7A阶段反馈一(Oct 2020)
Part1Listening(第一部分    听力)(共22 分)
I.Listenandchoosetherightpicture根据你听到的内容选出相应的图片):. (3)
1.    2.    3.    金正勋4.    5.    6.   
II.Listentothedialogueandchoosethebestanswertothequestionyouhear根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8 分)
(    ) 7. A.China.
B. Australia.
C.India.    D.Canada.
(    ) 8. A.Maria’s.
B. Lisa’s.
C.Jane’s.    D.Tina’s.
(    ) 9. A.Whales.
B. Dolphins.
C.Fish.    D.Sheep.
(    ) 10. A.Lucy.
C. Bob.
B. Lucy’s classmate.
D. Julia’s classmate.
(    ) 11. A.One.
B. Four.
C. Three.    D.Two.
(    ) 12. A. In thelibrary.
B. In a cinema.
C. Inahospital.    D. In a zoo.
(    ) 13. A. She went to Beijing fortravelling.
B.She stayed at home with herfather.
C.She looked after her grandpa inBeijing.
D.She went on a trip to Beijing with hergrandpa.
(    ) 14. A. It is noisyandcrowed.    B. It isboring.
C. It is quietandrelaxing.    D. It isexciting.

III.Listentothepassageandtellwhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalse(判断下列句子是否符合你短文内容的用“T”表示不符合的用“F”表示夫妻之间全文未删减):(5分)(    )15. There will be a collection show at the speaker’s school nextFriday.
(    )16. Dennis’ favourite stamp is a pandastamp.
(    )17. Lucy gets her boxes from her parents, friendsand teachers.(    )18. Simon has collected all comic books about KeNan.
(    )19. Their English teacher will bring someCDs.
20.Some people canfindout    the    will belike.
21.Ifabird    out to the sea, it will be a niceday.
李美琪电影禁剧照22.Some peoplelookat    on afarm.
Part2Vocabularyand Grammar(第二部分    词汇和语法)(共38分)
V.Choose thebest answer选择最恰当的答案):(16分)
(    ) 23. Which of the following iswrong?
A.Shall I get some information about the SPCA?
B.A car accident happened near the bus stop.
C.Where did you go lastsummerholidays?   
D.They will move to a new flat very soon.
(    ) 24. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from theothers?
A.I prefer noodles to rice forlunch.
B.The fire quickly burnt the woodenhut.
C.Disney can draw many cartooncharacters.
D.Bill has to pay for his foolishbehavior.
(    ) 25. Shanghai Botanical Gardenisin    south ofShanghai.
A. a    B. /    C. an    D. the
(    )26.Thereare 12members in the yoga (瑜伽)club. But    of them is aman.
A.All    B.None    C. Every    D.Some(    ) 27.Gerryworks    a Maths teacher in ourschool.
A. for    B. at    C. in    D.as
(    ) 28. There are 500computers in our school. We are going tosend    computerstotheschools in the western part of China nextmonth.
A.twohundreds    B. two hundredsof
C.hundredsof    D. twohundred

(    ) 29. I hope to study inaschool    many flowers and trees init.
A.have    B. has    C. of        D.with(    ) 30. Mum has bought a sleeping bag forthebaby    .
A. to sleep    B. tosleepin    C. sleep        D. sleep in(    ) 31. . The heavy smoke from the factorymade us    sick.
A.felt        B. feel    C.feeling    D. to feel(    ) 32. Ittookme        to finish my homework lastSunday.
A.three hours andahalf    B. three and half anhour
C. three hour anda half    D. three and ahalfhour(    ) 33. I have a lot ofpenfriendsfrom        countries.
A.another    B. other    C. the other    D.others
(    ) 34. Every evening, I can seesome people    in the square near our housingestate.
A. dancing    B. dance    C.isdancing    D. todance
(    ) 35. My uncle knows Beijing very wellbecausehe    there for fiveyears.
A.lives        B.lived    C.haslived    D.willlive(    )36.    good time the students had at theparty!
A. What    B. Whata    C. Whatan    D. How
(    )37.    does it take to travel from People’s Square to Chongming Island bybus?
A.Howlong    B.Howoften    C.Howsoon    D.How fast(    ) 38. —Could you help me carry the heavy box, youngman?
A. Myfavourite.    B.Withpleasure.    C. Youareright.    D. Don’tworry.
VI.Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be usedonce将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格。每个单词或短语只能填一次):(6分)
贾静雯老公A. a long history
B. keeping a diary
C. different
D. differences
E. easily
F. know about
G. famous
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