  Figure Skating
  2021年11月5日,中国选手隋文静/韩聪在意大利都灵举行的2021-2022赛季花样滑冰大奖赛意大利站双人滑短节目比赛中。新华社记者 金马梦妮 摄姜武主演
  Back in the 18th century in the UK, the sport became popular among the aristocracy. They liked to take to frozen ponds and lakes on rough hand-forged blades to have fun. Gradually, more skating enthusiasts from Germany, the United States and Canada followed suit. In 18
萧淑慎在节目现场毒瘾发作60s, Jackson Haines, a US ballet dancer and skater, used more artistic moves like pirouettes, dances and dramatic jumps to make the sport less formal, which won him the title of “the father of modern figure skating”. As more and more people enjoyed gliding on the glassy surface, the sport became an official Winter Olympic sport in 1924.
  Chinese figure skating pair Sui Wenjing and Han Cong are known as the “Congtong Pair”.
  2022年1月5日,隋文静(左)/韩聪在训练中。新华社记者 彭子洋 摄
  Short track speed skating
As one of the three skating disciplines at the Winter Olympics alongside figure skating and speed skating, short track speed skating (or short track) has gained more popularity in recent years. In fact, short track originated from speed skating in Canada and the United States. It goes back to 1905, when speed skating events were first held, with groups of skaters racing around an oval track. Gradually, people found that such racing came with new challenges like tighter turns, so the athletes had to come up with different
strategies to win. The short track sport came to prominence in the 1960s and made its debut at the 1992 Winter Olympic Games in Albertville, France. Short track races are full of strategy, bravery, skill and high-intensity excitement.
  Wu Dajing, 27, is a leader as well as a superstar of China’s short-track speed skating te
am. He was winner of the men’s 500m at the 2018 Winter Games as well as the current world-record holder in the event.
  Freestyle skiing
  自由式滑雪诞生于20世纪初,并于上世纪60年代开始流行。对于冬奥会而言,自由式滑雪仍然是个“新人”— 1992年才成为正式比赛项目。虽然看起来仅仅是在“雪上翻跟头”,但自由式滑雪是果敢、速度与特技的组合。运动员在空中旋转翻腾,视觉效果拔! At the beginning of the 20th century in Norway, Italy and Austria, some people performed somersaults on skis. Later, freestyle skiing began to take off in the US during the 1960s, the Olympic official website noted. But it is a relatively new event to the Winter Olympics. It was officially recognized in the Olympics of 1992 after being showcased as a demonstr
ation event during the 1988 Olympics. Completing such a movement requires bravery, speed and acrobatic skills. Skiers should be very familiar with their skis and competent at making large jumps. These are the keys to freestyle skiing. This extreme sport is one of the most visually appealing forms of “flying”.
范冰冰父亲  自2020年在冬青奥会上大放异彩以来,目前年仅18岁的自由式滑雪新秀谷爱凌一直延续着强势表现,在去年年初的世界极限运动会和自由式滑雪世锦赛上斩获了多枚金牌。本赛季她虽然因伤错过了在奥地利的首站比赛,但伤愈回归之后马上在自由式滑雪大跳台世界杯美国斯廷博特站、U型场地世界杯卡尔加里站等比赛中连战连捷。  Gu Ailing is a talented freeskier and one of the top medal hopefuls in Beijing 2022. She established herself in just two years of international competition, winning her first World Cup event in
2019. Later she won golds at the Winter Youth Olympic Games as well as the World Championships.“For me personally, my goal is to win Olympic gold. That to me is just representative of excellence in sport,” Gu said in an interview.
西瓜藤  在自由式滑雪空中技巧项目上,中国队将凭借强大的整体实力再次向金牌发起冲击。
  如果说,上述介绍的冰雪项目,都有一种“速度与激情”,那么冰壶则给人 “以柔克刚”、“四
  2021年4月6日 “相约北京”冰上项目测试活动冰壶比赛。
Unlike many players who are trained in sports schools or professional teams, Han Yu was a common high school student before joining China’s national curling team. When H
an took part in international curling matches for the first time in 2016, she was still an amateur. However, she has an important quality that the sport requires – calmness, as Han’s coach Zhou Mingxin commented. Known as “chess on ice”, curling requires strategy and patience to win. That’s why Han was chosen as the captain of the women’s national team in 2019 at the age of 19! That year she led the team to victory in the Pacific-Asia Championships. Now with two more years of experience, Han is more confident about the upcoming Winter Olympics.