(  )1.delicate        A.n.辐射
(  )2.leisure      B.v.干扰,扰乱
(  )3.radiation      C.adj.脆弱的
(  )4.economy      D.n.空闲,闲暇
(  )5.disturb      E.n.经济
[答案] 1-5 CDAEB
(  )1.put into operation      A.空闲时
(  )2.catch one's eye      B.支持,赞同
(  )3.reach out      C.投入使用
(  )4.in favour of          D.引起某人注意
(  )5.at one's leisure      E.伸出
[答案]张劲 1-5 CDEBA
1.massive           adj.巨大的
2.splendid      adj.壮丽的
3.wander      v.徘徊
4.jungle      n.(热带)丛林
5.operator      n.经营者
渡边杏东出昌大离婚6.conservationist      n.环境保护主义者
7.candidate      n.申请者
8.advertise      v.征聘,公布
9.genuine      adj.真正的
10.salary      n.报酬,工资
1.Responsibility and reliability are necessary qualifications for the job.
2.Tastes and 李玉刚哪里人preferences vary from individual to individual.
3.He received one year's salary as compensation for loss of office.
4.He seems so honest and genuine and my every instinct says he's not.
5.If you want to attract more customers,try advertising in the local paper.
6.There were over 500 applicants for the job.
7.The programme has lost favour with viewers recently.
8.They don't realize that the noise from the TV disturbs me.
9.The new government's first challenge is the economy.
10.Tele­Communications is the nation's largest cable TV operator.
1.A conservationist(conservation) is a person who takes an active part in the protection of the environment.
2.The cat yowls all night,which is rather disturbing(disturb).
3.Soon people were complaining that the young operator(operate) of the supermarket was mean.
4.Every applicant(apply) should complete one application form for each product.
5.Miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement(advertise) in the local newspaper.
6.This is an exciting challenge and salary is negotiable(negotiate)
7.He really has a preference(prefer) for equality.
8.Should I send you copies of my qualification(qualify) in advance?
9.The terms of the agreement are favourable(favour) to both sides.
10.The book deals with the social,economic(economy) and political issues of the period.
1.Sitting back in my seat,I can't quite believe that I'm about to travel along the railway that many foreign experts claimed was impossible”.
2.In locations such as this,the thin air,changeable weather and high levels of UV radiation presented perhaps the greatest challenge for railway workers.
3.The words railways like massive dragons are winding among the mountains seem particularly vivid as I travel across theroof of the world”.
4.Water birds playing in the lake,and cattle and sheep wandering the grasslands bring the scenery to life.
5.In addition to blogging,taking photos and writing articles about the Reef,he made a number of appearances on television to argue in favour of its defence.
claim v.宣称,声明
steadily adv.平稳地
massive adj.巨大的
wind v.蜿蜒;曲折
particularly adv.特别,尤其
vivid adj.生动的,栩栩如生的
[1]Sitting back in my seat是现在分词短语作状语;that引导宾语从句。
Qinghai­Tibet Railway青藏铁路,称青藏线,是一条连接青海省西宁市至西藏自治区拉萨市的国铁级铁路,是中国新世纪四大工程之一,是通往西藏腹地的第一条铁路,也是世界上海拔最高、线路最长的高原铁路。
overcome v.克服
delicate adj.脆弱的
ecosystem n.生态系统