解析简介:每题都分为五部分:1.【原题呈现】  2.【语篇类型】
例:How much is the shirt?
A. £19.15.
B. £9.18.
C. £9.15.
1. Where are the speakers?
A. At a swimming pool.
怎么做B. In a clothing shop.
C. At a school lab.
2. What will Tom do next?
A. Turn down the music.
B. Postpone the show.
含气量C. Stop practicing.
3. What is the woman busy doing?
A. Working on a paper.
B. Tidying up the office.
C. Organizing a party.
4. When will Henry start his vacation?
A. This weekend.
B. Next week.
C.At the end of August.
5. What does Donna offer to do for Bill?
A. Book a flight for him.
B. Drive him to the airport.
C. Help him park the car.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Why does Pete call Lucy?
A. To say that he’ll be late.
B. To tell her about his work.
C.To invite her to dinner.
7. When is Pete going to see Lucy?
A. At 6:00 pm.
B. At 6:45 pm.
C. At 8:00 pm.
8.Why does Cathy want to quit her job?
A. She’ll join another firm.
B. She’ll run her own business.
C. She’s fed up with it.
9. What is Mark’s attitude towards Cathy’s decision?
A. Forgiving.
B. Sympathetic.
C. Supportive.
10. What might Cathy do for the present company?
A. Apply for a project.
B. Train a new person.
C. Recommend an engineer. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。
11. How did the man feel about his performance today?
A. Greatly encouraged.
B. A bit dissatisfied.
C. Terribly disappointed.
12. What did the man say helped him overcome the problem?
A. Patience.
B. Luck.
C. Determination.
13. What is the woman doing?
A. Conducting an interview.
B. Holding a press conference.
C. Hosting a ceremony.
14.What is next to the apartment building?
A. A restaurant.
B. A laundry.
冯巩有几个徒弟C. A grocery store.
15.Which is included in the rent?
A. Electricity.
B. The Internet.
C. Satellite TV.
16.What does the woman think of the apartment?
A. It’s quite large.
B. It’s well furnished.
C. It’s worth the money.
17. Where is Jeff from?
A. Liverpool.
B. Coventry.
C. Newcastle.
18.Where do young men go to watch big games according to Jeff?
A. Pubs.
B. Stadiums.
C. Friends’ homes.
19.Why does Jeff have to pick a team to support?
A. To avoid being bothered.
B. To open a conversation.
C. To earn respect from others.
李佳怡20.What does Jeff mainly talk about?
A. England’s moment of success.
B. English flag as a symbol of hope.
C. England’s all-time favourite sport.
听力部分中的10 段听力材料涉及到:问路、修理电视机、裁剪衣袖、谈论航班时间、如何改进文章、谈论周末活动、打电话取消会议、购买摄像机、采访著名插画家、陌生人之间的闲谈。
录音人:男Kris Chung;女Laura Estelles(纽飞林北京教育科技公司特聘专家)口音:美音词数:864(比2019年I卷多37词)
Text 1
M: Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest supermarket?
W: It’s on Pennings Road. Go past the post office and it’s on your left.
Text 2
W: I don’t know how you did it, Carl. But the TV works beautifully now. You should get a medal for your work.
M: It wasn’t hard at all. It was much easier than preparing for the test.
Text 3
M: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?
W: Well, the sleeves of this jacket are too long. Can you make them shorter?
M: Let me take a look. OK. I can do it for 20 dollars.
Text 4
W: Excuse me, could you tell me what time Flight AF35 gets in?
M: Well, it’s due in at 6:20 pm, but the announcement said just now that it has a 30-minute delay because of the bad weather.
Text 5
M: Miss Miller, could you tell me how I can improve this article? I got a B plus.
W: It’s quite good actually. The language use is good and the main points are covered. There’s just too much repetition. You could h ave said everything within two pages.
Text 6
W: So, Bill, what do you usually do on the weekend?
M: I often go to the movies with friends on Friday night. How about you, Sarah?
W: Well, I love seeing musical plays on Broadway with my friends. Have you been to many?
M: Not really. I saw one when I moved to New York and another when my parents came to visit, but
none ever since.
Text 7
W: Hello, Helen Smith speaking. Can I help you?
M: Hello, this is David. Could I speak to Mike, please?
W: I’m afraid he’s not available at the moment. Would you leave a message? M: Yes, 8I’m calling to cancel a meeting we scheduled for this afternoon.
W: OK. Let me take this down. Could I have your name again? M: Certainly. It’s David Stone.