When I arrived at the airport, the clerk at the departure desk told me that my flight was closed. Therefore, I had to wait three hours for the next one and missed an important meeting.
The second rule is to remember that even in this age of credit cards, it is still important to have at least a little of the local currency(货币) with you when you arrive in a country. This can be necessary if you are flying to a place few tourists normally visit. Once I arrived at a place at midnight and the bank at the airport was closed. The only way to get to my hotel was by taxi and because I had no dollars, I offered to pay in pounds instead. “Listen! I only take real money!” the driver said angrily. Luckily I was able to borrow a few dollars from a clerk at the hotel, but it was embarrassing.
The third and last rule is to find out as much as you can about the weather at your destination before you leave. I feel sorry for some of my workmates who travel in heavy suit and raincoats in May, when it is still fairly cool in London or Manchester, to places like Athens, Rome or Madrid, where it is already beginning to get quite warm during the day.
1. Where is the writer most probably from?
A. Italy
B. The USA
C. Britain
D. Greece
2. According to the passage, the driver was angry because_______
A. the author gave him false (假的) money
B. the author did not give him the local money
C. the author offered to pay by credit card
D. the author had no enough change
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The author tells people to choose warm places as their travel destinations.
B. Y ou don’t have to take credit cards when traveling.
C. Y ou should know more about the weather of the place you’ll visit.
D. It’s unnecessary to check the departure time carefully.
4. The writer mainly tells us ______
A. how to make life easier
B. how to be well prepared for a trip
C. how to enjoy ourselves on trip
D. how to plan our trip
Knowing the best way to study will help you to be a better student. By using your time properly, you can do your homework more quickly. Learning to study is not difficult.
The first thing to remember is that you must be willing to learn. It doesn't mean that you must always like the subject. It does mean, however, that you must be willing to do whatever is necessary to learn. Try to understand why it is important and how it will help you now and later to do and learn other things. Knowing mathematics facts will be useful in your whole life.  Knowing how to spell makes any kind of writing easier. Sometimes subject that you think is going to be uninteresting will b
e exciting when you begin to work at it and understand it more clearly. Learning things can be fun if you are willing to
work with them.
Here's some advice for you: have a certain time each day and a quiet place with good lighting for study, so that you can concentrate on your study without interruptions; have everything ready before you sit down to study, a dictionary, paper, a pen and books; be sure you understand what you should learn before you start; read carefully and pay special attention to the most important things; when memorizing, first find out the main parts and then recite the whole thing; check your homework after you finish it; never forget the importance of review and preview.
5. We learn things because______
A. we are willing to learn
B. it can be fun and exciting
C. we are interested in the subjects
D. we may use these things in the future
6. Which of the following is NOT the advice given in the article?
A. To focus on what you are studying.
B. To study at any possible time and place.
C. To review and preview.
D. To pay attention to the most important things.
7. The main purpose of the article is______
A. to prove that learning is not so difficult
B. to make the readers interested in study
C. to encourage students to study hard.
D. to tell the students how to study well
Last summer, after finishing our work in China, I took a trip of a lifetime on the Trans-Siberian
Railway. Leaving Beijing early on a Wednesday morning in July, my wife and I traveled through some gorgeous countryside before we arrived in Moscow the following Monday evening.
The first part of the journey took us past the Great Wall and through the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. At the Mongolian Republic border, we had a delay(耽搁) while the wheels were changed because the railway is different.
On our way to the capital, Ulan Bator, we saw herdsmen(牧人) on horseback looking after their cattle. There was a terrible thunderstorm as we crossed a vast open plain. Later we had a quick tour of Ulan Bator.
Next, the train took us into Siberia. After a stop at Irkutsk, a popular holiday resort (胜地), where a tour group left the train, we passed the great Lake Baikal. Later, we saw some lovely wooden houses in pretty, sunny countryside. This surprised us, as we had imagined Siberia as being covered in thick snow.
Over the next few days, we passed through Novosibirsk, Omsk and other cities in the heartlands of t
he Russian Federation. By now, our body clocks were losing their sense of time. We wanted to sleep and eat at the wrong time!
At last we reached Moscow. We were too tired and slept for 16 hours that night. The next day we went sightseeing. W e saw the Kremlin and some other great buildings in the Russian capital. Then, all too soon, it was time for us to return to our home in London.
8. How many days did it take the author to reach Moscow?
A. four
B. five
C. six
D. seven
9. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Ulan Bator is the capital of Mongolian Republic.
B. The author travelled with a group of friends
C. The author’s body clock ran faster than the others’.
D. The train broke down at the Mongolian Republic border.
10. The author was surprised by what he saw in Siberia because _____.
A. it was covered with thick snow though it was sunny.
B. the houses there were so pretty.
C. there were a large number of tourists there.
D. It was not covered in snow but it was sunny.
11. The passage mainly tells us _____.
A. how to travel to Moscow from Beijing.
B. the trip from Beijing to Moscow.
C. How wonderful the capital of Russia is.
D. The trans-Siberian Railway.
tara Do you know what Street Sense is? It’s a newspaper in W ashington D.C. about homeless people and problems that affect them. Homeless, or formerly homeless, Washingtonians write many of the articles. The newspaper’s business model is based on homeless sellers who sell the newspaper. Y ou can hear them call out “Street Sense for sale!” near subway entrances, lunch places and other areas around the city.
The Street Sense newspaper is housed in an office in a Christian church in Washington. Every other Wednesday about fourteen thousand copies are printed. The newspaper expresses the thoughts and experiences of people who call the streets home.
Four staff members work at Street Sense and two of them are paid. The staff members write the first two pages of the paper. Intern s—students working as part of their studie s—and volunteers help. Homeless writers provide the rest of the material. This includes poems, stories and essays.
Street Sense provides training for the homeless people who want to become part of the sales team. After the training, each student is given ten free copies of Street Sense. Once those are sold, trainees become real salespeople. They buy papers for thirty-five cents each and sell them for a dollar.
Lisa Gillespie is the managing editor of Street Sense, She says the newspaper plays a part in homeless people’s lives that other media can not. With the help of the newspaper, a lot of homeless people have become confident again, and their lives have also been improved a lot.
12. What does the writer mainly tell us in Paragraph 1?
A. Something about the Street Sense.
B. Homeless people in Washington D.
C. How Street Sense solves homeless people’s problems.
D. Where you can buy Street Sense.
15. What can we infer from this passage?
A. If you are one of the trainees of Street sens e, you can get ten dollars from selling all of your newspapers.
B. There are too many homeless people in Washington D.
C. for the government to help.
C. Most articles of Street Sense are about Washingtonians’ lives.
D. If you become real salespeople of Street Sense, you can get thirty-five cents from a copy of the newspaper.
The eyes are the windows of the soul (心灵) .Having a pair of bright, clear eyes is very important, so we should protect our eyes throughout our lives.
_____16____ Don’t read while lying down or walking. R elax after every hour of reading.
Keep a distance from the TV set when you watch TV and give your eyes a rest every 30 minutes.
Don’t stare at (盯着看) the sun or try to read in the darkness. ___17____ This can damage your eyes easily.
Get your eyes checked often .Not many people have this habit, but it is necessary. If you feel that there is something wrong with your eyes, get them checked quickly . ____18___.
___19___. Y ou can close your eyes for a few seconds or look into the distance for one or two minutes. A small break will relax your eyes and help to stop you from getting eye problems.
Be careful when you choose your glasses.___ 20___. Make sure your glasses are right for you. If they don’t feel right, get your glasses changed.
A.Rest your eyes whenever you can.
B.Develop good reading habits.
C.Glasses that aren’t suitable for you could bring you trouble.
D. Ev en if you’re wearing sunglasses, never look for directly at the sun.
E. Eye problem can be found and treated early with regular checks.
F. Drink green tea every day as a way to protect your eyes against eye problems.
G.Make sure you get enough sleep every night.
I sat in my seat as my new grade six classmates found theirs. At the front of the class our new math teacher stood __21__ us. The bell rang.
襄阳市中考成绩查询“Welcome to a new school year. I’m Mr. Stevens and I’m sure I’ll learn all your names in no time.” He walked around the class __22__ math books. When he was done, he __23__ to the front of the class and looked at us. “What are you waiting for? Get started?” he said.
We looked at him, __24__. Wasn’t he going to teach us?
“Is there something wrong with your __25__? You’re not all deaf, are you?”
A __26__ boy at the back of the class asked what we all wanted to know. “Mr. Stevens, aren’t you going to teach us?”
Mr. Stevens __27__, “You’re smart kids. Open your books and get down to it. If you have any __28__ or any questions, rai se your hand, and I’ll help you.”
We opened our books. Mr. Stevens helped anyone __29__ had questions. He would stop to teach all the students ___30__ when we all had the same question. It was a __31__ method of teaching, but it was very useful.
It was a __32__ point in my life. Mr. Stevens made me__33__ I was good at math and also able to reach the__34__ of any class I attended. I studied with his help until I graduated from middle school.
开机密码Monty Python’ s Flying Circus was a popular television show back then. The actors __35__ the best British humour (幽默) into our Canadian lives. Mr. Stevens would often act out one of their funny scenes (场景) in front of the class. Some thought he was strange, and I guess he was, __36__ he knew how to make a math lesson interesting.
I’ve carried his __37__ with me all my life. Whenever I am faced with a new __38__, I think of my first day in grade six math. __39__ sitting and staring at the challenge, I just get __40__ . Before I know it, the challenge has been settled.
21. A. waiting    B. watching    C. looking    D. revising
22. A. picking up    B. picking out    C. handing in    D. handing out
23. A. returned    B. waved    C. exchanged    D. jumped
24. A. frightened    B. bored    C. puzzled    D. relaxed
25. A. ears    B. hearts    C. eyes    D. body
26. A. clever    B. exhausted    C. lucky    D. brave
27. A. doubted    B. replied    C. explained    D. agreed
28. A. secret    B. trouble    C. promise    D. event
29. A. which    B. when    C. where    D. who
30. A. even    B. still    C. only    D. since
31. A. popular    B. strange    C. disappointing    D. scientific
32. A. turning    B. similar    C. moving    D. embarrassing
33. A. decide    B. realize    C. wonder    D. remember
34. A. top    B. bottom    C. strongest    D. busiest
35. A. reported    B. impressed    C. brought    D. admitted
36. A but    B. however    C. so    D. and
37. A. dream    B. lesson    C. interest    D. discipline
38. A. chance    B. challenge    C. survey    D. job
39. A. Besides    B. in other words    C. as a result of    D. instead of
40. A. amazed    B. encouraged    C. started    D. organised
A: Look at those houses 41____________(make) of wood!
B: Nothing new, They are 42____________ of date.
A: But they allow people 43_____________(think) of the past, which may be a good memory. Althou
gh they are 44___________(abandon) houses 45_____________ were built in 46______________ 1920s, they remain as good as before.
B: Y es. Would you mind 47_____________(visit) it with me?
A: Of course not. The fact is that I am curious about 48______________ is inside them as well. This is the first time that I 49_____________(see) wooden houses.
B: The same is 50______________(truth) of me.
第一节: 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
注意:1. 每处错误仅限1词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
I love camping. It’s my favorite way to spent the summer vacation. Last year, my family and I went camping in the countryside. It was one of the most excited experiences I had never had. We slept in a tent and went for a long walk every day. We cook over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully. For a whole week, I saw lovely mountain views or breathed fresh air. At the night, I heard the gentle wind blowing in the tree, and I felt so peaceful. It doesn’t cost many to camp, and I believe it’s the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.
请根据下表的提示,写一篇题为“Living in the City”的文章,介绍一下城市生活的利和弊。