Where is love?How can we find love in our life?
Once a little boy wanted to meet love.He knew it was a long trip to where love lived,so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off.When he passed three streets,he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds.She looks very hungry.The boy gave her a pizza.She took it and smiled at him.The smile was so beautiful that he want ed to see ti again,so he gave her a Coke.Once again she smiled.The boy was very happy.
They sat there all afternoon,eating and smiling,but they said nothing.When it grew dark,the boy decided to leave.But before he had gone more than a few steps,he turued around,ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug.The woman gave him her biggest smile ever.
When the boy opened the door of his house,his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face and asked what had made him so happy.“I had lunch with love.She has got the most beautiful smile in the world.”
At the same time,the old woman’s son was also surprised at his mother’s pleasure and asked why.
“I ate a pizza in the park with love.”she said,”and he is much younger than I expected.”
If the world is full of love,we can enjoy a better life.
Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him, “Don’t forget this!”
One day he went on a long trip alone. Before he left home, his wife said, “Now you have all these things. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and got on the train with it.
About half an hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came
to the old man and said, “Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find it. He was very worried. “I can’t find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train.”said the old man.
“I believe you bought a ticket. All right, you don’t have to buy another one,”said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where I’m going? I can’t remember my station!”the old man said sadly.
One day a lawyer’s wife fell ill. The lawyer went to get a doctor. The doctor knew that the lawyer was well-known for not paying bills. So he said to the lawyer before he entered the house. “If I do cure your wife. I am afraid you may not pay me.”
“Sir”, replied the lawyer. “ Here is 500 .No matter whether you cure my wife or whether you kill her ,I will give you all this.”
The doctor believed him and went into the house. When he reached the woman’s bedside,it soon became clear to him that he could do little. She was badly ill ,and though he gave her some medicine , she soon died.
He told the lawyer he was very sorry, and asked for the money which he had been promised.
“Did you kill my wife?” asked the lawyer.
“Of course I didn’t ,” said the doctor.
“Well! Did you cure my wife? ” said the lawyer.
“I’m afraid that was impossible,” said the doctor.
“Well then,” said the lawyer, “since you neither killed her nor cured her, I have nothing to pay you.”
有一天,一位律师的妻子病倒。律师去请医生。医生知道,律师是众所周知的吝啬。所以,在律师进入房子前他对律师说:“如果我治愈你的妻子,我怕你可能不会给我钱。 “
“先生” ,律师回答, “这里是500 块。不管你是否治愈我的妻子或杀死她,我会给你这一切。 ”
“你杀死我的妻子吗? ”请律师。
“我当然没有, ”医生说。 怎样下载百度文库的文章
你治愈我的妻子? “这位律师。
“我想这是不可能的, ”医生说。
“那么, ”律师说, “因为你没有杀害她也不治好她,我没有向您付款。 ”
Two years ago, my husband bought me a bicycle. If you live in a town, it is often faster than a car and you don't have to worry about parking(停车).You can leave it anywhere. As it has a seat at the back and a basket at the front. I can take my small daughter to school, to the library, shopping. anywhere in fact.
I use it most in summer when the weather is warm and dry. It can be very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and the rain is pouring down. It can also be very dangerous. You must of course be careful on a bicycle .Accidents are not the only problem though. One day I went shopping and came back to find my front wheel was missing. It was a long walk to the bicycle shop! Now I have three strong locks.
My husband uses my bicycle sometimes for short journeys. He says it is better than waiting for a bus. He still uses his car for longer journeys, but I think that all this sitting down is making him fat and lazy. On my bicycle I get a lot of exercise and fresh air, and this makes me feel a lot younger.
Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth . But when you use the phone , you don’t see the person you are talking with . That may change in the near future .
Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone . With it , two people who are talking can see each other .
Picture phones can be useful when you have something to show the person you’re calling . They may have other uses in the future . One day you may be able to ring up a library and ask to see a book.
Then you’ll be able to read the book right over your picture phone . Or you may be able to go shopping through your picture phone . If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy
, you’ll go to your phone and call the shop . People at the shop will show you the thing you’re interested in right over the phone . You’ll be able to shop all over town and never even leave your room !
Nick is twenty-three and works in a middle school.Two and a half years ago he was ill in hospital and there he knew abeautiful nurse named Rita.The girl looked after him well  and he made friends with her.They loved each other.About six moths later they married. 
Nick likes reading.When he comes home,he always reads some newspaper  or interesting books.Rita begins to cook in the kitchen.And when the meat is roasted,she always tells her husband to cut it in two.Then they begin to have supper  together.After supper they they go out for a walk,or they go to the cinema.And they enjoy themselves.
One day Nick planted trees wiyh his students. They climbed up a mountain and worked hard. When he got home,he was very hungry.His wife roastsd a piece of chicken that evebing abd told him to cut it.This time he chose a bigger piece of chicken for himself and gave her the smaller one
''I remember,dear,'' Rita said with a smile.''When we married,you always gave me the bigger part.Why do you give me the smaller one now?''
Nick felt shy and didn't know what to say. He thought for awhile and said, ''You cook better now than before.''
Valentine's Day is on february 14th every year.For this day,people send valentines to their loved ones.Valentine's Day is a special time to tell how much you care about a person.
Many people send candy in hearted shaped boxes to people they love.Flowers are also presents that people send on Valentine's Day.Valentine cards with words are often used by many people .
Can you guess who gets the greatest number of Valentine cards in the USA each year?Is it mother or father,sister or bother?Is it uncle or aunt?Is it the special friend?No,it isn't!
Mothers get a lot of cards,but school teachers get the most each year.Do you know who sends the most?Children do.Children send five times(倍)as many on february 14th as adults do.