缉魂电影解析    感感恩节的由来是这样的。当年最初移民来到北美大陆的欧洲人,在一个新环境,由于缺衣少食,水土不服,很难生存下去。北美洲的原住民,印第安人,为他们提供食物,提供生活用品,教他们求生技巧,使这些欧洲移民渡过难关,得以在北美扎下根,生存下来。为了纪念当年印第安人的帮助,美国后来设立了“感恩节”。实际上在后来的美国历史中,欧洲白人移民为了自己利益的最大化,采用殖民主义者强暴的手段,将美国本土的大多数印第安人,强行驱赶至天气寒冷的北方地区,使这些北美大陆上的原住民,失去了原来美好的家园,被迫迁移到不易生存的地方。好在时至今日,有一个“感恩节”,使美国大众不要忘记,当初白人来到时,在最需要的时候,印第安人曾经向他们伸出过援助之手。
奥运五环代表什么    Presidential Proclamation on Flag Day and National Flag Week
    June 10, 2011
    On June 14, 1777, the Second Constitutional Congress adopted a flag with thirteen stripes and thirteen stars to represent our Nation, one star for each of our founding colonies. The stars were set upon a blue field, in the words of the Congress’s resolution, “representing a new constellation” in the night sky. What was then a fledgling democracy has flourished and expanded, as we constantly strive toward a more perfect Union.吴昊宸个人资料
    1777年6月14日,第二届制宪会议(Second Constitutional Congress)决定采用有十三道条纹和十三颗星星的旗帜来代表美国,每颗星代表一个创始殖民地。据制宪会议解释,这些以一片蓝为背景的星星“代表夜空中的一个新星座”。随着我们为建设更完美的联邦而不断努力,当时初生的民主体制已经发展壮大。
    Through the successes and struggles we have faced, the American flag has been ever
present. It has flown on our ships and military bases around the world as we continue to defend liberty and democracy abroad. It has been raised in yards and on porches across America on days of celebration, and as a sign of our shared heritage. And it is lowered on days of remembrance to honor fallen service members and public servants; or when tragedy strikes and we join together in mourning. Our flag is the mark of one country, one people, uniting under one banner.
    When the American flag soars, so too does our Nation and the ideals it stands for. We remain mitted to defending the liberties and freedoms it represents, and we give special thanks to the members of the Armed Forces who wear our flag proudly. On Flag Day, and during National Flag Week, we celebrate the powerful beacon of hope that our flag has e for us all, and for people around the world.
    To memorate the adoption of our flag, the Congress, by joint resolution approved August 3, 1949, as amended (63 Stat. 492), designated June 14 of each year as “Flag Day” and requested that the President issue an annual proclamation calling for its observance and for the display of the flag of the United States on all Federal Government buildings. The Congress also requested, by joint resolution approved June 9, 1966, as amended (80 Stat. 194), that the President annually