---文档均为word文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印---林依晨 陈柏霖
狄莺孙鹏摘 要
dlna怎么用 随着经济的快速发展,我国信用卡业务得到了长足的发展。信用卡在大步发展的过程中一定要严格把控风险,只有稳中求发展,才能真正实现高效稳定、可持续性的发展。在发展过程中,招商银行始终依托科技手段,基于客户为主体的理念通过App平台推动对生活消费场景的打造,进而实现对信用卡行业与品质生活的关联,推动行业转型发展。本次研究就以招商银行为例探究信用卡管理风险及未来发展策略,分析现阶段商业银行在信用卡管理中存在的三个主要风险因素:根本法律不健全;银行信用卡业务风险意识较弱,内部管理存在缺陷;没有形成完善的个人征信体系。同时也提出了有针对性的解决策略,在信用审批和信用监控方面力求做到交易前的信用,贷后对催收管理进行系统梳理,旨在为商业银行信用卡风险管理提供一定的参考和借鉴意义。
With the rapid development of the economy, our英国的白金汉宫 country's credit card business has developed a long-term development. The credit card must strictly control the risk in the process of large development, only to develop in steady, in order to sustainable health development. China Merchants Bank continues to focus on customer-centric, with the palm life app as the platform, with technology-based mobile service capability upgrade, focus on high-frequency living consumption scene to create quality life, lead the transformation of the credit card industry. This paper uses China Merchants Bank credit card as an example, expounds the current status and risk of commercial bank credit cards, analyzes the status quo and existence of China Merchants Bank credit card risk management, three major risk factors, respectively, personal credit system is imperfect, related law not perfect, bank internal risk management is not in place, and the relevant main body of credit card business lacks risk awareness. It also proposes a targeted solution strategy, and strives to make credit before credit approval and credit monitoring, after loans, the system is combed, which is intended to provide a certain reference and re
房屋买卖合同书范本ference for commercial bank credit card risk management. .
Keywords: Commercial banks; Credit card; Risk management