If the plug is broken, please do not accept, unless love drink mixed with slag cork wine. Many people love to smell the cork, but please note that it is not used to the smell of wine, but to see whether there is musty cork or corked, identification of this bottle of wine may be contaminated, so the cork, smell the cork don't say: "this bottle of wine is really good". The real wine, please pour a little wine in the cup, gently shake, to wine and air full contact after judgment.
Akira cup
A little wine cup on the shallow, shake can not be too severe.
谭松韵刘昊然再次合作Sample wine
The first step is to look at the wine, clear and free of suspended solids, or may cork trash or
other debris. But the sediment is not necessarily a bad thing, may be brewing process is different, the precipitation of acid precipitation, of course, this is also a requirement for liquor.
The second step is the color, the color is very subtle, usually red, may be a microstrip blue or purple, pomegranate red, red is normal, but the red brown is not acceptable, this is the color of over oxidation, this bottle of wine is dead. White wine if it presents a brownish yellow.
The third step a combination of Wine aroma is different, this is to advise you, personal feeling, do not ignore those complicated professional description. But there is a certain bottom line, there is a jam or rotten fruit aroma, is not acceptable, which is the symbol of excessive oxidation. In addition, if it is found that the wet cloth or paper smell, it is Wine contaminated cork, please do not accept this wine.
生化危机之终期黑城The fourth step to wine, after the above test, which can be guaranteed to enjoy a bottle to drink, the normal Wine, but if it is found that the white Wine taste hypertrophy but not fres
何塞 穆希卡
h, red Wine with vinegar, then you should not hesitate to give up this bottle of wine excessive oxidation.
A hangover this topic, many experts are unable to agree. Please do not forget, wine is a kind of life of wine, in the open will present a complex and delicate state, coupled with personal taste, it is difficult to do a word.
If you find a jerky feeling in taste, is sober can be a period of time, but is generally 15 to 20 minutes. If after this period of time still feel that the entrance is not smooth, it can be poured into contact with air in the decanter.
If the taste can feel the entrance, you don't have to go through special hot, but in the process of drinking, to appreciate the subtle changes in Wine contact with air, make every cup of wine brought little surprise, the drinking process into a pleasant personal experience.
High quality wine after the addition of alkali, the color will change, become dark blue, and poor quality of the wine will not react to the alkali.
Know the reason, usually drink red Wine, friends may wish to use sodium hydroxide or household vinegar, edible alkali test.如何做疙瘩汤
Red wine and some other identification methods:
Look at the signs
Look at the label, you can distinguish between the original wine or semi juice wine. Authentic wine can not be added anything. If you add sugar, it will improve the accuracy of Wine wine; adding potassium sorbate (preservative) will destroy Wine components, which affect the quality of Wine. If a red wine is marked with grape juice, white sugar, potassium, potassium, it should be no doubt that semi juice wine.
Look at the appearance
It Wine glossy transparent appearance, luster, color and name of the wine with natural color, aroma pleasing; balance, coordination, integration, elegant aroma, pleasant; false Wine cloudy light, color and wine does not match, no natural feeling, bright color, have a clear sense of the artificial pigment.
The goods.
It Wine taste pleasant, soft, full bodied, long aftertaste; false Wine outstanding violent fruits (plus flavor), alcohol taste fragrant wine is outstanding, outstanding, thin, no taste. Reference material:
Drinking wine can be divided into 5 basic steps: view color, shake, smell wine, taste and aftertaste. As long as there is a keen feeling and spirit, pay the corresponding time and patience, you can enjoy one of the mysterious and leisurely.
A Watch
Wine tasting red eyes began to start, because the appearance of red Wine is an importan
t indicator of the health, the quality characteristics and the degree of the Tibetan wine.
We should examine the bottle packaging, the international bar code label on the back of the bottle it starts with 3 words of French international code 3, look at the back of the bottle label is Chinese mark; open the bottle, see wood wine stopper on the text is the same, and the wine label in France, wine bottles and corks are special the. Drink red wine, the wine label is equivalent to the identity of the wine. The wine label, usually includes the name of the name of the wine, the name of the wine, wine varieties, wine capacity, alcohol, produced country, the year of the growth, where the package into the bottle and other information. For senior customers, these data is very important, such as the grape growing years, know that the growth process is perfect, but also is the immediate consumption or need to store a few years drinking better.