A.    B.    C.
A.    B.    C.请假条怎样写
A.    B.    C.
A.    B.    C.
A.    B.    C.
A.    B.    C.
A.Have a good trip!    B.Never mind.    C.Don't mention it.
A.Very delicious.    B.It's behind the bank.    C.Yes, there are.
A.Good idea.    B.Take it easy.    C.It sounds cool.
A.She has long hair.    B.She is a nurse.    C.She is hard-working.
A.The local food.    B.In2022    C.For a week.
A.I could.    B.No, you can't.    C.No problem.
13.        drew the cat.
A.Lucy    B.Sally    C.Gina
14.Mike goes to school        now.
A.by bike    B.on foot    C.by bus
15.Kate doesn't do well in        .
A.English words    B.English grammar    C.spoken English
16.They will get to the museum at        .
A.10:00    B.10:15    C.10:45
17.The two speakers are probably        .
A.visiting Linda's old house    B.helping Linda repair his house    C.looking for Linda's new house
18.The speakers are talking about       
A.festivals    B.food    C.music
19.What should the man do at the second crossing?
A.Walk straight.    B.Turn left.    C.Turn right.
20.How long does it take the man to walk there?
A.20 minutes.    B.30minutes.    C.60minutes.
21.Why does Sally want to be a reporter?
A.Because she wants to enter a top university.
B.Because she wants to experience different things.
C.Because she wants to have more money and fame.
22.How often does Sally go to the library?
A.Once a week.    B.Twice a week.    C.Four times a week.
23.How soon will Peter get better?
A.In one month.    B.In two months.    C.In three months.
24.What may Peter do next?
A.Say sorry to his neighbor.    B.Talk to his parents.    C.Go home and have a rest.
Cindy—a girl who loves paper cutting
Her story
●comes from____25____
●started to learn paper cutting when she was in the ____26____ grade
●learned the skill from one周觅个人资料____27____
Her works
____28____some paper cuttings for her classmates last month
● the great paper cutting was 13.3 meters____29____and had 56characters
● made different coats and skirts to make the character____30____
A.often   B.including   C.when  D.the   E. simply   F. huge
This year marks the 26th anniversary (周年纪念日) of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. Over the past 26 years, Hong Kong has seen____31____changes under the support of the central government.Most of the early people in Hong Kong were from Guangdong and spoke Cantonese(粤语).After the First Opium War, English became its official language. Over the next 150 years people mixed these languages.黄耀明男友
Arthur, a Hong Kong boy, said that he began to learn English____32____he was 4 years old. After he entered middle school, almost every course,____33____ math and art, was taught in English. He____34____used Putonghua in language courses.
But at home, Arthur sometimes talks with his parents in Cantonese. According to him, the old people use Cantonese in most cases. But the language is not easy for____35____yo
ung because unlike learning Putonghua with pinyin, there are no such rules to follow.
Although using many languages is challenging, it benefits Hong Kong people a lot. After learning languages, Arthur thinks he can solve more problems.
Rick was a young boy who was angry at everything around him. To calm Rick down, his mom came home with  a canvas(画布)and paint. “Whenever you feel ________about something, paint it instead of getting angry.”
灰原穷Though not that happy, Rick gave it a try. After creating many paintings, he took his artwork to his mom. “Tell me, Rick. What are these ________about?”
“The first is about some kids who show off their new clothes. The next is about my teacher who always tells me that I did something________. And the last painting is about my schoolmate who said I should change my attitude(态度). They all make me so angry.” Rick's mom took Rick by her side and told him. Don't you see, Rick? You're getting so an
gry but you never try to understand________” Then she explained________, “All the people you were angry at did nothing wrong. The kids were showing off their good clothes but never________at you for being poor. Your teacher scolded(责备) you but that was because you________trouble in class. And your schoolmate was only trying to help you correct your________.”
“Next time you get angry, take a deep breath________walk away for a while. And when you come back, talk to the person you're angry at. You might calm down in this way.”
Rick took his mom's________and became less angry. He even started to feel happy around other children.
36.A.great    B.bad    C.nervous
37.A.paintings    B.clothes    C.schoolmates
38.A.real    B.right    C.wrong
39.A.when    B.why    C.how
40.A.carefully    B.luckily    C.proudly
41.A.looked    B.called    C.laughed
联通网络故障42.A.caused    B.met    C.overcame
43.A.position    B.mistakes    C.methods
44.A.but    B.because    C.and
45.A.suggestions    B.wishes    C.promises
46.Where is probably the user going?
A.Paris.    B.London.    C.Beijing.
47.How many people will probably check in one of the hotels?
A.2.    B.3.    C.6.
48.What do we know about the two hotels?
A.You can't cancel the apartment you have booked.