Module 1 People and places
/m/, /n/, //;动词-ing形式的发音。
buy, call, drive, enjoy, lie, shop, take, tell, wait, for, postcard, the Great Wall, really, anyway, car, thing, leave, work, pub, restaurant, opera, ballet, sleep, wash, dress, start, midday, coffee, see, greeting, soon, love, night, street
take photos, wait for, have a good time, a lot, put on, at home, hot dog, at the moment, look at, See you later, Good night.
1. She__________(drive) a car now.
2. Look! They__________(take) photos.
3. Listen! The children__________(sing).
4. —What are you doing? —I__________(wait) for you.
5. It’s ten o’clock. We__________(wash) the clothes.
答案:1. is driving  2. are taking  3. are singing  4. am waiting  5. are washing
1. She is doing her homework.(改为否定句)
She __________ __________ her homework.
2. They are looking at the blackboard.(改为一般疑问句)
__________ __________ __________at the blackboard?
3. Tom is playing basketball.(对画线部分提问)
What __________ __________ __________?
答案:1. isn’t doing  2. Are they looking  3. is Tom doing
4.现在进行时的标志词look!  listen!  now  It’s 8 o’clock.  What are you doing?
1. There __________a pen and two pencils in the bag.
A. is                B. are            C.has
2. There are__________ on the desk.
A. two pieces of bread
B. some bread
C. a box of pencils
3. Does Lily__________ her homework in the evening?
A. does            B. do            C. /
4. Do you want to go there__________ or by ship?
A. on a bus        B. on bus            C. by a bus
5. Li lei and Li Lin. Here are your shoes. Please put__________.
A. it on            B. on them        C. them on
6. —__________you __________English every morning?
—Yes, I do.
A. Are, reading    B. Do, read        C. Can, read
7. __________you brother often late for class?
A. Is                B. Does            C. Are
8. —Can you send a card__________me?
—Yes, I can.
A. to            B. for            C. from
9. —What are you doing?渡红尘
A. I sing
B. I’m singing
C. I can sing
10. —What day is it today?
A. It’s Monday    B. It’s 4:10        C. It’s fine
One Friday morning, Bill   11  up late. He gets   12  the classroom. Mr Gar, his maths teacher says, “You are late again. Now how many times are you late this week?”
“Three times.” says Bill.
“Why are you late again? Why don’t you get up   13  ?”
“It isn’t my fault, Mr Gao. The TV play is over   14  eleven.” answers Bill.
“Now   15  me look   16  your homework,” says the teacher.
“I’m sorry, I can’t do it,” says Bill.
  17  can’t you do it?” asks the teacher. “Because the first part of the homework is   18   
easy. I don’t think I 礼品卷  19  to do it. The second part is too difficult   20  me to do it. I can’t work it out. So I don’t do it.” answers Bill.
11. A. gets        B. get            C. gets to
12. A. at            B. in            C. to
13. A. late        B. early            C. well
14. A. in            B. at                C. on
15. A. let            B. get            C. have
16. A. in            B. on            C. at
17. A. What        B. Why            C. Who
范诗然18. A. much        B. too            C. well
19. A. need        B. can            C. want
20. A. for            B. to                C. in
MARIO: Today is my sister’s birthday. She is twenty-one years old.
TONY: That’s great!
MARIO: She wants a cake for her birthday. Let’s make one.
TONY: What? Can you make a cake?
MARIO: Sure. My sister likes chocolate cake, so I make one every year. She says they’re great.
TONY: Well, OK. What do we need?
MARIO: We need some flour, some chocolate, and some sugar(糖). I have them right here. There’s some butter and some eggs in the refrigerator(冰箱). But I don’t have any milk.
TONY: Let’s go and buy some milk and make a cake?国内洗碗机厂家哪家好
MARIO: Happy birthday, Ellen. Do you like your cake?
ELLEN: It’s great, Mario. Thanks!
MARIO: You’re welcome, Ellen. But there’s one thing.
ELLEN: What’s that?
MARIO: Well, every year I make a cake, and every year you eat all of it. I’d like some, too!
ELLEN: I’m so sorry! You can have a piece.
21. There is no__________ for the cake.
A. butter            B. sugar            C. milk