  After the reform and opening up, China has developed rapidly, from poverty to wealth, from weak to strong, and made steady progress on the road to success. The enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength has brought about the improvement of people's happiness index, which originates from the pursuit of the Chinese dream.
  中国梦涵盖了政治、经济、文化、科技等各方面。中国政治多方位发展,与多国友好往来,大大改善了中国发展的国际环境,人民可享受到多国各具特的多样服务。中国经济由改革开放后的高速增长转向现今的稳步发展,人民收入呈上升趋势,生活水平不断提高。中国文化繁荣发展,人们的思想更加理性、更加进步,同时也享受着文化产业所提供的便利与各式各样文化活动的丰富多彩。王自健 郭德纲
  The Chinese dream covers politics, economy, culture, science and technology. China's multi-faceted political development and friendly exchanges with other countries have greatly improved the international environment for China's development, and the people can enjoy various services with different characteristics. China's economy has changed from high-speed growth after the reform and opening up to steady development. People's income is on the rise, and their living standards are constantly improving. With the prosperity and development of Chinese culture, people's thoughts are more rational and progressive, while enjoying the convenience provided by the cultural industry and the rich and colorful cultural activities.
  A CCTV financial commentator once said in the program: “if I want to go on a business trip, I will open Baidu reservation hotel the day before; when I get up in the morning, I will open meituan takeout to buy breakfast, and it will send me home; when I use didi taxi, the car will wait for me downstairs; on the way to the airport, I can use” flying standard “to check whether the plane is late.” In the process of realizing the Chinese dream, the application of modern science and technology has greatly enriched and facilitated people's life. Through the use of technology, people can easily find their own rhythm and law of life, promote the improvement of people's happiness index, and enhance people's sense of gain.
  The realization of the Chinese dream and the happiness of the people are unified. Everyone should contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream. Since Mr. Zhang quwei served as the director of poverty alleviation and resettlement Bureau of Quxian County, Dazhou city in March 2014, he has helped more than 140000 poor people in Quxian County get rid of poverty, 130 poor villages get rid of poverty and the whole county take off their hats, contributing health, wisdom and blood. He has been suffering from serious otolith and glaucoma, but he still sticks to the front line and never gives up. He pushed the realization of the Chinese dream to a higher level. He not only enhanced the happiness of those out of poverty, but also increased their own happiness. “Moving China” program to his award speech wrote: “poverty alleviation must be accurate, not a single family. Your illness is imminent, but you drag on, put down the tent, put down the root, sign the name, and set up a military order. You are wounded in the battlefield without gunpowder. Muddy mountain, you walk out of the road. The fruit on the mountain
is ripe, and people's hearts are hot. “
凤整容后照片对比  The gradual realization of the Chinese dream has become the root of people's happiness. Let's step on the waves of the times to pursue the fruits of the Chinese dream and increase the happiness of the people.