课时跟踪检测()  Developing ideas
1.Miss Li, like a shining star, shines on my path (道路) to success.
2.After a few years, he made breathtaking (令人惊叹的) achievements.
3.When she was young, she dreamed to be a photographer (摄影师).
4.Justice is an important element (要素) of good government.
5.You may stop the machine by pushing this button (按钮).
张智霖主演的电视剧1.We saw a wide variety (vary) of insects in the fields.
2.The tennis players need total concentration (concentrate) during play.
3.Freezing (freeze) weather will break up the soil.
4.The doctor takes care of him so he is well on his way to recovery王子文老公个人资料 (recover).
5.Scotland has many lakes and mountains, and is famous for its beautiful countryside.
6.We should show respect to everybody, especially our elders.
7.From time to time I like to go for a walk in the park.
8.The animals are_captured (capture) in nets and sold to local zoos.
1.I can't concentrate_on my work when I'm tired.
2.When climbing Qomolangma, one should brave_the_elements.
3.A_variety_of_food is sold at a supermarket.
4.You should forgive him for his forgetfulness; after_all,_he is over seventy.
5.This dining hall can hold up酱牛肉的做法最正宗的做法_to 2,000 students.
1.It_is_Li_Lei's_brother_that (是李蕾的兄弟) you met in the street yesterday.(强调句型)
2.We could go now or later — it's_up_to烟雨蒙蒙歌词_you (由你做主).
3.There is no need to pick at him all day long. He's_a一般过去时的句子_child_after_all (他毕竟还是个孩子).
4.With winter_coming_on (冬天来了), it's time to buy warm clothes.(with复合结构)
5.He lay in bed with_山海情演员表全部演员表his_head_covered (盖着头).(with复合结构)
As a nature photographer, I enjoy working outside in the wild. My favourite place to take p
hotos is Yellowstone National Park, which is famous for the 1.variety (vary) of its wildlife, especially its bears. Last spring in Yellowstone, when I 2.was_concentrating (concentrate)  on photographing this amazing scene, I suddenly had a feeling 3.that I was being watched. 4.Slowly (slow), and with the camera still 5.held_ (hold) to my eye, I turned ... and froze.Only metres away from me was a bear. With water falling off its thick, brown hair, the bear stared back 6.at me. My legs started 7.shaking (shake). Somehow, I forced my finger 8.to_press (press) the button. My most frightening but magical experience 9.was_captured_ (capture) forever in a single image. Now, from time to time I look at the photo as 10.a reminder to show respect to all animals.
Siberian tiger is the largest feline (猫科动物) in the world and is known as the king of the forest. In the 1980s, it was listed as one of the first­class national protected animals of China. To preserve this valuable species, the Siberian Tiger Park was built in 1996 in Heil
ongjiang province.
The park is located on the north bank of the Songhua River to the northwest of Harbin, occupying an area of 1,440,000 square metres. It is the largest natural park for wild Siberian tigers in the world at present. There are over 500 purebred (纯种的) Siberian tigers here. What's more, visitors can also see white tigers, lions, leopards, and pumas as well as Bengali tigers.
It is a large park divided into ten areas, including the mature tiger area, the young tiger area, the walking area and the platform area for viewing the tigers.
The mature tiger area has an area of 360,000 square metres with 30 unruly (难驾驭的) Siberian tigers wandering there. The tigers in this area are all about 7 or 8 years old. And in the young tiger area, there are over 40 young lovely, active tigers about 2 years old. Visitors can see some of them playing and fighting with each other in a pool nearby, and others are kept in the walking area, staying together.
For visitors who love to see exciting activities, the park is also a perfect place. In addition to viewing the tigers walking leisurely in the open air, visitors can buy animals to feed them, including ducks, chickens, and even cows. Park employees will set the living animals free among the tigers. Visitors can see the unique live action of tigers preying on (捕食) them.
In addition, there is a free Popular Science Exhibition Hall in the park. In the exhibition hall, people can see information on tigers in pictures and samples as well as in words, which helps to complete what we know.
1.What can you see in the young tiger area?
A.There are 40 Siberian tigers wandering.
B.All the Siberian tigers are around 7 years old.
C.Some young active tigers are playing in a pool.
D.Some unruly tigers are preying on some animals.
解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“And in the young tiger area ... playing and fighting with each other in a pool nearby”可知,选C项。
2.The exhibition hall in the park tells us that the information on tigers ________.
A.is very simple
B.is unknown to most people
C.is entirely shown in detail
D.lets you know all you want
解析:选C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“in pictures and samples as well as in words, which helps to complete what we know”可推知,展厅里老虎的资料详实、具体。
3.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.The valuable species — Siberian tiger