This morning , my English ego surpassed my German ego ,thus prompting me to share what i reckon significant in ways of memorizing idioms . In effect , these two methods, namely assosiations and emotions , work for any situation that involves dry and tedious memorization . But today i want to share my experience in how we can bear idioms in mind . As is known to us all , idioms are the alive language of a nation's culture ,which vividly reflect the history ,geography , customs and practices of a particular community. Hence it's helpful in terms of distinguishing one culture from another . Yet ,from time immemorial ,distinguished as a certain culture can be ,say the european culture , it still shares a border with other cultures on the planet. To some extent , gaining some knowledge of idioms ,be they English or German ,is conducive to shaping our understanding of a counrty's hidden culture . Here i am going to introduce two approaches with regards to effecient idioms remebering work .
如何安装空调>消防工程师证报考条件是什么 Firstly , associations. As human beings ,we tend to be impressed by something that strik
es us .In that cases , it's likely for us to connect such a matter with our own experience . For example ,provided that your best friend hit the jackpot and goes to your apartment, seeking for advice about how the big sum of money can be disposed of . Standing in his or her shoes , you would probably say , " Well, it's sensible for to bring a new acquisition in your garage,buddy . How about a fancy SUV? '' Then after that , you are lost in thought . What if the windfall fell on me ? What would i do ? The moment you start having your imgaination run riot , you are wielding the power of associations . How about those seemingly lifeless idioms ? Is it suitable to resort to imagination when it comes to remember them ? The answer is undeniably positive . The following examples can best illustrate my points . There is an idiom in English ,rise and shine .Let's take a look at its structure . Rise , and , shine . Two nouns plus one conjunction word . We can focus on rise , shine . At the first sight of the combination of the two words ,what rolls in your mind ? The suns arises from the horizon and then shines ? Get closer ! Seeing that arising sun , what is your response? That must be a singal to remind you to rise out of your bed, no more sleep now . Then we can check the connotation. It means getting up . Another exa
火车票网上订票几点开始mple is here,something isn't rocket science . After analysing the sentence formation ,it's obvious that the key words here are rock science . What does rocket science mean to an ordinary head ? That's difficult,profound and obscure stuff only recognizable to scienents. But what if it isn't that unfathomable ? In that sense , even we ,men-of-the-street , can get an idea of what it stands for . The last example i will cite is "as solid as a rock ". The as structure is obvious to us all. Our attention should be paid as solid and rock,or as we call, the key words. Both solid and rock and known for their quality : hardness . That's why these two words can be matched together . Now that we are aware of their common quality , then what's the meaning of this idiom? Rack your brain! Wait one second ,does that mean something is hard and reliable? That's right , you name it . See , how easy it can be if you employ that method in learning idioms ? So much for this method. Now i am going to shift the attention to another way : emotions .
Emotions play a vital role in our daily life . We get delighted , enamored ,wrenched ,heart-broken, disgusted , sick because of what happens to ourselves or our friends or relatives . Without emotions, our life is bound to be listless and bored-to-death . It's fair to
say that emotions instill our everydayness with vim and vigor. However, in the course of mastering indioms, emotions also have a part to play . According to my understanding,most English-learners perfer to be reasonable type rather than emotional one.To be more exact, their attention is entirely attached to every single word. Those learners hold the firm belief that the only way to remember words is by cramming . Today, i suggest that the use of emotions be integrated ,no more cramming .I derive from this conclusion because of the fact that when a learner employs emotion,he is involved in the situation the idiom sets and has a part to play instead of being a outsider. Here are some food for thoughts. In English, we have some idioms to express one's circle of life . I ,especially , want to mention two interesting ones. One is somebody's salad days ,another one one's summer years . The former means a period when one was young and didn't have much experience ,whereas the latter shows a period of fruition or fulfillment. To us college students , most are in our salad days . Salad is fresh , green , and tasty , Does it also reflect what we are and how we behave at 20s? Does this idiom recall us our sweet and bitter memories? " I had a secret on our monitor when i was a freshman." "
My neighbour broke her mum's vase and told her the cat did it " " I once had a hangover because i flopped in my final exam." Then how about one's summer years ? When an ambitious man sees this idiom, he probably visualises his promising future when he is in that phase of life . "When i am in my summer years , i wish i could be as famous as Mark Twain,write more books and get more experienced". In envision,his emotions break out . " Well, i am vulnerable to setbacks from scratch. Some publishers possibly reject my works . Should that happen ,i might give a loud cry . Oh,no ,that's not what i am supposed to behave. I have got to buckle down and work hard . Only by doing so will i win acclaim and deserve it ." Supposing you see this idiom and combine it with your emotion, will you regard it as a mixture of single words or you believe you are involved ? I believe , if you belong to the latter , your study is more efficient than others.
The aforementioned two methods come from my own experience in memorizing words or idioms and books concerning effcient study. For me ,it's effective and efficient both in gaining concrete knowledge and in studing exotic cultures and in enhancing pleasure. Of course ,these two methods cannot be used separately ,but as a whole . So if you are still
harassed by NETEM,TEM4/TEM8 or TOEFL words,why not give associations and emotions a shot ?
get a rise out of sb (故意招惹某人) 用联想的方法 , 一个人凌晨才睡,你醒足了后一边拿根小草在人家脸上晃啊啊,一边说快起来陪我玩啊,这不是故意招惹某人这是什么?
between a rock and a hard place(进退维谷) . 用联想或者情感的方法。 假如你突然陷入一个地方,前面是石头,后面也硬硬的地方,你是过还是不过呢?
龙应台的丈夫rule sb with a rod of iron (实行严酷的高压统治) 两种办法都行,你可以想象还珠格格中容嬷嬷对紫薇和小燕子的酷刑,不就是统治者实行严酷的高压统治的一个体现吗? 或者你设身处地的想想,要是你也紫薇或小燕子是不是对这种严酷的没人性的行为深恶痛绝呢?
摔跤的跤组词shout sth from the housetops/rooftops (使某事家喻户晓) 联想,你家住在小区,有好心的小朋友在窗户边喊,小明,你妈叫你吃饭,他站在高的地方喊,不是整个小区都听见了吗?
go on a _ run (去买什么东西,注意买什么就在run前面加什么) 你的闺蜜刚好要去趟沃尔玛,你对你闺蜜说 Bestie,could u go on a milk run ?
give sb the run-around (搪塞某人) 记得有一次一个朋友把我惹毛了,我用的是Don't be perfunctory with me" 这个词是是敷衍的意思,用的太书面了,其实run-around 也是一样的意思 ,它和一个习语相似 beat around the bush 是绕弯子。 正式的对话中可以说 Stop beating around the bush ,lets call a spade a spade 即少给我兜圈子,我们打开天窗说亮话。 在商务会谈中,老外可能不习惯中国人老是兜圈子不谈正事的情况,比如先请你吃饭,喝茶,带你去参观,这时他们会说 Lets get down to business 即我们谈正事吧
the bottom / first rung of the ladders .(最底层) 相反之 最高层把两个形容词换为top 或者是highest即可 这个可以用情感记忆法,我毕业后先在基层干,干到summer years 我一定可以到 公司高层
rub salt in sb's wounds . (在伤口上撒盐)大家也可以从字面上猜出来,不多说
the salt of the earth /the scum of the earth (顶梁柱,社会中间力量,令人佩服的人/ 社会渣滓) 首先解释salt一词,在古代人们买东西用盐,因而谁家盐多谁家就有钱,这里的salt是相当于一个比喻,所以意即顶梁柱。 而scum 本身就有渣滓的意思,也就不难理解,用到实际中去,发挥我们的情感力量,Zhou Kehua is the scum of the earth .