1.西安风景的导游词 第1篇
2.西安风景的导游词 第2篇
Inside the fourth courtyard, there is a structure called the Phoenix Pavilion, a place where worshipers wait for services. The pavilion, in fact, is a complex of three small buildings. The six-gabled structure in the central part is adjoined by two three-gabled buildings on each side which make it look like a flying phoenix; hence its name. Just at the back of the pavilion there is a fish pond, and beyond it is a platform with an area of 700 square meters. Acrothe platform stands the 1,300-square-meter prayer hall. It holds over 1,000 worshipers at a time. The ceiling is decorated with over 600 panels. The walls of the hall, as well as the panels, are decorated with patterns of trailing plants and Arabic letters. The shrine at the western end of the hall is where the imam and worshipers chant the Koran and pay homage while facing in the direction of Mecca.
闪亮的爸爸张静蕾The Moslems in China share much the same customs with their brothers and sisters else情欲电影
where in the world. They worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night.
伪装者桂姨The Constitution of China acknowledges that each citizen has the right freedom of religion, and that each ethnic group has the freedom to preserve or reform its own customs. Of course, the Moslems in China enjoy equal rights with other ethnic groups, and their religious beliefs and customs are respected everywhere in the country.
Huaqing Pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of Xian. Historically, the Western Zhou dynasty saw the construction of the Li Palace on the spot. In the Qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name Lishan Tang (the Lishan Hot Spring). The site was extended into a palace in the Han dynasty, and renamed the Li Palace (the Resort Palace). In the Tang dynasty, Li Shimin (Emperor Tai Zong) ordered to construct the Hot Spring Palace, and Emperor Xuan Zong had a walled palace built around Lishan Mountain in the year of 747. It was known as the Huaqing Palace. It also had the name Huaqing Pool on account of its location on the hot springs.
The Tang dynasty Emperor Xuan Zong and his favourite lady, Yang Gui Fei used to make their home at Frost Drifting Hall in winter days. When winter came, snowflakes were floating in the air, and everything in sight was white. However, they came into thaw immediately in front of the hall. It owed a great deal to the luke warm vapour rising out of the hot spring. This is the Frost Drifting Hall that greets us today.
3.西安风景的导游词 第3篇
骊山美如锦绣,又名绣岭,以石瓮谷为界分为东绣岭、西绣岭。 骊山曾是帝王游幸之地,山上山下古迹随处可见,神话传说层出不穷。“渭水秋天白,骊山晚照红。”每当夕阳西下,骊山在落日斜阳里红霞万状尤显壮观,“骊山晚照”被誉为“关中八景”之一。
骊山不仅自然景观秀丽,而且有几十个驰名的文物景点胜迹,古往今来,骊山给人们留下美好的回忆,登骊山别有一番情趣。青石台阶路把著名的周烽火台、老母殿、老君殿、晚照亭、兵谏亭、 石瓮谷、举火楼、遇仙桥、秤锤石、鸡上架、三元洞、鹞子翻身等古迹连在一起。游人可拾级而上或乘坐骊山索道缆车登山至烽火台。极目远眺,在茫茫八百里秦川上,渭河如一条玉带飘动在绿野之间,俯视山下,风景如画,游人熙攘。