1.  By the time she ________ home, her parents will have prepared some delicious food for her.
A. will get
B. will have
got    C. is
getting    D. gets
2.  — May I go and play with Dick this afternoon, Mum?—No, you can't go out _____ your work
is being done.
A. before
B. until爱不会绝迹
C. as
D. the moment
3. Half an hour later, Lucy still couldn't get a taxi ________ the bus had dropped her.
A. until
B. when
C. although
D. where
4. They are so busy that they have no time to do any sports, ______they need to do so.
A. wherever
B. whenever
C. even
if    D. as if
5.This is a very interesting book.I'll buy it ________.
A. no matter how it may cost
B. how may it cost
C. how much may it cost
D. however much it may cost
6._________they grow they make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting_________a
natural fertilizer for the next year's crop.
A. Whatever;
B. Whichever; become
C. Whatever;
becomes D
. Whichever; becomes
7. I left at 6:00  I could catch the train.
A. that
B. so
C. in order
that    D. so as to
8.  —Did Jack come back early last night?
—Yes!It was not yet 8 o'clock______he arrived home.
A. when
B. that
C. before
D. but
9.It also gives the interview the impression _______ you actually feel quite nervous, you're confident.
A. that
B. even
if    C. that even
if    D. what
10.—When do you think I can access Blackberry App World on my computer?—Not until _________
your device password correctly.
A. you have entered
B. have you entered
C. will you
enter    D. you will have entered
11.They promised to develop a software package by the end of this year, ________ they might have.
A. however difficult
B. how
difficult    C. whatever difficulty    D. what
12. Muir succeeds ______ other designers have failed—her clothes are original, yet stylish.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. where
13. Children should be warned that it's dangerous to open the microwave oven ________ it is still
A. until
B. after
C. before
D. while
14. While watching television, ____.
A. the doorbell rang
B. we heard the doorbell ring
C. there was someone knocking at the door
D. the doorbell was ringing
15.  — Why didn't you tell him about the meeting?
— He rushed out of the room _____ I could say a word.
A. when
B. after
C. before
D. until
16. “We will do the right thing and do what we have to do investigate crimes ______ they exist,”滚出娱乐圈
claimed the police officer in chief.
A. whatever
B. wherever
C. whichever
D. however
17.Beauty lies in the lover's eyes. ______most people saw nothing but a cruel criminal, she saw
an affectionate man.
A. When
B. Because
C. Which
D. Where
18.  Americans and Canadians can understand each other ______ they don't speak the same kind
of English.
A. now that
B. even
if    C. as
if    D. only if
19. _____I know she's not perfect, I do like her.
A. While
B. When
C. Because
D. Once
20. One can always manage to do more things, no matter __________full one's schedule is in life.
A. how
B. what
C. when
D. where
和平精英怎么领取皮肤21.  The government has taken some measures to reduce the smog, but it may be some time _____
the situation improves.
A. since
B. when
C. unless
D. before
22.  ____________ you are familiar with the author's ideas, try reading all the sections as
quickly as you possible can.
A. Now that
B. Ever
since    C. So
that    D. In case
23._____ the Internet is making people closer, it may also be breaking some homes or will cause
other family problems.
A. When
B. If
C. As
D. While
24. -Look at those clouds!
Don't worry. ______ it rains, we'll still have a great time.
A. Even if
B. As
though    C. In
case    D. If only
25. ________,I have to put the storybook away to concentrate on my lessons.
A. However amusing it
is    B. However it
is amusing
C. No matter how it's amusing
D. No
matter how amusing is it
26. Tell your friend not to take the pills _______ he may have health problems in the future,
_______ it is too late.
A. cause; which
B. that;
when    C. because;
when    D. that; which
27. You won't find it difficult ______ you have mastered it.
A. before
B. while
C. once
D. though
28. It will be quite a long time _______ she is back again, so don't be too cross with her.
A. that
B. since
C. before
D. until
29.  _____he once felt like giving up,he now has the determination to push further and keep on
A. Where
B. As
C. In
case    D. Now that
30.  ________ I have made this first visit, I hope I can come many more times.
A. As if
B. In
that    C. Even
if    D. Now that
31.  The engineers are so busy that they have no time for sports activities,  they have
the interest.
A. even if
B. as
if    C. whenever
D. wherever
32.  , we can take some measures to minimize the losses.
A. As earthquakes are difficult to be predicted
B. As earthquakes are
difficult to predict
C. Difficult as earthquakes are to predicted
D. Difficult as earthquakes
are to predict
33. You will be able to produce high quality reports ______ you are committed and never give
A. as though
B. even
if    C. as long
as    D. in case
34.  —Do you think the business via Wechat should be banned?
—________ the businessmen are honest and guarantee the quality, it should be permitted.
A. In case
B. As long
as    C. Now
that    D. Even if
35. —As is reported, retirement age should be put off immediately.
— Easier said than done.We take ___________all factors into consideration, we shall be faced
with some other social problems.
A. unless
B. un
til    C. if
D. once
36. —What was the party like?— Wonderful. It's years _____ I enjoyed myself so much.