战役- 荒夷海盗- Pirates of the Savage Sea
哈克船长的宝藏- 壁垒礁
The Fortunes of Captain Hack - Reef Barrier
江钰源聊天记录王心凌实际身高本关标题出自1950年的海盗电影Fortunes of Captain Blood,也有同名小说
In the last month, several ships have disappeared in the Savage Sea during sudden storms. Rumours claim a Thunderbird is nesting somewhere in the islands and is responsible for the apocalyptic weather. The Pirate Council has hired the legendary Crag Hack to find the bird and put an end to its threat.
荒夷海之王- 大釜礁
The King of the Savage Sea - The Great Cauldron
国家专项计划招生是什么意思本关标题出自1950年的海盗电影Pirates of the High Seas
The one who summoned the Thunderbird has been revealed: the renegade Naga priestess Himiko, who leads a cult dedicated to the Wrecker, Shalassa`s destructive aspect. Himiko has been hatching terrible plans, and must be stopped before her madness causes more deaths.dnf 刺客加点>物流投诉最狠的方式
战役- 死之舞- Danse Macabre
公牛公国的陷落- 公牛海岸
The Fall of the House of Bull - Costa del Toro
本关标题出自爱伦坡的小说The Fall of the House of Usher
Years ago, Sandro was expelled from the ranks of the Spider Cult, banished from the Seven Cities, and had his staff of power confiscated. To further his new plans, Sandro must first find the Staff of the Netherworld, an ancient artifact currently held in the private collection of Duke Ovidio of the Bull.
黑死病的面具- 衫提瑞废墟
The Mask of the Black Death - Shantiri Ruins
本关标题出自爱伦坡的小说The Masque of the Red Death
Just before his exile, Sandro stole an artifact known as the Ring of the Unrepentant from Belketh`s vault. Sandro has studied its legend and believes the ring actually contains its own pocket dimension within the Spirit World. For reasons of his own, Sandro intends to enter that "Realm of the Unrepentant", where an old Shantiri Priest moved his temple at the cost of his
战役- 地牢- Dungeon
异种精灵- 黑枝森林
The Other Elves -Blackbough
本关标题出自霍华德·菲利普·洛夫克拉夫特的小说The Other Gods/蕃神