Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!
Section B
1.—Mum, I’m very tired.
—You’d better l   down and have a rest. 
2.(2022独家原创)My favorite n    is The Old Man and the Sea and it was written by Ernest Hemingway. 
3.I’m not satisfied with my p    job, so I’m going to give it up and find a new one. 
古手羽4.I won’t throw these old books away because they always r    me of my school life. 
5. My father works for a big company. Now he isn’t at home. He has gone to the USA on
6.(2020江苏苏州中考)Thank you for     (警告) us not to swim here. 
7.(2021安徽淮南东部地区联考)Lucy was really sad because her pet cat was     (死的). 
马景涛老婆唐韵8.Don’t take it seriously. It’s just one of Mike’s    (花招). He did it in order to make you laugh. 
9.(2021浙江宁波中考)If we don’t protect the environment well, we’ll be    (惩罚) sooner or later. 
10.(2022山东日照期中)The bad news     (传播) so fast that all the people in that town knew it. 
11.Mike’s father promised    (buy)a new mobile phone for him. 
12.(2021吉林省实验中学第一次月考) People here always try their best to treat others with kindness and     (warm). 
13.If you don’t know what you want, you might end up    (get) something you don’t want. 
14.He was so    (scare) that he woke up in his bed. 
王珂图片15.—Have you read the article    (write) by Lisa? 
2013百想艺术大赏—Yes, I have. It’s about food safety in China.
16.(2022独家原创)—What did your sister do last night?
—She dressed up     Snow White and went to the costume party. 
A.for       B.of       C.as       D.from
17.(2022湖北孝感孝南区期中)—I hear the dishes in this restaurant are very expensive.
—Don’t worry. You can enjoy yourself. It’s my     today. 
A.time   B.treat   C.trick       D.taste
18.(2022山东济南长清区期中)The traffic signs warn people     after drinking. 
A.to drive                   手机如何上网B.not to drive
C.driving                   D.not driving
19.(2022河北石家庄十七中月考)Lei Feng     for many years, but his spirit is still encouraging us. 
A.died                       B.has died
C.was dead               D.has been dead
20.(2020黑龙江牡丹江中考)—Why are you late for dinner, Jim?
—At first I wanted to take a taxi, but I    walking here because of the heavy traffic. 
A.ended up   B.took up            C.gave up
I like these photos because they always    me   my childhood. 
He couldn’t fall asleep after he       
My mother often educates me to        my grandparents. 
I will         who took away my book. 
Mike’s father is a person                    
In China, the 12th month of the lunar calendar (阴历) is called layue. The month is full of interesting festivals and customs (风俗).
The Laba Festival, which is on the 8th day of layue, is the first festival in this month. From this day, people begin to get ready for Chinese New Year.
At the Laba Festival, people have laba porridge. There are usually eight kinds of things in the porridge, such as rice, red beans, peas and nuts. The porridge is not just good for people’s health, but a good wish for the coming new year.
Laba porridge is not the only tasty food in layue. Laba garlic (腊八蒜) is popular in the mo
nth. People begin to make it from that day on, and eat it with dumplings during Chinese New Year. In the south, people like making sausages (香肠).
Another big celebration before the Spring Festival is xiaonian. It is usually on the 23rd or 24th day of the last lunar month. People usually make flower-shaped buns. They not only look beautiful, but also taste good. The candy with sesame (芝麻) is another kind of popular food for this day. It means a sweet life in the new year.