Case Study 1
1.      List the main business organizations recognized by Scots Law.
2.      Given the fact that Lisa will be running the business herself and, for the time being, she is unlikely to be employing anyone, how would you classify her business?
3.      Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of the type of business organization run by Lisa
Case Question 1
The main business organizations recognized by Scots Law are:
Sole trader
Limited liability
Private company
Public company
Question 2
    Lisa is running a very small business, so the most appropriate form of organization is sole trader.
    According to the Companies Regulation 1992, Lisa’s organization form does not fit for the condition of private company; such a private company is limited by shares or by guarantee and need only have on member.
    As a result, we can judge that the organization form of Lisa’s company is sole trader.
Question 3
    very basic legal requirements to comply with
    Total control over his/her business and does not have to take into account the opinions of any shareholders.
毕福剑说了什么错话    It is the simplest form of business organization recognized by Scots Law
一路向西张暖雅④    A sole trader is to all intents and purposes to be regarded as a self-employed person.
    A sole trader may find it difficult to fund an expansion of the business because she/he can not offer shares to other parties in order to raise funds.(筹集资金)
    If the business fail, the sole trader is said to have unlimited liability for any debts or obligations owed to third parties.
    The inclusion of new partners would force a change in the nature of business, operation by converting it into a partnership or some other form of corporate body.
    (in any case), A business expansion requiring a major injection of capital might entail a loss of control over the business because new members who are a source of new finance will almost certainly demand a say in the running of the business.
Case Study 2
Question 1
What are the main differences between a traditional partnership and a limited liability partnership (LLP)?
Unincorporated body
Partners have unlimited liability in respect of partnership debts
No need to be registered with registrar of companies and no need to supply formal documents
Regulated by Partnership Act 1890
Corporate body
Members enjoy limited liability in respect of LLP debts
Must be registered with the registrar of companies and certain documents must be supplied
Regulated by LLP Act 2000
Question 2
What are the main advantages for an existing partnership when it changes to a limited liability partnership?
    The reason why many traditional partnerships try to translate to LLP is that the members can enjoy the limited responsibilities.
    Further more, under the conditions of losing of privacy and greatering external regulation for the members, lots of traditional partnerships definitely hope to translate to LLP.(because of LLP)
Question 3
What is the nature of the legal relationship between partners in firm and members of a LLP?
    There exist a fiduciary relationship in law relationship between company and partners.
    举例说明公司与成员之间的忠实关系 Pillans Brothers v Pillans [1908]
    According to Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000, section 6 regulations, there should be recognized to an agent’s relationship between members and LLP.
    The general rule of the law agency that an agent (member) must always act in the best interest of his principal (LLP).九九重阳节的来历
    A member is not an agent of his fellow members.
Case Study 3
Question 1
What is a company’s objects clause?
    Object clause 是存在于Memorandum of Association 之中的。
    Object clause 通常是公司的成立目的并且列出了公司可以从事商业或商事行为。
    Before the reforms introduced by the Companies Act 1989, 公司无权与第三人签订任何商业协议,除非公司的object clause有明确规定。
    假如公司 object clause 没有授权公司去从事某项商业交易时,则公司就没有行为能力(lack of capacity)去订立合同,并且第三方也不能抗辩(third party was no defence五险一金怎么交.
    Nowadays, many companies will have straight forward objects clauses which allow them to enter into any type of business of commercial transaction whatsoever.
Question 2
Does MacGregor have the right to withdraw from the project with Constructit?