分类号:TP31 U D C:D10621-408-(2014)1248-0
密 级:公 开 张怡宁老公的前妻 编 号:
论文作者姓名: | 情侣住酒店|
申请学位专业: | 数字媒体技术 情人节送男朋友什么 |
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柯尼赛格ccxr |
摘 要
t考试简短鼓励语八个字he Design and Implementation of Frozen Game
In order to know and learn more about Unity3D game engine, this papers describes how I develop a parkour game project whose background comes from a movie called Frozen. Through the study of this game project, we will get to know the pros and cons to use the game engine and it’s advantage of the future. We did this game project using its own development tool named MonoBehaviour. we used C# as its development language. This is a small 2D game with short development period and some basic techniques which are important knowledge.Many other Unity3D games are the union of some Unity3D function parts.
Key words: Unity3D; game engine; language development environment; parkour game