英 语
试卷包括四道大题, 共8页。满分95 分。考试时间为 100 分钟。考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.
1.答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上, 并将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。
2. 答题时, 考生务必按照考试要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答, 在草稿纸。试卷上答题无效.
俞飞鸿的老公一、基础知识(共 25 分)
I. 在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词, 使句子意思完整、语法正确。(5 分)
1. I want to be a teacher like Zhang Guimei when I grow ___________.
2. The smart boy can find Beijing easily on the ____________of China
3. If you borrow books from the library, give ____________ back on time
4. Changbai Mountain in Jin Province is a good place to ____________fun.
5. They came up ___________a good idea to keep their classroom clean and tidy.
Ⅱ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分)
6. We should speak to the old people ____________(polite)
7. Helen enjoys_____________(listen) to soft music when she is tired
8. Don't eat too much junk food because it's ____________(healthy)
9. Shanghai is my father's favorite city and it's his _____________(five)time to visit it.
10. People show thanks to __________ (nurse)because they take good care of patients.
III. 单项选择。(15 分)
11-15 DACBD    16-20 BDCAB  21-25 CABBA
(2021·吉林长春中考)11 Tom thinks playing ___________basketball is a good way to relax himself.
A. a                B an                C. the                D. /
(2021·吉林长春中考)12 We used to buy things in the ____________ but now we usually do it online.
A. shop.                B. museum            C. bank                D library
(2021·吉林长春中考)13. My cousin keeps two pets. One is a lovely cat and ___________ is a beautiful bird.
A. other                B. others                C. the other            D. another
(2021·吉林长春中考)14. There __________two people waiting for you outside now.
A . is                B are                C. was                D. were
(2021·吉林长春中考)15. Bill is running so fast! I _________believe my eyes.
A. needn't            B shouldn't            C. mustn't            D. can't
(2021·吉林长春中考)16. Write down these useful sentences, ___________you'll forget them
A and                B. or                C. but                D. so
(2021·吉林长春中考)17. Hi, Mom is __________than any other film that I've ever seen.
A. popular            B. the most popular    C. too popular            D. more popular
(2021·吉林长春中考)18—Do you often go to Jingyue Park, by car or by bike?
—______________ I think it's good for the environment and our health.
A Yes, I do            B No, I don't            C. By bike            D. By car
(2021·吉林长春中考)19. Don't be upset. Sometimes challenges can ___________ the best in us.
A. bring out            B. work out            C. hand out            D. hang out
(2021·吉林长春中考)20. —Dave, could you tell me _________________?
—Go straight and turn right at the first crossing.
A how can I get to Renmin Square            B how I can get to Renmin Square
C when can I get to Renmin Square            D. when I can get to Renmin Square
(2021·吉林长春中考)21. _________myself, I will take up a hobby like painting this summer.
A. Improve            B. Improving            C. To improve        D. Improved
(2021·吉林长春中考)22. ________the sun was shining, it wasn't very warm.
A . Although            B. If                    C. Since                D. Because
(2021·吉林长春中考)23. I will never forget the people _________helped me a lot during my hard time.
A. which                B. who                C. whose                D. whom
(2021·吉林长春中考)24. China Panda Train from Chengdu to Zunyi __________ _to use on March 28. 202l
A. is put                B. was put            C. will be put            D. puts
(2021·吉林长春中考)25 My classmates like to read English novels ___________ their free time
A. in                B. on                C. at                    D to
二、交际运用(共5 分)
IV 根据对话内容, 运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。(5分)(Eric and Lily are from different schools. They meet in the English Corner)
Eric: Hey, Lily ! Why do you look so excited today?
Lily: I just practiced singing in the 100-people chorus(大合唱).
Eric: Wow! One hundred people? 26_______________
Lily: Sure it is. It's for the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China.
Eric: Our school also has some activities for the special day.
Lily: 27______________
Eric: I'll read poems as a member of he poem reading group.
Lily: Sounds interesting! 28. ________________
Eric :They're about Chinese history and patriotism(爱国主义).
Lily: 29_______________
Eric Yes. A lot of people volunteer for Beautiful Changchun to celebrate it.
潘阳图片Lily: It seems that everyone wants to do something for the celebration.
西红柿炒鸡蛋怎样炒Eric: 30.________________ It's a big event to our country.
Lily: It will be the most unforgettable experience in our life, too.
Eric: I think so
A. You’re right.
B. That's amazing.
C Where are you going? 不到音频设备
D What are the poems about?
E What activities will you take part in?
F. Are many other people in Changchun also making preparations?
三、阅读(共45 分)