invention  [ɪn'venʃ(ə)n]  n. 发明,创造 
originate  [ə'rɪdʒɪneɪt]  v. 发源于,来自
impact  ['ɪmpækt]  n. 影响,作用 
symbol  ['sɪmb(ə)l]  n. 象征,标志
significance  [sɪg'nɪfɪk(ə)ns]  n. 意义,重要性
enormous  [ɪ'nɔː黄征老婆məs]  adj. 巨大的,极大的
celebrated  ['selɪbreɪtɪd]  adj. 著名的,有名的 
compass 哪种美白产品最好 ['kʌmpəs]  n. 指南针,罗盘
gunpowder  ['gʌnpaʊdə]  n. 火药;有烟火药
printing  ['pr财务经理ɪntɪŋ]  n. 印刷;印刷术
papermaking  ['peɪpə,meɪkɪŋ]  n. 造纸术

金钱龟养殖技术1. Have you ever heard about the Four Great Inventions of China?
2. The Four Great Inventions are the Compass, Gunpowder, Papermaking, Printing.
3. Papermaking was a great event in the history of human civilization.
4. The Four Great Inventions has historical significance for China.
百里挑一关昕和刘硕   四大发明对中国有伟大的历史意义。
The Four Inventions of ancient China are celebrated in Chinese culture for their historical significance and serve as symbols of Chinese advanced science and technology. The Four Inventions are: The Compass, Gunpowder, Papermaking, Printing. These four inventions had an enormous impact on the development of Chinese civilization and a far-reaching global impact.
中国四大发明因其历史上的重大意义而在中国文化中备受歌颂,并成为中国古代先进科技的象征。四大发明是指南针、火药、造纸术和印刷术。 四大发明对中国文明和世界文明具有深远影响。