一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项,本题听两遍。火炬之光 局域网
1、 You must pay attention to the traffic lights.
2、—Hey, Linda. How does your father go to work? —He usually goes by taxi.
3、 —Excuse me. I’m new here. How can I go to the post office?—Go straight and then turn right. The post office is on your left.
4、Done not go at a red light.
5、 I am going to do my homework this evening, and I am going to see a film tomorrow.
1、 Excuse me, sir. How can I get to the hospital?
2、 Where is the post office?
3、 Is there a park near here?
4、 Hey, John. You must pay attention to the traffic lights when you cross the road.
5、It’s Saturday tomorrow. I’m going to see a film with my family.
1、 —Is there a new cinema in your city? —No, there isn’t. But there is a new bookstore in my city.
2、—Where are you going tomorrow? —I’m walking to the library.
3、 —How can I get to the post office? —Turn left at the zoo.
祝福老师的唯美句子4、 —What are you going to do this afternoon, Mike? —I’m going to play football.
5、 —Where are you going next week, Tina? —I’m going to Beijing with my sister.
一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(   )
1、A. traffic    B. train    C. tell(   )
2、 A. taxi    B. film    C. ship(   )
3、A. street    B. sled    C. straight(   )
4、 A. stop    B. go    C. wait(   )
5、 A. next weekend    B. today    C. tomorrow
二、听录音,选择恰当的答语。(   )植物活化石
1、 A. You can take the No.15 bus   
B. You can see the No.15 bus.     
C. Go straight and you can see the cinema.(   )
2、 A. It’s the post office   
B. It’s next to the post office.   
C. It’s next to the supermarket.(   )
酒店前台实习报告3、 A. No, it isn’t.   
B. No, there isn’t.   
C. Yes, there isn’t.(   )
4、 A. You’re right.   
B. You’re welcome.   
C. see you.
三、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是(T)否(F)一致。(   )
1、 There is a new bookstore in my city.(   )
2、 I am going to the library on foot tomorrow.(   )
3、 Turn right at the zoo.(   )
4、 Mike is going to play basketball after school.(   )
5、 Tina is going to Beijing with her mother.
1、 The __________ __________ is on your right.
2、 __________ do you get there? __________ __________.
3、 Turn right at the __________. Then you can see the __________.
4、 The nature park is __________ __________ my school.
5、Jack is going to Hainan by __________.