种子的萌发升级步骤:Soft upgrade
Download the relevant firmware and upgrade kit. After the decompression of kit will get two upgrade tools: PhoenixPro, LiveSuitPack, customer usually choose LiveSuitPack .
2. 将LiveSuitPack工具包解压,打开解压后的文件夹,双击文件,即可在文件夹中生成固件升级所必需的一些文件,到LiveSuit文件双击打开,如下图所示:
Decompress "LiveSuitPack" kit, open the decompressed folder. Double click file" " will generate the necessary files for firmware upgrading. Then select "LiveSuit" file and double click to open, like bellowing:
3. 点击上图所示的“否”关闭用户向导升级,并点击选择固件按钮,选择下载好的需要升级的4.0固件,后缀名为.img文件,如下图:
Click "x" to shut the upgrade guide. And click the select firmware button, select the already download 4.0 firmware, the filename extension with ".img", like bellowing:
4. 平板电脑先关机,然后长按平板上的返回键(机身上方最右边的那个键)不放,再通过USB数据线连上电脑,再短按开机键几次,待出现下图界面时,松开返回键开始升级。(注:如果此时弹出安装驱动程序的对话框,请把路径指向本目录下的UsbDriver2尺4的腰围是多少厘米文件夹,并按下一步提示完成驱动程序的安装)。
Power off the tablet, then long press the Return button( above the tablet the rightmost button) and not loosen. Connect tablet to computer with USB cable, press power on button several times and loosen the Return button till the bellowing interface appear to begin upgrade (if it appear the installing&driving dialog box, pls route the"UsbDriver" file,
and press" next step" to finish the installing).
5. 点击“是”会再次出现一个提示对话框,同样选择“任贤齐结婚了吗是”,如下图所示:
Click"Yes" will appear another dialog box, click "Yes" again, like bellowing:
It will appear system progress bar : 50% for system upgrading after half minutes, like bellowing:
7. 当系统进度条走完后,会弹出升级完成的对话框,点击确定表示升级成功,如图:
After the system progress bar finished it will appear the upgrade finished dialog box, click to confirm upgrade succeed, like bellowing:
8. 拔掉数据线,长按开关键开机进入系统主界面,完成新系统提示后即可体验Android4.0系统带来的乐趣。
Disconnect the USB cable, long press the power on button to enter the system main interface. After the new system notice disappeared you can enjoy the Android 4.0 O/S.
三八妇女节短信祝福Pls backup the necessary file of the tablet before upgrade. If it with TF card, pls extract it first.
郑凯喜欢angelababyFlash the tablet is dangerous. Pls contact the buying office to return and repair when the tablet breakdown since unproper operating.