六、选择填空。(共15 小题,共20 分)A.从以下各题A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确答案。(共10 小题,每小题  1 分;计10 分)
19.(1分)I have some new books on learning English.You can borrow_______if you need.()A.it B.one C.that
20.(1分)We must take action to cut down the use of plastic bags right now________it is too late.()A.before B.although C.if
21.(1分)Qu Yuan is one of the greatest poets in China who was born in Chu state,the second_______ state in the Spring﹣autumn Waring States Period.()
A.strong B.stronger C.strongest
22.(1分)Rice is_______one﹣year﹣old plant 一it grows,flowers and dies just in.So we must save food and value the hard work of farmers.()
A.a B.an C./
23.(1分)You are too afraid of failure to give it a try.Success _______belong to you.()A.may B.can't C.must
【解答】may可以;can't不可能;must必须。根据You are too afraid of failure to give it a try."你太害怕失败而不敢尝试。"可知,成功"不可能"属于你。
【点评】分析情态动词用法,掌握表示否定推测用can't的知识点,结合语境,选择合适答案。24.(1分)It's necessary for parents to give children______to think by themselves.()A.advice B.room C.solutions
【解答】advice建议;room房间;solutions解决。根据parents to give children______to think by themselves.
25.(1分)Life skills for primary and middle school students_________a must in September this year according to the new rules of China's Ministry of Education(教育部).()
A.will be B.has been C.was
【解答】根据语境,题干主语life skills(生活技能)和其谓语be(是、成为)之间是被动关系,且题干时间状语in September this year(今年9月)是将来的时间,表明谓语动作发生在将来,因此设空处应用一般将来时态的被动语态,即will be符合语境。
26.(1分)The 19th Asian Games _____ theme is Heart to Heart,@ Future will be held in Hangzhou.()A.who B.whose C.which
【解答】根据题干,可知考查定语从句。先行词The 19 h Asian Games和后面的名词theme是所属关系,关系代词用whose。
27.(1分)Our school has held activities_______the 100 birthday of the Communist Youth League(共青团).
A.celebrating B.celebrated
C.to celebrate
28.(1分)一Dad,can you tell me______?
一Yes.Just as Chairman Xi says,"Happiness is achieved through hard work."()
A.when we can find happiness
B.where we can find happiness
C.what can help us find happiness
【解答】根据题干,可知考查宾语从句,由Happiness is achieved through hard work.幸福是通过努力获得的。可知问的是哪里能到幸福。
B. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共5 小题,每小题2 分;计10 分)
29.(10分)A:Alan T:Tang Li
A:Almost all the big exams have ended and our summer vacation is coming.
T:It's a pity that this vacation is not as long as usual.(1)C
A:Anyway,at least we have time to relax,such as reading and playing sports.
T:(2)A I have played it since I was a child.
A:Great!But I really wanted to travel if possible.
A:Shanghai is my dream city for there is the theme park ﹣﹣Disneyland.
T:It's one of my dream cities,too.(4)E
A:Sure.That sounds wonderful.(5)D
T:OK,let's work on the places of interest first.
张学友老婆是谁A.I decide to practice my piano.
B.Where do you expect to go?
C.We only have one month.
D.We can make a plan right away.
E.Can I have a trip with you?
(1)结合上文,It's a pity that this vacation is not as long as usual.(很遗憾,这个假期没有往常那么长。)结合选项,判断空格处要表达的含义为"我们只有一个月。"故选C。
(2)结合下文,I have played it since I was a child.(我从小就弹它。)结合选项,判断空格处要表达的含义为"我决定练习钢琴。"故选A。
(3)结合下文,Shanghai is my dream city for there is the theme park ﹣﹣Disneyland.(上海是我梦想中的城市,因为那里有主题公园——迪士尼乐园。)结合选项,判断空格处要表达的含义为"你期待去哪里?"故选B。
(4)结合下文,Sure.That sounds wonderful.(当然。听起来不错。)结合选项,判断空格处要表达的含义为"我可以和你去旅行吗?"故选E。
(5)结合下文,OK,let's work on the places of interest first.(好吧,我们先来看看名胜古迹。)结合选项,判断空格处要表达的含义为"我们可以马上制定计划。"故选D。
七、完形填空。阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。(共15 小题;计20 分。A 篇每小题  2 分,计10分;B 篇每小题  1 分,计10 分)30.(10分)Sitcoms influence people on a cultural level.One way they do this is through (1)C.Many sitcom characters have their own catchphrases (流行语).When they become popular,they can(2)C the way people talk in real life.Let's look at some popular sitcom catchphrases.
"How you doing?" ﹣﹣Joey Tribbiani,Friends
Every time Joey sees one of his friends,he will (3)B them with this Sentence.We usually say "How are you doing?in a normal way.But Joey's special way is funnier
"Bazinga!" ﹣﹣Sheldon Cooper,The Big Bang Theory
毕福剑是朱军害的Sheldon is a physicist.He often has problems understanding other people's sense of(4)B.Every time he tells a joke,he will say "Bazinga!" to show that it is a joke.(5)C the popularity of the show,you can often hear people use this word.
(1)A.dialogues    B.performances    C.languages
(2)A.decide    B.show    C.change
(3)A.greet    B.ask    C.trick
(4)A.satisfaction    B.humor    C.sadness
(5)A.As well as    B.According to    C.Thanks to
【解答】(1)考查名词。A.dialogues对话;B.performances表演;C.languages语言。根据Many sitcom characters have their own catchphrases (流行语).(许多情景喜剧角都有自己的口头禅。)可知其中