  母亲节,Mother's Day。通常我们说母亲节快乐可以说 happy mother`s day!
  I love you with my heart and soul, happy Mother's Day!
  Mother's Day is a national holiday in the United States legal . Held on the second Sunday of May each year . Mother feast originated from the folk customs of ancient Greece. At that time , the ancient Greeks as each spring the   legendary mother of the gods , the symbol of the human mother - Race Shakespeare held a grand celebration. But by this time has not yet formed Mother's Day .
陈翔的照片  母亲节是美国法定的全国性节⽇。在每年5⽉的第⼆个星期⽇举⾏。为母亲过节最早源于古希腊的民间风俗。那时,古希腊⼈每年春天都要为传说中的众神之母、⼈类母亲的象征--赛⽐亚举⾏盛⼤的庆祝活动。但这时还未形成母亲节。
海上花园  The history of Mother's Day is centuries old and goes back to the times of ancient Greeks, who held festivities to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods. The early Christians celebrated the Mother's festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor Mary, the mother of Christ. Interestingly, later on a religious order stretched the holiday to include all mothers, and named it as the Mothering Sunday. The English colonists settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday because of lack of time. In 1872 Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers dedicated to peace. It is a landmark in the history of Mother's Day.
  Mother's Day was initiated by a woman named Jarvis by her daughter Anna Jarvis founded .
  Ms. Jia Weisi is a country with 10 children 's mother , was the director of the United States Grafton City Church Sunday school. After the liberation of slaves in the United States for the purpose of the Civil War, she was responsible for about U.S. Memorial Day courses in school. Jarvis is a kind-hearted , compassionate woman. She tells that one war heroes who sacrificed their lives for justice stories , looking at a picture of the audience is full of childlike children's faces , an idea suddenly my heart : contribution to the motherland so much brave soldiers , to ensure that the victory in the war , not that that one pains to nurture the child's mother as well? their sons bloody battlefield , bear the greatest suffering and sacrifice , and not also the unknown mother? Therefore, she should propose the establishment of a Day or mother's Day , give some comfort these extraordinary women , sons and daughters of the mother to express Xiaosi . Unfortunately, the good intentions have not yet realized , Ms. Jia Weisi he died. Her daughter Anna Jarvis saw his mother and brothers and sisters of adult dependents of their own hard work , deeply mother'sproposal is suitable for people of justice . Therefore, she wrote dozens of letters sent to the U.S. Congress . And women's organizations , such as local governor , proposed the creation of Mother's Day. Under her repeated calls , theproposal has been widely response and support of the community.穿衣
毕业对老师的感谢语  贾薇丝夫⼈是⼀个有着10个⼦⼥的母亲,是当时美国格拉夫顿城教会主⽇学校的总监。在美国以解放⿊奴为⽬的的南北战争结束后,她在学校⾥负责讲述美国国殇纪念⽇的课程。贾薇丝是⼀位⼼地善良,极富同情⼼的⼥⼈。她讲述着战争中那⼀个个为正义捐躯的英雄的故事,望着台下那⼀张张充满稚⽓的孩⼦们的脸,⼀个想法猛然涌上⼼头:为祖国贡献了这么多英勇战⼠,保证了战争胜利的,不就是那⼀个个含⾟茹苦地抚育着⼦⼥的母亲们吗?她们的⼉⼦⾎染疆场,承受了最⼤的痛苦和牺牲的,不也是这些默默⽆闻的母亲吗?因此,她提出应该设⽴⼀个纪念⽇或母亲节,给这些平凡的⼥⼈⼀些慰藉,表达⼉⼥们对母亲的孝思。可惜的是,这个良好的愿望还没有实现,贾薇丝夫⼈便与世长辞了。她的⼥⼉安娜·;贾薇丝⽬睹母亲抚养⾃⼰和兄弟妹成⼈的⾟劳,深感母亲的提议是适合天理⼈⼼的。因此,她写出了⼏⼗封信,发给美国国会。地⽅州长和妇⼥组织等,提议创⽴母亲节。在她的⼀再呼吁下,这⼀提议得到了社会上的⼴泛响应和⽀持。
  In 1914, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson vowed , the second Sunday of May each year , which is the anniversary of
the death of Mrs. Jarvis , as Mother's Day. The U.S. government also provides for Mother's Day , each household must fly the flag to show respect for the mother . Because Ms. Jia Weisi lifetime favorite carnation flowers, this flower will become a symbol of Mother's Day .
  After Mother's Day was founded , has also been supported by all peoples of the world . Anna Jarvis when alive , to establish a national Mother's Day has reached 43 . Today, to celebrate the festival of the country even more. Mother's   Day has become a truly international festival. By convention, the " International Mother's Day " was held at the scheduled May 11 each year .
  In the chest wearing pink . Color is luxurious . Those who wear the mother had died of the white carnation , and her mother alive who is wearing a red carnation . On this day, people always want to find ways to make his mother happy to spend the holidays, thanks and compensation for their year of hard labor . The most common way is giving Mother's Day cards and gifts to mothers. Festival, ev
ery mother will joy mood, kids and husbands to accept a gift of roses or other flowers, candy, books and souvenirs, especially when they receive the above young children do it yourself with a childlike crayon to write the "Mom, I love you ," the words of the card , the more will feel especially proud and pleased. But the most precious, the most generous gift or to liberate them from their daily household chores out easily rest day. On this day, many families by husbands and kids to pack down all the housework , mothers do not have to cook, wash the dishes do not have to whipsaw , do not do the laundry . Many families still serve breakfast in bed, the mother of practice.
  Mother's Day is a festival full of human warmth , this day, all the male members of the family should
pack down all the housework , children who have to do something to make his mother happy person thing to filial piety . Even children in distant lands , but also a call to his mother congratulations. On this day, the American people have to wear a flower on his chest . Mother alive , wearing a colored flower , which means joy ; mother 's death , wearing a white , expression of grief .
  Japanese Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May . Festival where people send her a red carnation, congratulations.
  Mother's Day was first celebrated in France in 1928 , the festival scheduled in May of last Sunday. Festival this day, millions of moms , joyfully accepted their children their " happy holiday " best wishes .
  Thailand announced on August 12 , 1976 for Mother 's Day . This day is also the birthday of Thai King Houli Ji . Festivals, country to carry out the " excellent mother" contest . Sons and daughters handheld aromatic fragrance of jasmine, dedicated to his mother.
  Many countries in the Arab region Mothers Day in March 21 " Equinox" that day. Locals that " Equinox" is the
beginning of spring , the beginning of the year , this represents a great mother . Portuguese Mother's Day in December 8 ; while Indonesia is scheduled on December 22 .
  Mother's Day is a regional holiday in our country , this is the first festival in Hong Kong, Macao and 户户通怎么重新定位安装
Taiwan regions. After the reform and opening up, Mother's Day is also acceptable to the mainland . Guangdong Province in 1988, Hangzhou and other cities in 1989, women's federations at all levels by the celebration of Mother's Day , and the selection of " good mother " as one of the elements of the festival.