时间:90分钟 满分:100分
一、单项选择。(每小题1. 5分,共15分)
1. —Who came to your office today, Ms. Brown?
—Sally came in. She hurt____ in P. E. class.
A. she      B. her 
C. hers      D. herself
2. —How can you get on so well ____ such a strange man?
—____ fact, he is nice but just a little shy.
A. with; In      B. in; In 
C. with; On      D. for; On
3. —What can I do to help at the old people's home?
—You____read stories to the old people.
斗鱼远洋君A. could      B. must 
C. should      D. would
4. —What's wrong with you, Mike?
—I'm really tired because I studied for today's test____ midnight last night.
A. although      B. unless 
C. until      D. because
5. —What were you doing when the storm came?
—I____ in the library with Jane.
A. read      B. am reading 
C. will read      D. was reading
6. —Now more and more people are riding shared bikes.
—Yes. ____ shared bikes we use, ____ pollution there will be.
A. The more; the more 
B. The fewer; the more
C. The fewer; the less 
D. The more; the less
7. —Where did you get the book?
—From my friend. I____ it three days ago.
A. lent      B. borrowed 
C. kept      D. returned
8. —Most students think the new teacher is great. What's your ____?
—I think she should improve her way of teaching.
A. prediction      B. decision 
C. opinion      D. situation
9. —Who sent the box to us, Mom? What's in it?
—I'm not sure. ____ it's a gift from your grandparents.
A. Anyway      B. Instead 
C. Perhaps  创意早餐    D. However
10. —Could you take out the rubbish, Jim?
—____. I have too much homework to do. You can ask Sally to do it.
A. Sorry, I can't      B. No problem 
C. I disagree      D. No, thanks
二、完形填空。王杰女儿(每小题1. 5分,共15分)
Last summer I had an experience I'll never forget. I went __11__ with the Boy Scouts of America. One afternoon I decided to go for a walk by myself. I'll be back __12__ dinner is ready, I said and __13__.
However, I was soon lost and began to feel very __14__, since it was getting dark. To make matters worse, I could __15__ strange sounds and I knew there might be snakes in the area. I tried not to think about that and kept walking, with the __16__ of finding my way back to camp as soon as possible. Suddenly, I saw some smoke(烟) far away. A feeling of excitement filled me. I used my __17__ to get through the thick(茂密的)forest. As a result, my hands started bleeding, but I didn't  __18__. As soon as I reached the camp, I found that the campers were not Boy Scouts. However, I was __19__ as they knew about the group I was with and sent me back.
It felt like I had walked around for ages, but in fact I was __小马过河的故事20__ lost for two hours. I don't know why I was so worried!
11. A. camping        B. swimming      C. climbing        D. fishing
12. A. because       B. though       C. before      D. if
13. A. fell       B. left      C. appeared       D. returned
14. A. tired       B. surprised      C. bored       D. afraid
15. A. hear       B. understand      C. make       D. remember
16. A. problem       B. promise      C. hope       D. help
17. A. hands       B. nose       C. ears      D. head
18. A. try       B. wonder       C. agree      D. care
怎么做怎么过深夜才不会寂寞19. A. lucky       B. free       C. ready      D. popular
20. A. even       B. only    C. also      D. still
Lisa's weekly housework
Lisa's parents want her to do some housework every day. They don't want Lisa to depend on them too much. Lisa can learn some life skills (技能) and get some pocket money at the same time. Let's see what housework Lisa does in a week.
21. Lisa's parents want her to be ____.
A. smart      B. happy
C. independent      D. hard­working
22. Lisa ____ every Thursday.
A. sweeps the floor      B. helps cook dinner
C. does the dishes      D. washes the car
23. Lisa can get ____ in a week.
A. $20      B. $19 
C. $11      D. $6
24. Lisa helps ____ and ____ on Tuesday.
A. sweep the floor; set the table
B. set the table; wash clothes
C. cook dinner; walk the dog
D. walk the dog; clean the bathroom
25. What can we learn about Lisa?
A. She makes her bed every day.
B. Her parents never give her any pocket money.
C. She needs to walk the dog twice a week.
D. She doesn't need to do any housework on Saturday.
Tang Shangjun, a 93­year­old man, retired(退休) from teaching in 1987. However, his role as a teacher didn't stop there.
In 1997, Tang returned to his hometown—Wuhan Village of Anhua County in Yiyang City, Hunan Province. He soon found that there were many left­behind children in the village and no one helped them when they had trouble with their homework. Many children even dropped out of school after losing interest in studies. Tang decided to offer after­school classes to the children in his own wooden house. And he did it all for free.