小学三年级中秋节手抄报图片 中图分类号:O213; ;;;;文献标识码:A; ;;;;文章编号:1672-9129(2018)06-0256-05广东省重点大学
Performance Forecast of the Top 10 Countries of the 32nd Olympic Games Based on Multi-Angle Linear Regression Analysis
LI Guixi*, QI Wenbin, HOU Zongrun
(Qingdao Second Middle School, Shandong Province, Qingdao 266000, China)闫妮刮毛门
Abstract: this paper mainly discusses the forecasting problem of Olympic medals list,非诚勿扰邢星微博 mainly through the establishment of linear regression(one dollar and multiple elements) model, the use of SPSS and Excel and other software to carry out multi-angle analysis of successive Olympic medals list and get the best prediction model. In the establishment of model one, this paper uses time series method to predict and establish regression model. Due to the large difference between the forecast and the actual number of medals in some countries in model 1, in the establishment of model 2, this paper comprehensively considers the factors such as GDP, population, and host effect to establish a multiple regression model. The results of the comprehensive model 1 and model 2 solutions obtained the top ten medals in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and the number of gold medals and medals.