1.neither ... nor ... 既不……,也不……neither主语Anor+主语B文章出轨是真的吗+谓语动词(单复数与主语B的数一致)
Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. 人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的方法。
(1)neither ... nor ... “既不……,也不……”可连接并列的主语、宾语、谓语、表语等。连接并列主语时,谓语的数与靠近它的主语一致。
either ... or ...  不是……就是……
not ... but ...  不是……而是……
not only ... but also ...  不但……而且……
Not you but the scientist is to attend the ceremony to be held in our school.
①I neither knew     r cared what had happened to him.
②Last year, neither the experts nor the physician     (be) enthusiastic about the cure for the severe disease.
③Either you or one of the soldiers     (be) to perform the task that is due tomorrow.
                                  making us communicate with foreign guests smoothly.           
答案:①nor   ②was   ③are
④Not only my parents but I speak English fluently
2.every time+时间状语从句
So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. 每次爆发时,都有成千上万惊恐的人病死。
(1)由time构成的名词词组each time、 the first/last time、 next time、 any time等可用作连
(3)on/upon doing/n.  一……就……
for the first/second ... time 第一次/第二,在句中做状语。
Our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
(2019·北京高考)He asks you questions and actually remembers the answers, so the ne
xt time you ride with him, he       (check) on those things.
(2019·天津高考)                (第一次), I could see softness and warmth in his eyes.
(2018·全国卷)                      (我第一次去那里时), they were living in a small house with dogs, ducks, and other animals.
But 吴亦凡素颜                                                  , consider that small talk is worth the trouble.
答案:will check   For江歌案全过程 the first time  The first time I went there
But (the) next time you find yourself among strangers
3.It seems/seemed strange that+主语+(should)+动词原形……,意为“……似乎有点儿奇怪。
It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在伦敦去世。
(1)There seems/seemed to be ...好像有……
seem to do/be doing/have done ...好像要做/在做/已经做了……
It be strange/important/natural/
necessary/surprising that ...;
It is/was a pity/a shame that ...。
It seems astonishing that he should have broken away from his family at such an early age.他这么小就离开他的家人,真是令人吃惊
①(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)In her excitement, she didn't seem         (realize) that she was sharing the baby's photos with a complete stranger.
②(2018·浙江高考)While regularly eating out seems         (become) common for many young people in recent years, it's not without a cost.
③It seems strange that the fridge we just bought                        (break) down.
④Though we may suffer from failure from time to time,                        the enthusiasm to keep on trying. (it is ... that)
⑤Though we may suffer from failure from time to time,                    the enthusiasm to keep on trying. (what引导主语从句)
答案:①to realize; to have become   ③(should) have broken
④T it is important that郑爽与马天宇最新消息 we (should) not lose
⑤ what is important is that we (should) not lose
Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.我感到累极了,爬上床很快就睡着了。
Upset and angry, the man left the spot where he waited for three hours.
            (lucky), I met a very good teacher, who encouraged me to take some math classes, business classes and history classes.
②After several days of competition, the two athletes returned to China,            (虽然疲劳但自豪).
(2018·浙江高考)I was too worried and helpless, so I have no alternative but to turn to you for help.
答案:①Luckily  ②exhausted but proud
胡定欣马国明③Too worried and helpless, I have no alternative but to turn to you for help.