26. H The center of American automobile innovation has in the past decade moved 2.000 miles away. It has from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are coming in life. 该题⽬考察谓语动词,根据has确定后⾯为动词的过去分词形式;再考虑后⾯的搭配,26题选择H migrated,句意为美国汽车创新中⼼已经从Detroit(底特律)迁移⾄Silicon Valley(硅⾕),migrate 移动,迁移;
27.A In a to take production back to Detroit, Michigan lawmakers 该题⽬考察固定搭配,“in a ”为了...,试图...,此处句意为“为了恢复 Detroit的汽车⽣产,Michigan(密歇根)的法
28. G introduce that could make their state the best place in
该题⽬可以根据上下⽂的句意来处理,上⽂提及法律制定者,下⽂提及“使得其在这个国家处于最有利的位置”,因此答案为G legislation⽴法;法律;
29. D Michigan’s in auto research and development is under attack from ...该题⽬考察名词,根据前⾯的语意内容可知,密歇根在汽车研究和发展的主导地位受到了来⾃其他国家的攻击;所以答案选D,predominance 优势;卓越(的地位);
30. I countries which desire to our leadership in transportation.根据前⾯语义呈现,这些国家是“想要替代其在交通上的领导地位”。故答案为I replace,替代,替换;
31. N We can't let that happen, "says Senator Mike Kowall, the lead of four bills recently introduced.该题⽬考察名词,根据搭配及句意,含有“不能让这样的事发⽣”的意图的⼈为四项法律条款的⽀持者,故答案为sponsor 赞助者;主办者;保证⼈;
32 J If all four bills pass as written, they would a substantial update of Michigan’s 2013 law that allowed the testing of self-driving vehicles in limited conditions.该题考察动词,句意为“若是四项法律
通过,它们将会给密歇根2013年的法律⼀个实质性更新”,故答案为J present提出;呈现;
33.L even set on-demand of self-driving cars, like the one General Motors and Lyft are building. 根据该句前⾯的even可知,次句对前⽂内容有肯定及递进的逻辑,再因上⽂有提及groups of self-driving cars可以推知,此处为⽆⼈驾驶汽车舰队;故答案选fleets,军队,车队;
34.B In , California, home of Silicon Valley, recently ... 该题考察固定搭配in contract,相反地;该句前⾯提及密歇根⼀⽅的做法,在该句⼜提及对⽴⽅,即硅⾕⼀⽅的做法,故前后反义,答案为B,contrast;
35. K In contrast, California, home of Silicon Valley, recently propose far more rules that would require human drivers be ready to take 该题⽬考察形容词,根据搭配及前后反义,该处为restrictive 限制的;限制性的;约束的,即,硅⾕⼀⽅则提议制定更为严格的规定要求;
26. H The center of American automobile innovation has in the past decade moved 2.000 miles away. It has from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are coming in life. 该题⽬考察谓语动词,根据has确定后⾯为动词的过去分词形式;再考虑后⾯的搭配,26题选择H migrated,句意为美国汽车创新中⼼已经从Detroit(底特律)迁移⾄Silicon Valley(硅⾕),migrate 移动,迁移;
27.A In a to take production back to Detroit, Michigan lawmakers 该题⽬考察固定搭
配,“in a ”为了...,试图...,此处句意为“为了恢复 Detroit的汽车⽣产,Michigan(密歇根)的法律制定者决定制定...”;
28. G introduce that could make their state the best place in
该题⽬可以根据上下⽂的句意来处理,上⽂提及法律制定者,下⽂提及“使得其在这个国家处于最有利的位置”,因此答案为G legislation⽴法;法律;液晶电视与等离子电视哪个好
29. D Michigan’s in auto research and development is under attack from ...该题⽬考察名词,根据前⾯的语意内容可知,密歇根在汽车研究和发展的主导地位受到了来⾃其他国家的攻击;所以答案选D,predominance 优势;卓越(的地位);
30. I countries which desire to our leadership in transportation.根据前⾯语义呈现,这些国家是“想要替代其在交通上的领导地位”。故答案为I replace,替代,替换;
31. N We can't let that happen, "says Senator Mike Kowall, the lead of four bills recently introduced.该题⽬考察名词,根据搭配及句意,含有“不能让这样的事发⽣”的意图的⼈为四项法律条款的⽀持者,故答案为sponsor 赞助者;主办者;保证⼈;
32 J If all four bills pass as written, they would a substantial update of Michigan’s 2013 law that allow
ed the testing of self-driving vehicles in limited conditions.该题考察动词,句意为“若是四项法律通过,它们将会给密歇根2013年的法律⼀个实质性更新”,故答案为J present提出;呈现;
33.L even set on-demand of self-driving cars, like the one General Motors and Lyft are building. 根据该句前⾯的even可知,次句对前⽂内容有肯定及递进的逻辑,再因上⽂有提及groups of self-driving cars可以推知,此处为⽆⼈驾驶汽车舰队;故答案选fleets,军队,车队;
34.B In , California, home of Silicon Valley, recently ... 该题考察固定搭配in contract,相反地;该句前⾯提及密歇根⼀⽅的做法,在该句⼜提及对⽴⽅,即硅⾕⼀⽅的做法,故前后反义,答案为B,contrast;
35. K In contrast, California, home of Silicon Valley, recently propose far more rules that would require human drivers be ready to take 该题⽬考察形容词,根据搭配及前后反义,该处为restrictive 限制的;限制性的;约束的,即,硅⾕⼀⽅则提议制定更为严格的规定要求;
“For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your school newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by yous Student Union to help elderly people in the neighborhood. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.”
On June 14, Friday, a volunteer activity where many students took an active part in visiting the local Nursing House was organized by the Student Union and it turns out to be a big success.
The activity was aimed at encouraging students to visit the elderly at the Nursing House and help elderly people deal with their troubles both physical and psychological. Many students volunteered to participate in this good deed and were engaged in helping the elderly here out by making their meals, washing their clothes and chatting with them. When asked about those volunteers’ feelings about such an experience, all of them responded with a smile, saying “what a wonderful practice and I really appreciate this experience, for it makes me learn to care more for others in need.”
All in all, the activity turns out to be a success not only for the visited elderly but for those students involved.
26.[答案] H migrated
[解析]:The center of American automobile innovation has in the past 这是在说美国汽车创新中⼼移动了,move;所填单词的所在句为It has from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving 其中“Detroit”指的是底特律,“Silicon Valley”指的是硅⾕,也就是说它从底特律移动到了硅⾕,在备选项中,表⽰“迁移,移动”的是H项migrated。
27.[答案] A bid
[解析]:所填单词的所在句为In a to take production back to Detroit,此处考查的是⼀个固定搭配,in a bid to 表⽰“为了”,这个考题相对较难,⼀些考⽣不太容易迅速识别出来,因此在复习过程中要提⾼固定搭配的掌握程度。
28.[答案] G legislation
[解析]:所填单词的所在句为Michigan lawmakers have introduced that could make their state the best place in the country, lawmakers 指的是⽴法者,那么和他相关的就是法律了,备选项中G legislation符合句意。
29.[答案] D dominance
[解析]:所填单词的所在句为Michigan’s in auto research and development is under attack ... 在汽车研究和发展中Michigan的受到了打击,这⾥⾸先需要的是⼀个名词,对⽐备选项中的名词后发现D项dominance最符合句
30.[答案] I replace
王贝整容意外身亡[解析]:所填单词的所在句为Michigan’s in auto research and development is under attack from several states and countries who desire to our leadership in transportation. 在上个题⽬中分析出Michigan的主导性或主导地位受到了打击,这些打击是来⾃于several states and countries,他们是渴望我们在交通中的领导地位,不难看出,是想取代,备选项中I项replace最符合句意。
31.[答案] N sponsor
[解析]:所填单词的所在句为“We can’t let that happen,”says Senator Mike Kowall, the lead of four bills recently introduced. 显然lead后⾯⼀定是个名词,⽽且这是对Mike Kowall的进⼀步解释说明,对⽐备选项中的名词后发现N 项sponsor最符合句意,指的是主要发起⼈。
32.[答案] J represent
[解析]:所填单词的所在句为If all four bills pass as written, they would a Michigan substantial update of Michigan's 句⼦⼤意为:如果这四项法案都能通过,那么它们将密歇根州的重⼤更新。这⾥⾸先需要⼀个动词,根据句意都能通过,那么这⼀位数重⼤更新,对⽐备选项中的动词后发现J项represent最符合句意。
33.[答案] E fleets
[解析]:所填单词的所在句为They'd be allowed to send groups of self-driving cars on cross-state road trips, and even set up on-demand of self-driving cars—like the one General Motors and Lyft are building. 做这个题需要看前后句,前半句send groups of self-driving cars,后半句是set up on-demand of self-driving cars,groups对应的是备选项中的E项fleets.
34.[答案] B contrast
[解析]:所填单词的所在句为In ,这道题⽬较简单,⾸先这是考固定搭配,在备选项中能够构成固定搭配的是B项contrast,表对⽐。
35.[答案] K restrictive
[解析]:所填单词的所在句为California, home of Silicon Valley, recently proposed far more rules that
would require human drivers be ready to take the wheel, and ban commercial use of autonomous tech. 所填词是修饰rules的,因此应该是个形容词,rules将限制⼈类驾驶员......也就是说明这个rules是具有约束性的,在备选项中K项 restrictive最符合句意,表⽰“限制性的,约束的”。
The center of American automobile innovation has in the past decade moved 2,000 miles away. It has 26 from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are coming into life. In a 27 to take production back to Detroit, Michigan lawmakers have introduced 28 that could make their state the best place in the country, if not the world, to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road. “Michigan’s 29 in auto research and development is under attack from several states and countries which desire to 30 our leadership in transportation. We can’t let happen,” says Senator Mike Kowall, the lead 31 of four bills recently introduced. If all four bills pass as written, they would 32 a substantial update of Michigan’s 2013 law that allowed the testing of self-driving vehicles in limited conditions. Manufacturer would have nearly total freedom to test their self-driving technology on publ
ic roads. They would be allowed to send groups of self-driving cars on cross-state road trips, and even set on-demand 33 of self-driving cars, like the one General Motors and Lyft are building. Lawmakers in Michigan clearly want to make the state ready for the commercial
General Motors and Lyft are building. Lawmakers in Michigan clearly want to make the state ready for the commercial application of self-driving technology. In 34 , California, home of Silicon Valley, recently proposed far more 35 rules that would require human drivers be ready to take the wheel, and commercial use of self-driving technology.A) bid B) contrastC) deputyD) dominanceE) fleetsF) knotsG) legislationH) migratedI) replaceJ) representk) restrictiveL) reward M) significantN) sponsorO) transmitted
Paper cutting is a unique form of Chinese traditional folk art with a history of more than 2,000 years. Paper cutting probably originated in the Han Dynasty, following the invention of the paper. Since then, it has been spread widely in many parts of China. The materials and tools for paper cutting are simple: paper and scissors. Paper cutting works are usually made of red paper, because red is associated with happiness in traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, in the wedding, the Spring Festival and other festive occasions, red paper cutting is the first choice of door and window decoration.
选取⼀般现在时即可。下⾯⼀起来看⼀下⾥⾯涉及的词汇,⾸先是“剪纸”,最常⽤的翻译是“paper cutting”或“Chinese paper cutting”,⽽且2015年12⽉份的翻译真题得剪纸,括号中给出的英⽂就是“paper cutting”,当然有的同学写的 paper cut,paper cuts,或者scissor-cut 也是可以的。其次是“汉代”,译为“Han Dynasty”其中 “汉”使⽤拼⾳形式,但应注意,汉代属于专有名词,两个单词的⾸字母都应⼤写。“剪⼑”译为“scissors”,“作品”译为“work”即可。“喜庆场合”译为“festive occasions”,不会的话,可以下的更简单,⽐如“happy moment”。
26.[答案] G habitats
[解析]:该段讲述⼈为沉船的⽬的是为了打造暗礁,⽤来⽔肺式潜泳和保护海洋的,由此可知括号⾥需要填名词,分析选项可知D, F, G, J, N和O是名词,再根据搭配的动词“preserve”可排除D,根据句意可排除F,,J和O,从剩下的两个中可以看出⼀个是“栖息地”,⼀个是“领⼟”,那么要保护的是⾃然是海
27.[答案] M stripped
[解析]:所填单词的所在句为The hollowed-out A300 was of everything potentially harmful to , 此处考查的是⼀个固定搭配,be stripped of 表⽰“被剥夺,除去”,这个考题相对较难,⼀些考⽣不太容易迅速识别出来,因此在复习过程中要提⾼固定搭配的掌握程度。
28.[答案] A create
[解析]:所填单词的所在句为Not only will the sunken plane the perfect skeleton for artificial reef growth, 此句为倒装