VC++应用程序的开发主要有两种模式,一种是WIN API方式,另一种则是MFC方式,传统的WIN API开发方式比较繁琐,而MFC则是对WIN API再次封装,所以MFC相对于WIN API开发更具备效率优势,但为了对WINDOWS开发有一个较为全面细致的认识,笔者在这里还是以讲解WIN API的相关内容为主线。
一般情况下,变量的取名方式为: + + 。
特殊的类型命名,前缀表示: 类、接口
前缀 | 类型 | 例子 | 备注 |
Lm | Class | LmObject | 表示类型本身 不与范围前缀结合使用 |
I | Interface 接口 | IUnknown | |
注:类名前缀改为Lm,对于非全局的类最好有语义表示其所属模块。类的实例命名与类名大致相同,只是类名语义表示类的通用含义,而类名表示此实例的具体语义。如类名LmSketPoint表示草图点的类定义,而它的两个实例 _StartPoint,_EndPoint分别代表起点和终点的语义。类的实例命名带上前缀_。
a. MouseTool的派生类的前缀为_Mt.
b. 对话框类的前缀为CDlg.
c. 橡皮条类的前缀为_Rb.
a. MouseTool的派生类的前缀为_Mt.
b. 对话框类的前缀为CDlg.
c. 橡皮条类的前缀为_Rb.
前缀 | 类型 | 例子 | 备注 |
g_ | 全局作用域 | g_Servers | |
m_ | 成员变量 | m_pDoc, | |
l_ | 局部作用域 | l_strName | 少用 |
特征模块 : Fea
草图模块 : Sket
装配模块 : Asm
工程图模块: Lay
曲面模块 : Surf
界面模块 : Ui
草图模块 : Sket
装配模块 : Asm
工程图模块: Lay
曲面模块 : Surf
界面模块 : Ui
前缀 | 类型 | 内存规格描述 | 例子 |
ch | char | 8-bit character | chGrade |
ch | TCHAR | 16-bit character if _UNICODE is defined | chName |
b | BOOL | Boolean value | bEnabled |
n | int | Integer (size dependent on operating system) | nLength |
n | UINT | Unsigned value (size dependent on operating system) | nLength |
w | WORD | 16-bit unsigned value | wPos |
l | LONG | 32-bit signed integer | lOffset |
dw | DWORD 养老保险交够15年能领多少钱 | 32-bit unsigned integer | dwRange |
p | * | Ambient memory model pointer | pDoc |
lp | FAR* | Far pointer | lpDoc |
lpsz | LPSTR | 32-bit pointer to character string | lpszName |
lpsz | LPCSTR | 32-bit pointer to constant character string | lpszName |
lpsz | LPCTSTR | 32-bit pointer to constant character string if _UNICODE is defined | lpszName |
h | handle | Handle to Windows object | hWnd |
lpfn | (*fn)() | callbackFar pointer to CALLBACK function | lpfnAbort |
Windows 对象 | 例子变量 | MFC类 | 例子对象 |
HWND | hWnd; | CWnd* | pWnd; |
HDLG | hDlg; | CDialog* | pDlg; |
HDC | hDC; | CDC* | pDC; |
HGDIOBJ | hGdiObj; | CGdiObject* | pGdiObj; |
HPEN | hPen; | CPen* | pPen; |
HBRUSH | hBrush; | CBrush* | pBrush; |
HFONT | hFont; | CFont* | pFont; |
HBITMAP | hBitmap; | CBitmap* | pBitmap; |
HPALETTE | hPalette; | CPalette* | pPalette; |
HRGN | hRgn; | CRgn* | pRgn; |
HMENU | hMenu; | CMenu* | pMenu; |
HWND | hCtl; | CStatic* | pStatic; |
HWND | hCtl; | CButton* | pBtn; |
HWND | hCtl; | CEdit* | pEdit; |
HWND | hCtl; | CListBox* | pListBox; |
HWND | hCtl; | CComboBox* | pComboBox; |
Visual C++常用宏定义命名列表
前缀 | 符号类型 | 符号例子 | 范围 |
IDR_ | 标识多个资源共享的类型 | IDR_MAINFRAME | 1 to 0x6FFF |
IDD_ | 对话框资源(Dialog) | IDD_SPELL_CHECK | 1 to 0x6FFF |
IDB_ | 位图资源(Bitmap) | IDB_COMPANY_LOGO | 1 to 0x6FFF |
IDC_ | 光标资源(Cursor) | IDC_PENCIL | 1 to 0x6FFF |
IDI_ | 图标资源(Icon) | IDI_NOTEPAD | 1 to 0x6FFF |
ID_IDM_ | 工具栏或菜单栏的命令项 | ID_TOOLS_SPELLING | 0x8000 to 0xDFFF |
HID_ | 命令上下文帮助(Command Help context) | HID_TOOLS_SPELLING | 0x18000 to 0x1DFFF |
IDP_ | 消息框提示文字资源 | IDP_INVALID_PARTNO | 8 to 0xDFFF |
HIDP_ | 消息框上下文帮助(Message-box Help context) | HIDP_INVALID_PARTNO | 0x30008 to 0x3DFFF |
IDS_ | 字符串资源(String) | IDS_COPYRIGHT | 1 to 0x7FFF |
IDC_ | 对话框内的控制资源(Control) | IDC_RECALC | 刘若英与陈升的故事8 to 0xDFFF |
VISUAL C++ 下的数据类型
类型 | 含义 | 元宵节短信祝福语
ATOM | Atom. For more information, see Atoms. |
BOOL | Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE). |
BOOLEAN | Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE). |
BYTE | Byte (8 bits). |
CALLBACK | Calling convention for callback functions. | cf登陆不上去
CHAR | 8-bit Windows (ANSI) character. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts. |
COLORREF | Red, green, blue (RGB) color value (32 bits). See COLORREF for information on this type. |
CONST | Variable whose value is to remain constant during execution. |
DWORD | 32-bit unsigned integer. |
DWORD_PTR | Unsigned long type for pointer precision. Use when casting a pointer to a long type to perform pointer arithmetic. (Also commonly used for general 32-bit parameters that have been extended to 64 bits in 64-bit Windows. ) |
DWORD32 | 32-bit unsigned integer. |
DWORD64 | 64-bit unsigned integer. |
FLOAT | Floating-point variable. |
HACCEL | Handle to an accelerator table. |
HANDLE | Handle to an object. |
HBITMAP | Handle to a bitmap. |
HBRUSH | Handle to a brush. |
HCONV | Handle to a dynamic data exchange (DDE) conversation. |
HCONVLIST | 家乡巨变作文Handle to a DDE conversation list. |
HCURSOR | Handle to a cursor. |
HDC | Handle to a device context (DC). |
HDDEDATA | Handle to DDE data. |
HDESK | Handle to a desktop. |
HDROP | Handle to an internal drop structure. |
HDWP | Handle to a deferred window position structure. |
HENHMETAFILE | Handle to an enhanced metafile. |
HFILE | Handle to a file opened by OpenFile, not CreateFile. |
HFONT | Handle to a font. |
HGDIOBJ | Handle to a GDI object. |
HGLOBAL | Handle to a global memory block. |
HHOOK | Handle to a hook. |
HICON | Handle to an icon. |
HIMAGELIST | Handle to an image list. |
HIMC | Handle to input context. |
HINSTANCE | Handle to an instance. |
HKEY | Handle to a registry key. |
HKL | Input locale identifier. |
HLOCAL | Handle to a local memory block. |
HMENU | Handle to a menu. |
HMETAFILE | Handle to a metafile. |
HMODULE | Handle to a module. The value is the base address of the module. |
HMONITOR | Handle to a display monitor. |
HPALETTE | Handle to a palette. |
HPEN | Handle to a pen. |
HRGN | Handle to a region. |
HRSRC | Handle to a resource. |
HSZ | Handle to a DDE string. |
HWINSTA | Handle to a window station. |
HWND | Handle to a window. |
INT | 32-bit signed integer. |
INT_PTR | Signed integral type for pointer precision. Use when casting a pointer to an integer to perform pointer arithmetic. |
INT32 | 32-bit signed integer. |
INT64 | 64-bit signed integer. |
LANGID | Language identifier. For more information, see Locales. |
LCID | Locale identifier. For more information, see Locales. |
LCTYPE | Locale information type. For a list, see Locale and Language Information. |
LONG | 32-bit signed integer. |
LONG_PTR | Signed long type for pointer precision. Use when casting a pointer to a long to perform pointer arithmetic. |
LONG32 | 32-bit signed integer. |
LONG64 | 64-bit signed integer. |
LONGLONG | 64-bit signed integer. |
LPARAM | Message parameter. |
LPBOOL | Pointer to a BOOL. |
LPBYTE | Pointer to a BYTE. |
LPCOLORREF | Pointer to a COLORREF value. |
LPCSTR | Pointer to a constant null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts. |
LPCTSTR | An LPCWSTR if UNICODE is defined, an LPCTSTR otherwise. |
LPCVOID | Pointer to a constant of any type. |
LPCWSTR | Pointer to a constant null-terminated string of 16-bit Unicode characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts. |
LPDWORD | Pointer to a DWORD. |
LPHANDLE | Pointer to a HANDLE. |
LPINT | Pointer to an INT. |
LPLONG | Pointer to a LONG. |
LPSTR | Pointer to a null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts. |
LPTSTR | An LPWSTR if UNICODE is defined, an LPSTR otherwise. |
LPVOID | Pointer to any type. |
LPWORD | Pointer to a WORD. |
LPWSTR | Pointer to a null-terminated string of 16-bit Unicode characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts. |
LRESULT | Signed result of message processing. |
LUID | Locally unique identifier. |
PBOOL | Pointer to a BOOL. |
PBOOLEAN | Pointer to a BOOL. |
PBYTE | Pointer to a BYTE. |
PCHAR | Pointer to a CHAR. |
PCSTR | Pointer to a constant null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts. |
PCTSTR | A PCWSTR if UNICODE is defined, a PCSTR otherwise. |
PCWCH | Pointer to a constant WCHAR. |
PCWSTR | Pointer to a constant null-terminated string of 16-bit Unicode characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts. |
PDWORD | Pointer to a DWORD. |
PFLOAT | Pointer to a FLOAT. |
PHANDLE | Pointer to a HANDLE. |
PHKEY | Pointer to an HKEY. |
PINT | Pointer to an INT. |
PLCID | Pointer to an LCID. |
PLONG | Pointer to a LONG. |
PLUID | Pointer to a LUID. |
POINTER_32 | 32-bit pointer. On a 32-bit system, this is a native pointer. On a 64-bit system, this is a truncated 64-bit pointer. |
POINTER_64 | 64-bit pointer. On a 64-bit system, this is a native pointer. On a 32-bit system, this is a sign-extended 32-bit pointer. |
PSHORT | Pointer to a SHORT. |
PSTR | Pointer to a null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts. |
PTBYTE | Pointer to a TBYTE. |
PTCHAR | Pointer to a TCHAR. |
PTSTR | PWSTR if UNICODE is defined, a PSTR otherwise. |
PTBYTE | Pointer to a TBYTE. |
PTCHAR | Pointer to a TCHAR. |
PTSTR | A PWSTR if UNICODE is defined, a PSTR otherwise. |
PUCHAR | Pointer to a UCHAR. |
PUINT | Pointer to a UINT. |
PULONG | Pointer to a ULONG. |
PUSHORT | Pointer to a USHORT. |
PVOID | Pointer to any type. |
PWCHAR | Pointer to a WCHAR. |
PWORD | Pointer to a WORD. |
PWSTR | 谷爱凌的家世Pointer to a null-terminated string of 16-bit Unicode characters. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts. |
REGSAM | Security access mask for registry key. |
SC_HANDLE | Handle to a service control manager database. For more information, see SCM Handles. |
SC_LOCK | Handle to a service control manager database lock. For more information, see SCM Handles. |
SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE | Handle to a service status value. For more information, see SCM Handles. |
SHORT | Short integer (16 bits). |
SIZE_T | The maximum number of bytes to which a pointer can point. Use for a count that must span the full range of a pointer. |
SSIZE_ T | Signed SIZE_T. |
TBYTE | A WCHAR if UNICODE is defined, a CHAR otherwise. |
TCHAR | A WCHAR if UNICODE is defined, a CHAR otherwise. |
UCHAR | Unsigned CHAR. |
UINT | Unsigned INT. |
UINT_PTR | Unsigned INT_PTR. |
UINT32 | Unsigned INT32. |
UINT64 | Unsigned INT64. |
ULONG | Unsigned LONG. |
ULONG_PTR | Unsigned LONG_PTR. |
ULONG32 | Unsigned LONG32. |
ULONG64 | Unsigned LONG64. |
ULONGLONG | 64-bit unsigned integer. |
UNSIGNED | Unsigned attribute. |
USHORT | Unsigned SHORT. |
VOID | Any type. |
WCHAR | 16-bit Unicode character. For more information, see Character Sets Used By Fonts. |
WINAPI | Calling convention for system functions. |
WORD | 16-bit unsigned integer. |
WPARAM | Message parameter. |
Windows应用程序包含很多资源,例如,菜单,图标,对话框等等,VC++环境下我们不仅仅可以使用系统下原有的资源,我们也可以定义自己的资源,这些资源被定义在.RC文件中,通过应用程序最后的编译,这些资源文件和程序代码连接在一起,形成一个可执行的.EXE文件或者是一个.DLL的库文件。在使用这些资源的时候,通过WIN API函数学将这些资源调用使用。
消息通常是由一系列的输入操作触发的,比如当我按下鼠标左键那么窗口消息处理函数就会收到一个WM_LBUTTONDOWN的消息信号。在窗口消息处理函数中,我们可以利用switch和case结构进行控制, 针对此消息作出我们想要的操作。