(第3题)The most important decision in your life
Going to an overseas university
Achieve my independence ▪ started to live on my own
▪ learned a lot of practical skills such as cooking
▪ became financially independent through a part-time job
Broaden my horizons ▪ made friends with people from different backgrounds ▪ travelled a lot around Europe and North America
▪ visited various museums and historical places
点评:这道还是运用trait的分支理由:independence 的品质来论证论点。我们可以丰富论据:留学可以培养独立生活能力,也能训练良好的交际能力。——Studying abroad can cultivate the ability to live independently, also can develop good communication ability.
(第22题)Who is the person you admire the most?
My college professor is the most admirable person in my life
He is very knowledgeable ▪ has taught me a lot of things
▪ use many of his personal examples ▪ help to expand my horizons
He has many useful abilities ▪ cooking, camping and handicraft
▪ excellent interpersonal skills
怎么把头像加上国旗▪ able to combine academic knowledge with practical skills
点评:审题抓住admire这个关键词(key word),我们就可联想到characteristic万能理由上来,knowledgeable/useful abilities 都是他受人尊敬的特质。所以经常储备一些trait的有用形容词,是考试必备之选。(详情参照上回分解)
(第30题)Which do you prefer: to be a leader or a follower?
I prefer to be a leader for two main reasons
As a leader, I can learn ▪ presentation skills are absolutely necessary
many useful skills ▪ organization skills are also critical
▪ develop the ability to motivate and inspire
As a leader, I can get a lot of satisfaction ▪ have a greater sense of achievement ▪ enjoy a higher social status
▪ be respected and admired
点评:to be a leader or a follower ?仔细审题我们可以发现,这是一道详述描写题(describe)。如果你选择leader,你就可以运用一些leader的characteristic来分析,如果你选择follower 你也可以用trait来陈述你的分支理由:比如friendly/sociable/good temper/gregarious.
The last but the most important thing!
Einstein said: The interest is the best teacher. 所以我们把interest作为最后最重要的理由推出。Interest顾名思义:就是兴趣的意思,但他的作用非常强大。比如,可衍生出
motivate/create/meet challenge(动力、创造力、面对挑战)的概念。
(第39题)Choosing a subject: One that brings job opportunities or that is really interesting
Interest is the best teacher作为主旨理由,因为Interest可以激发一个人的学习热情,可以使他主动获取知识。将兴趣培养成自己的职业是最美好的事——The best thing is the interest develop into your career.
高兴学来的东西也总不容易忘记。——Glad to learn things will never be forgotten.最后,我们再把分支理由:培养了独立和创新理由一一展开就可以了。
I would choose a subject that really interests me
Can keep my attention and motivation ▪ interest is the best teacher in academic studies ▪ make me enthusiastic about learning
▪ encourage me to do in-depth research
Can often lead to a meaningful career ▪ think independently and creatively
教师心语明月松间照 清泉石上流的意思▪ can enjoy what I will do for my living
▪ can discover business opportunities related to my interest
(第45题)Is it necessary for universities to provide physical education?
陈述句回答是:No, it is not necessary.但这并不妨碍我们将主干理由放在Interest上,题中给出的分支理由是:make their own decision/choose different sports clubs freely/and so on .这里我们拓展思维,还可以推论出理由:find a suitable way of fitness(到适合自己的健身方式)/learn to arrange their own time(学会更合理的安排自己的时间)。这样纵向延伸是不是开拓了我们的思路呢。
No, it is not one of the university’s functions to provide physical education
the main purpose of university is academic learning ▪ students should focus on academic knowledge
▪ acquiring various practical skills is also vital
▪ need to make good preparations for their future careers
Students should develop their own interests in sports ▪ some basic physical education is provided by high school ▪ college students can choose different sports clubs freely ▪ it is time for adult students to make their own decisions
最后,小站为您带来三道练习题,让我们一起巩固下Interest这个万能理由吧!(第16题)Which literary form do you prefer: novels, magazines or poetry?
Novels are my favorite because they are both interesting and useful
驱蚊方法Novels are perhaps the most interesting form of literature ▪ Various types of novels: detective, romance, mystery, etc. ▪ the plot of a novel is often very absorbing
▪ there are many fascinating characters in classic novels
Novels are a useful source of academic studies ▪ they are part of a student’s reading assignments ▪ improve students’ reading skills
▪ learn a lot of valuable lessons
点评:关键词-my favorite,既然是最喜欢那我们就可以把思路等同换代到interest上。然后详述分支理由:absorbing吸引人的/many fascinating characters许多令人着迷的特质。从点到面的铺展开,思路就芝麻开门了。
(第23题)Higher education: For all students or for certain students
Higher education is suitable for certain students
It is for students with academic interests ▪ college or university is a place for the pursuit of knowledge ▪ only students who are smart enough should be admitted ▪ lots of exams, essays and research papers need to be done
Not everyone wants or needs a degree ▪ some students are good at using their hands
▪ some students are future sports stars or musicians ▪ other students need to have a job after high school
点评:这里把interest作为名词使用,小站归纳了一些interest有用短语供拓展思路参考: be interest in/of interest/interest rate(对…有兴趣、兴趣的转移、利润率)。小伙伴们开始现学现用吧。
(第36题)Doing school assignments: alone or in a group?
Doing school assignments with a group is much better than doing them alone
It is more efficient ▪ have other students to discuss issues
▪ can share the workload when doing a big project ▪ brainstorming sessions are always possible
It is more interesting ▪ doing assignments alone is very boring
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▪ it also enhances your relationships with peers
点评:审题alone or in a group ?自学还是小组学习?可两者选其一。但都可以归纳到interest 的点子上,大家一起讨论产生头脑风暴(brainstorming)。在交流过程中才会有精彩的idea,还能增进人际交往(Increase the interpersonal communication)。