U校园 新一代大学英语(提高篇)综合教程2unit2答案
                                                               Unit 2
1.      skills
2.      degree
头伏吃什么3.      employers
4.      single CV/single C.V.
5.      skills
1.      Yes, I think the service provided by the platform is useful and effective. In this way, employers will not receive many copy-and-paste applications from people who are not ge
nuinely interested. Interested. Instead, employers can find students who better match their needs. The process would become significantly more efficient for both parties.
Words and expressions
1.      supportive
2.      feedback
3.      Initially
4.      Scary
5.      investors
1.      set up
2.      in return
3.      come in handy
4.      being hung up on
5.      live off/live off his parents
1.      fulfill their entrepreneurial ambition / dreams
2.      forged his own path
3.      networking events
4.      made a huge investment
5.      match the needs / requirements
1.      highly
以危险方法危害公共安全罪2.      genuinely舍生取义的例子
3.      glaringly
4.      incredibly
5.      quite
1. 对于任何新的企业来讲,进入一个竞争非常激烈的市场很困难。
参考答案: Breaking into a highly competitive market is very difficult for any new business.
2. 这件事情很恐怖。
参考答案:The whole thing is quite scary.
3. 这个软件模仿医生正常的工作流程,因此很直观好用。
参考答案:The software mimics the natural workflows of physicians, which makes it incredibly intuitive and easy to use.
4. 许多人申请自己并不非常感兴趣的工作。
参考答案:Many people apply for jobs that they are not genuinely interested in.
5. 很显然这里有一个问题需要解决。
参考答案: It's glaringly obvious that there is a problem to solve.
Language focus
Language focus
1. You can establish your own company, _________________ (如果你能平衡好学习与管理职责).
参考答案:providing that you can balance study and management responsibilities
2. We can go to the angel investor meeting next week, _________________(如果我们已经准备好策划).
参考答案:伍宇娟providing that we have our proposal ready
3. Maintaining a start-up is not that hard _________________ (如果你能到足够的资金).
参考答案:providing that you can find sufficient funding
4. We'll buy everything you produce _________________(倘若价格合适).
参考答案:providing that the price is right
5. You can wear jeans for the dancing class, _________________ (如果他们不是很紧).
参考答案:  providing that they are not too tight
Banked cloze
1.      entrepreneur
2.      business
3.      partner
4.      incredibly
5.      attending
6.      focusing
7.      offer
8.      marketing
9.      currently
10.  better
Sharing your ideas
Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. However, for those who want to be an entrepreneur, it is the perfect place and time to launch a business while one is still at university. Being a university student entrepreneur, I think, may have the following advantages.