Pandemic '大流行’是啥个意思?
问题1:When does an outbreak become a pandemic? (疫情是什么时候变化为大流行的?)回答者:Eric S. Toner
The word pandemic literally means “all people” in Greek. But clearly not all people become 鸡肉肠
sick even in the worst pandemics. Epidemiologists typically mean an infectious disease epidemic that has spread or is spreading globally.
Usually we referto a pandemic only when it involves a new disease. So, for example, we talk about an influenza pandemic when there is a new strain of flu spreading around the world. In contrast, we do not refer to the global outbreak of seasonal influenza as a pandemic because the strains are not new.
There is no strict definition of when an epidemic becomes a pandemic—but usually it means that the disease is actively spreading on several continents with likely continued spread to other continents.
Eric S. Toner, MD is a Senior Scholar with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and a Senior Scientist in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering. He is an internist and emergency physician.
埃里克 托纳医生,约翰霍普金斯健康安全中心的高级学者,约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共学院环境健康与安全系高级科学家。同时也是内科医生/急诊科医生。
(埃里克 托纳医生)
问题2:Why are wild animals believed to be the source of this outbreak? (为什么我们会认为野生动物会是这次爆发的源头?)回答者:Sonia Shah
About 60% ofnewly emerged and re-emerging pathogens share a common origin: the bodies ofanimals. Genetic and epidemiological evidence suggest that the novelcoronavirus, like SARS, may have emerged from a so-called “wet market,” wherewild species that would rarely encounter each other in nature are crammedtogether, allowing microbes to spread between species and into humans.
But such marketsare only part of the problem. The loss of wildlife habitat around the worldmore generally is forcing wild species to cram into closer proximity to humansettlements. Bats, for example, have been fingered as the source of Ebola,SARS,
and a host of other pathogens. When we cut down the forests where theylive, they come roost in our backyards and farms instead. It’s this kind ofnovel, intimate contact that provides opportunities for the microbes that livein their bodies to spread into ours.
Sonia Shah is ascience journalist and author of Pandemic: tracking contagions from cholera toEbola and beyond. Her new book, The Next Great Migration: the Beauty and Te
rrorof Life on the Move, will be published in June 2020.
索尼娅 沙哈,科学新闻工作者/大流行著作作家:持续跟踪类似到埃博拉等病毒微生物。她的新书:下一次伟大的迁移:美丽与可怕的生命移动,将于2020年6月发布。
(索尼娅 沙哈 科技新闻工作者)
问题3:What does successful risk communications look like? (成功的风险沟通是什么样的?)回答者:Amanda McClelland
“When you think of containing an epidemic, from Ebola to coronavirus, labs and disease
surveillance are often top of mind. Risk communications, however, is a key aspect in shaping the course of an epidemic, and how prepared people are to combat it.
People need timely, accurate and easy-to-understand information that encourages protective behavior without inciting panic. Information based on the changing risk of transmission and not politics, fear or stigma is critical.王心凌 初夜
As coronavirus spreads, government, media and others need to elevate accurate information sources and built community trust while combatting misinformation.”
Amanda McClelland is the Senior Vice President, Prevent Epidemics at Resolve to Save Lives an Initiative of Vital Strategies, and has more than 15 years of experiencein international public health management and emergency response.
阿曼达 麦克利兰 关键策略旗下拯救生命解决方案预防流行病高级副总裁,拥有15年国际公共卫生事件管理及紧急事件响应的经验。
(Amanda McClelland)
问题4:How do disease detectives find the source of an outbreak like this? (病原学侦探们是如何到疾病爆发的源头的?)回答者:Michael Mina