Unit3  I‘m more outgoing than my sister.  单元测试卷
八年级上 英语
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第1部分 听力(共三节,满分30分) 
I. 对话选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读一遍。
6. Who is more outgoing?
A. Jane.    B. Linda.    C. Jack.
7.What does the woman look like
A. She is heavy and quiet.    B. She is short and quiet.    C. She is tall and quiet.
8.Who is taller?
自定义表情A. Jack.   B. John.   C. John's brother.
9.Which one is not their hobby?
A. Playing the guitar.   B. Playing sports.   C. Playing computer games.
10.What is Tom like?
计算机发展史A. He is outgoing.      B. He is quiet        C. He is friendly.   
11.Why does Lisa like Peter?
A. Because they like the different books.
B. Because he likes to read the same kinds of books.
保剑锋资料C. Because Peter is good at math. 
12.Which sentence is NOT RIGHT?
A. Peter plays badminton better than Lisa.
B. Lisa is more outgoing than Peter.
C. Peter speaks more loudly than Lisa.
13.What does Lisa think of reading online?
A. It is a good way to read. 
B. It is bad for eyes. 
C. It is quieter.
14.What's the difference (不同) between Lisa and Mary?李小璐贾乃亮复婚
A. Lisa is taller. 
B. Mary has long straight hair. 
C. Lisa's hair is shorter than Mary's.
15.Who studies the hardest?
A. Mary.   B. Peter.     C. Lisa.
16.We think English is ______ math.
A. as well as  B. as better as    C. most well   D. as important as
17.For me, playing tennis is ______ than watching matches on TV.
A. more enjoyable  B. enjoyable    C. most enjoyable  D. enjoyable
18.Mr. Wu plays table tennis ______ he did last year.
A. so better as         B. so wonderful as    C. as good as               D. as well as
武林外传 台词19.Johnson works ______ than his father did at his age. 
A. even harder     B. the harder        C. even more harder  D. even more hard
20.My father had to take a bus to work, because his car ______.
A. breaked down                   B. broke down                C. breaked out         D. broke out
21.I'm running late. My mother will be angry with me,  but I don't ______ it.
A. care for    B. care about    C. take care    D. take care of
22.I'm hungry. Would you like ______ your cake ______ me?
A. sharing; to    B. to share; to      C. sharing; with      D. to share; with 
23.He is quite different ______ his father.
A. as           B. with      C. on           D. from
24.His own diet is similar ______ his mother's.
A. as       B. with        C. to             D. from
25.The white horse runs fast, but the black one runs ______ than it.
A. more fast       B. even faster        C. much fast        D. far more fast 
第一节  (共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)
Jim is in a drawing class.The teacher is teaching the students how to draw mountains.Jim likes to draw, but he isn't good at drawing mountains.So he looks at Wei Hua's drawing.Her mountain is higher than David's.Jim then looks at Lin Tao's mountain.His is the highest of all.
Jim thinks he doesn't like high mountains, but he doesn't know what to draw.He decides to look at some more drawings.Jim looks at Lucy's mountain.Her mountain is small.Lily says, “Look at mine, Jim.” Lily's mountain is smaller than Lucy's.Jim wants to look at one more mountain.He looks at Liz's.Hers is the smallest of all.
Then Jim looks at the teacher's mountain on the blackboard again.He starts to draw.At the end of the class the teacher has a look at their pictures and takes out three drawings.He says, “David's drawing is good.Lily is better than David's, but Jim's is the best of all.”
26.What class is Jim having?
A.A music class.B.A drawing class. C.A  P.E.class. D.A geography class.
27.Whose mountain is the smallest?
A.David's.    B.Lin Tao's.      C.Lily's.            D.Liz's.
28.How many pictures does Jim look at before begins to draw his picture?
A.Five.      B.Six.            C.Seven.            D.Eight.
29.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Jim is good at drawing mountains.
B.The teacher draws a picture on the blackboard.
C.Jim doesn't like high mountain.
D.Lily's picture is better than David's.
30.What's the best title of this article?