武汉有座大森林 九峰城市森林保护区
“森林十八景是保护区的核心景点。晓塘春只见满池碧水,片片莲叶静卧池中,莲花婷婷绽放。远处九峰山郁郁葱葱,令人心旷神怡,踏上木桥,临池观鱼赏莲。这个初春, “茶园晓雾梅林疏影桃园溪涧纷纷展露芳容。
Wuhan has a large forest, to experience the nature simplicity and wildness---=many people may not know, wuhai has a big forest, whose area is equivalent to 90 zhongshan parks. Forest-protect in Nine mountains city has integrated two mountains in hongshan ar
ea (Nine hills, Maan hills) with three parks (), forming the big forest covering over 27 square meters area.
There are over 20 hills in the forest; you can enjoy scenery of the red leaves over the hills, and wild flowers on land, seasonal delicious fruits.
Eight scapes in forest is the key spots for protection area.Spring scenery over pond at dawn, you can see blue waters floating in the pond, lotus leaves lying quietly on it, lotus flowers blooming gracefully. In the distance is the verdant nine hills, making you feels flesh and happy, you walk along the wooden bridge, watch the fish and lotus on the pond. In the early spring, dawn fog surrounding the tea park, “”
A Large Forest In Wuhan
To experience the nature, simplicity and rustic charm — many people don’t know in Wuhan there is a forest which is as large as 90 Zhongshan Parks.
Jiufeng Urban Forest Reserve integrates Hongshan’s two hills and three parks into a whole, forming a large forest, the area of which surpasses 27 square meters.
There are more than 20 hills in the forest. Citizens can enjoy the red leaves, wild flowers and fruits without leaving Wuhan.
The 18 scenic spots are the core of the forest. 包贝尔被曝出轨Spring Scenery by the Lotus Pond: lotus leaves are floating and lotus flowers are blossoming on the blue water. The lush Jiufeng Mountain makes one feel relaxed and happy. In early spring, there are such scenic spots as Tea Garden Mist, Plum Forest and Peach Garden Stream etc.
Let’s experience the forest, ecology, nature and rustic charm ……


Qintai big theater, which will be the main meeting place for bayi festival, looking from distance, its extending components is like reeds of piano, and water sleeves flying in the sky, containing lush culture of Chu
Based on the understanding on Chu culture, Qintai Theater apply unique design among other theaters in China
Walking towards to Qintai Theater, first coming into your sight is 8 bronze panels with fron
水灾逃生方法t side and glass, like vilon keys flying and 4 huge components with ribbon-shape at both sides, like mountain stream dancing.
Entering into the hall of theater, a picture with complexity of traditional and modern culture come into your eyes. For tradition, various designs with yellow and black white colors embody the scenery of finding friends, For modern, from the ornament to structure, all can make you feel the lively and enthusiastic.
From outside we feel the strong characteristic of Chu culture, while from inside, a feeling of modern come to us. The big glass curtain wall looks simple, but with full of science technology.
The general manager of the project told us the secret about the quintal theater. This glass curtain wall is called spot-style curtain wall, also named as single curtain wall. The main difference from other curtain walls is that its back frame is very simple and the slots between locks and glass are overlapped. In whole, this wall looks like a set of glass, without extra parts, neatly and cleanly.
The performance hall looks like Chu’s orchestra; you suddenly will have a impulse to sing a song.
Qintai theater covers over 1000 square meters area, the three layers auditorium can hold 1800 audiences, especially the audiences sitting at the back can hear clearly even the performers did not use mike. What are the secrets? The chief engineer Yuyongmin told us, The design has two features, first we adopt the design of echoism of computer to ensure the clearness of the voices to every seat , Second, we design the controllable mixed systems to satisfy the multifunction of theater, it can not only be used for performance of opera, dramas, but also of dancing and other. Variety shows.
Qintai theater---where the 8th阅兵几年举行一次 china artistic festival was held, is located in wuhai Hubei, facing the hanshui seashore and lunar bank and has been invested total 15.7 billion Yuan. It consists of 1800 big theaters, 400 multifunction halls and assistant house such as exercise hall, art exhibition halls and Chinese-Western style restaurants, covering over 65000 square meters. It will become the highest lever performance place in Wuhan of Hubei after completion.