唐三有几个老婆  听力文本:
  Picture this scene: you are walking home and there is a black cat on the path in front of you.想象一下这个场景:你走在回家的路上,突然一只黑猫出现在前方。Does it make you feel scared stiff? Perhaps it might make you feel lucky?你会不会被吓傻了?还是你会感觉自己交好运了?Putting a hat on the bed could cause evil spirits to slip into your dean sheets! And opening an umbrella indoors might bring untold punishments.把帽子放在床上,你可能会被幽灵纠缠!在房间打开伞可能会招致某种惩罚。Most superstitions are linked to something negative, or the thought that something will bring bad luck.大部分的迷信都和不好的事情或厄运相关。One of the most terrifying and long-believed of all superstitions is that breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck.流传最久、最令人畏惧的一个迷信直说就是,打碎一面镜子会带来7年的霉运。In ancient Greek, Roman and Chinese cultures, many people held the belief that a mirror reflected a person's soul.在古希腊、罗马和中华文明中,很多人相信镜子反应着一个人的灵魂。If the mirror was broken, the soul would be harmed too; and the person would be frightened out of their wits.镜子碎了,灵魂
魔蝎座的性格也受到创伤,人也会因惊吓而失去理智。Black cats have long been linked to luck.人们长久以来将黑猫与运气联系在一起。In continental Europe, the animals were thought to be shape-shifters, or witches' minions.在欧洲大陆,人们认为黑猫是巫师可以移形换影的宠物。If one crossed your path, it was sure to bring you ill fortune or even death.遇到黑猫必定意味着霉运甚至死亡。But, in the UK and Ireland, it's generally considered to be a sign of future prosperity if a black cat crosses your path.但是在英国和爱尔兰,如果遇到黑猫那就代表着你将有好事发生。Superstitions have been found in a wide range of cultures for thousands of years, but research suggests that many of these beliefs can still be found in modern societies.在很多国家,迷信已经存在了几千年。但是调查显示当代社会中仍然能到它们的残留。Dr. Kevin Foster, from Harvard University, believes it is an example of humans interpreting and reacting to threats.哈佛大学的凯文?福斯特博士认为,这是人类面对危险的一种理解和反应方式。So, if these threats are likely to be "incorrect", why are people still so superstitious?既然如此,如果这些“危险”都是“不科学”的,为什么人们还要迷信呢?Well, it seems many people would prefer to be better safe than sorry.啊,人们好像觉得小心一点比后悔好吧。16. What do people believe open
驮怎么读ing an umbrella indoors will bring?16.人们认为在房间撑雨伞会有什么后果?17. What makes people believe that breaking a mirror will cause long-time bad luck?17.人们为什么会认为打碎镜子会带来长时间的厄运?18. Why are people still superstitious in modern societies?18.当代社会人们为什么还是迷信?中山詹园