Unit 2 Transportation
Ⅰ. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer to each question. 听对话,选择最佳答案。(10%)  1. Who are the speakers?
A. business people
B. teachers
C. students
2. Where does the man want to go?
A. book store
B. bank
C. library
3. What language can the woman speak?
A. English
B. Chinese
C. Japanese
4. Where is the man going?
A. the Summer Palace
B. the Great Wall
C. the zoo
5. Which kind of transportation is better in rush hour?
A. subway
B. taxi
C. bus
6. How long does it take by subway?
A. five minutes.
B. fifteen minutes.
C. fifty minutes.
7. What kind of transportation is he likely to choose?
A. private car
B. shared bike
C. subway line
8. How long does it take to get there by taxi?
张含韵刘德华A. two hours.
B. half an hour.
C. one hour.
9. What might this conversation take place?
A. a plane
B. a bus
C. a boat
10. What’s the weather like in this conversation?
A. sunny
B. rainy
C. cloudy
Ⅰ. Listen to the short passage and fill in the blanks. 听短文,补全内容。(10 %) The address of Zhonghua Hotel is No. 30 Yingchuan road, Wenhua district, Fulan city, Shanhai 11. _________. You can get to the hotel from the 12. _________by shuttle bus, subway or taxi. If you want to take the bus, you can take Line 6 and get 13. _________ at Zhonghua Hotel station. If you like to choose sub
way, you can 14. _________ from Terminal 1 station of Airport Express Line, 15. _________ for Subway Line 2 at Zhuquemen station and take Exit B. Also you can take a taxi.  It takes at least one hour, and costs about 80 yuan.
Ⅰ. Choose the proper sentences to fill in the blanks in the dialogue. 选择合适的句子补全对话。(20 %)
Ella Baker: Good morning, I’m Ella Baker, a new student here.
Lin Yang: Good morning! 16. _____
Ella Baker: I need to go to the library. 17. _____
Lin Yang: Of course. Keep going in this direction and turn left at Teaching Building 1. Then go along the road and turn right.  18. _____ Then you will see the library on your left.
Ella Baker: Keep going and turn left at … you lost me there.
Lin Yang: 19. _____
Ella Baker: Really? 20. _____
Visitor: Excuse me, do you speak English?
Li Zixuan: Yes. 21. _____
Visitor: Hmmm ... I’m going to the Summer Palace, 22. _____
Li Zixuan: This bus number is right, but you’re going in the wrong direction.
Visitor: Oh! Maybe I should get off and take a taxi.
Li Zixuan: It’s rush hour. A taxi may take too long.  23. _____ There’s a station near the next bus stop.
Visitor: 24. _____
Li Zixuan: Don’t worry about it. It’ll only take about half an hour. By the way, it’s much greener than taking a taxi.
Visitor: Brilliant!  25. _____ Many thanks!
Li Zixuan: It’s a pleasure.
IV. Choose the proper answer to each of the sentences. 选择合适的答案完成句子。
(20 %)
26. —The traffic jam is driving me mad!
— _____ Such is often the case on Monday mornings.
A. Keep cool.
向涵之个人资料B. Well done.
C. No way.
D. Sounds good.
27. — Would you mind moving your bike?
— _____ I’ll do it right away.
A. Of course.
B. Not in the least.
C. Never mind.
D. Why not?
28. A bicycle is often more _____ than a car in small towns.
A. dangerous
B. strict
C. convenient
D. vocational
29. If you look at your map, you’ll see the _____ Center at the bottom. Let’s go there
to buy the tickets.
赵普文言文A. Kitchen
B. Community
C. Company
D. Visitor
30.  Don’t _____. We’ll soon solve this problem.
A. worry
B. mind
C. speak
D. return
31. Why don’t you _____ a taxi? Then you’ll be able to go there faster.
A. add
B. take
C. change
D. get
32. This kind of flower can be found in every _____ of China.            A. city
B. town
C. province
D. village
33. Please list two kinds of bad behaviors on the _____ according to the new rules.
A. desk
B. customer
C. subway
D. floor
34. He had a poor sense of _____ and soon got lost.
A. size
B. style
C. humor
D. direction
35. Tom decided to take the overnight _____ train to Beijing.
A. station
B. express
C. normal
D. private
36. _____ it with me and I’ll see what I can do.
A. To leave
B. Leave
C. Left
D. Leaving
37. — _____ my computer while I’m away.
— I won’t
A. Not touch
B. Not to touch
C. Don’t do
D. Never touch
38. _____ me the truth, or I’ll be angry.
A. Telling王宇婕老公
B. Tells
C. Tell
D. To tell
39. The TV is too loud. Please _____.
A. turn it down
B. to turn it down
C. turn down it
D. to turn down it
40.  _____ late again, Bill!
A. Don’t to be
B. Don’t be
C. Not be
D. Be not
41.  _____ cross the road until the traffic lights turn green.
A. Not
B. Won’t
C. Don’t
D. Doesn’t
42. Kate, _____ your homework here tomorrow.
A. brings
B. bring
C. to bring
D. bringing
43. _____ me go. It is very important for me.
A. To do let
B. let do
C. Doing let
D. Don’t let
44. Please _____ me some money, will you?
A. lend
B. lending
C. to lend
D. be lend
45.  _____ up early tomorrow, or you can’t catch the train.
A. Getting
B. To get
C. Get
五柳先生传D. Got
V. Read and choose the best answers to complete the passage. 阅读并选择最佳答案补全文章。(10 %)
When you ask for direction, answers may vary in different places. In northern China, people usually give 46. _________  with “go east” or “go west”, because most northern cities were built on 47. _________, which makes it easy to tell the directions. But Tianjin is one 48. _________ . People there 49. _________ use “turn left” or “turn right”, just like the southerners do. It is because many main roads in Tianjin run 50. _________ the Haihe River, which makes directions hard to tell. When i
t 51. _________ to distance, people from the midwest of the US always use miles, 52. _________ in the southwest of the States you would probably hear “it’s just about ten 53. _________ walk”.
Nowadays, 54. _________ and more people are getting used to using map apps for directions. It is much more convenient with timely updates and en-route directions. 55. _________, sometimes you still need to ask a real person for directions.
46. A. help    B. direction    C. suggestion    D. money
47. A. mountains B. grass    C. plains    D. forest
48. A. example    B. difficulty    C. city    D. exception
49. A. normally    B. never    C. always    D. already
50. A. of    B. along    C. about    D. in
51. A. comes    B. come    C. coming    D. came
52. A. that    B. while    C. how    D. which
53. A. minute    B. minutes’  C. minute’s    D. minutes
54. A. much    B. many    C. most    D. more
55. A. Though    B. Therefore    C. However    D. Instead
VI. Read and choose the best answers. 阅读并选择最佳答案。(20 %)