1. 电影女演员 - movie actress
  例句:She is a talented movie actress who has won several awards.(她是一位才华横溢的电影女演员,曾获得多个奖项。)
具俊晔2. 电视剧女演员 - TV actress
  例句:She started her career as a TV actress and later transitioned to films.(她从电视剧女演员起步,后来转向了电影界。)
3. 舞台女演员 - stage actress
  例句:She is a highly respected stage actress known for her powerful performances.(她是一位备受尊敬的舞台女演员,以其出的演技而闻名。)
4. 女配角 - supporting actress
  例句:She won the award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in the film.(她因在该片中的角获得了最佳女配角奖。)
5. 女主角 - leading actress
  例句:She played the leading actress in the blockbuster film that broke box office records.(她在这部创下票房纪录的大片中饰演女主角。)
6. 喜剧女演员 - comedic actress
  例句:She is a talented comedic actress who can make audiences laugh with her impeccable timing.(她是一位才华横溢的喜剧女演员,凭借她的完美节奏感让观众捧腹大笑。)
7. 一线女演员 - A-list actress
如何使用网银胡歌王凯  例句:She is one of the most sought-after A-list actresses in the industry.(她是业界最受追捧的一线女演员之一。)
8. 女演员工会 - actresses' union张睿资料
  例句:The actresses' union fought for better representation and equal pay in the entertainment industry.(女演员工会为在娱乐界争取更好的代表性和平等报酬而努力。)
9. 女演员奖 - actress award
  例句:She was nominated for the prestigious actress award for her outstanding performance in the play.(她因在该剧中出的表演而被提名角逐著名的女演员奖。)
10. 女演员训练 - actress training
    例句:She went through years of intensive actress training to hone her craft.(她经历了多年的密集女演员训练,以磨练自己的演艺技巧。)郭沁