摘  要随着电视文化业的兴起与发展,数十年来,电视情景喜剧作为一种轻松的电视剧形式在国内外发展的迅速而广泛。如今的情景喜剧大多数集时尚、幽默和平民化的特点于一身,比较迎合当今电视观众的娱乐化收视行为,特别是在年轻的收视体中受到了普遍的认同,也可以预见的会有极大的发展空间。随着我国电视娱乐李菲儿 韩国的日益发展,我国林依晨主演电视剧的情景喜剧也出现了良好的发展趋势并受到越来越多的人的西海,当然也存在王传君邓家佳着一定的问题,我们要在学习、借鉴外国的优秀作品的同时探索一条更适合中国情景喜剧的发展之路。本文就中外情景喜剧的发展历程进行探讨,探讨中国电视情景喜剧目前发展现状,出其存在的问题与困境,分析原因并试着提出解决的对策,以求为日后的实践打下理论基础。
图层蒙版怎么用Comparing of Chinese and Foreign Sitcom
Abstract: With the development and the rise of TV cultural industry, for decades, the TV s假戏真做的明星
itcom, as a kind of relaxed drama form development rapidly and widely at home and abroad. Most of today's comedy set fashion, humor and common features at a suit, compared to cater to today's TV viewers entertainment viewing behavior, especially in the young viewers are a common identity, also can foresee will have great development space. With the development of television entertainment in our country, the country's situation comedy also appears the good development trend and western by more and more people, and there exists a certain problem, of course, we want to be in study, draw lessons from foreign outstanding works at the same time to explore a more suitable for the development of Chinese situation comedy. This paper discusses the developing course of Chinese and foreign sitcom, discuss the current situation of the development of Chinese TV situation comedy, points out the problems with the existing predicament, analysis the reason and try to propose solving the countermeasure of, in order to lay a theoretical foundation for future practice.
Keywords:香蕉和什么不能一起吃Sitcom   Chinese and Foreign    friends   IPARTMENT