1.全卷共10页七大题,71小题, 满分为120分。考试时间为100分钟。
2.全卷分为卷王子文和贾乃亮Ⅰ(选择题)和卷(非选择题)两部分, 全部在"答题纸"上作答。卷上的答案必须用 2B铅笔填涂;卷Ⅱ的答案必须用黑字迹钢笔或签字笔写在"答题纸"相应位置上, 写在试卷上无效。
说明本卷共三大题,45小题, 共 70分。请用 2B铅笔在"答题纸"上将你认为正确的选项所对应的小方框涂黑、涂满。
一、听力(共15小题, 第一节每小题1分, 第二、三节每小题2分,共25分)
第一节:听小对话。从 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 回答问题。对话仅读一遍。
1When will the man see the film?
A. On Wednesday.                  B. On Saturday.                  C. On Sunday.
2Whose is the blue watch?
A. Mary’s.                          B. Helen’s.                      C. Tony’s.
3Why is the woman going to London?
A. To have a vacation.              B. To visit a friend.              C. To work there.
4How is the weather now?
A. Rainy.                          B. Cloudy.                      C. Sunny.
5Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. At a hotel.                      B. At a library.                  C. At a bookshop.
第二节:听长对话, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 回答问题。对话读两遍。
preciousprotection听下面一段对话, 回答第 6~7 小题。
6What’s Amy’s favourite hobby?
A. Singing.                          B. Dancing.                      C. Drawing. 2
7Which club does Amy advise Sam to join?
A. The Cooking Club.              B. The Acting Club.              C. The Music Club.
听下面一段对话, 回答第 8~10小题。
8How many hours does Bob sleep every night?
A. Six or seven hours.              B. Seven or eight hours.          C. Ten or more hours.
9What does Bob usually do at the weekend?
A. Exercise.                      B. Watch TV.                  C. Play computer games.
10What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Doctor and patient.              B. Mother and son.              C. Teacher and student.
第三节:听独白, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 回答问题。独白读两遍。
11What does Jessica think of her job?
A. Perfect.                          B. Boring.                      C. Relaxing.
12How does Jessica go to work?
A. On foot.                          B. By bus.                      C. By underground.
13What does Jessica do in the morning?
A. She phones her friend, Kelly.
B. She goes shopping for her lunch.
C. She collects shopping information.
14When does Jessica write a report?
A. At noon.                          B. In the afternoon.              C. In the evening.
15Where does Jessica often go on Sundays?
A. To the market.                  B. To the company.              C. To her mum`s home.
二、完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)
企业路由器阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, 使文章完整、通顺。
It was Mother’s Day. When I woke up that morning, I knew something was   16   in the house. Usually, I am the first to get up. But this morning, I could hear someone else up and searching around in the   __17  . I heard the sound of glasses and dishes ringing, the fridge door opening and closing, and water running. Things sounded quite   18  .
I called to see what was going on. My little boy Bill quickly answered. “Don’t   19  , Mum! ” he shouted as he came running to my bedroom door. “I’m making something   20   for you this Mother’s Day. I’m making a nice breakfast, and I want to   __21   you in bed.”
I was surprised because Bill had   22   made breakfast before. I considered if I should get up and   23   him. However, I decided to lie back and wait to see what he would   __24   for me. I smelled eggs burning, and I heard sausages frying too quickly. He sure was making a   25   in the kitchen!
After a few minutes, I heard my little boy knock at the bedroom door.   26   came into the room with some sausages and eggs, a hamburger and a glass of milk. The sausages were   __27   and the eggs were burnt. This was his first time to cook. I could feel the tears of great   __28   coming to my eyes as he put the dish of food on my bed and gave me a kiss. “Happy  Mother’s Day!” he said.
I ate the meal proudly   29   it was difficult to make the hard, burnt sausages go down my throat(喉咙).
Yes, that was many years ago.
Now, when Bill calls to wish me well on Mother’s Day, the   30   of that morning comes back. We always laugh about it. It has become a special story that we share
16A. hopeful            B. necessary          C. different              D. creative
17A. bedroom            B. bathroom            C. garden                D. kitchen
18A. easy              B. busy                C. common          D. serious
19A. get up              B. give up            C. run away            D. fall away
20A. special            B. strange            C. natural            D. expensive
21A. call                B. teach            C. serve            D. dress
22A. always              B. usually            C. sometimes            D. never
23A. help            B. feed                C. correct            D. punish
24A. buy                B. read                C. cook            D. sing
25A. wish                B. mess                  C. decision              D. change
26A. I                B. He                C. We                D. They
27A. delicious        B. fresh            C. hard                D. cold
28A. regret              B. shame              C. confidence        D. happiness